Chicago Fanatics Message Board

"Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.
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Author:  Mac [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:29 pm ]
Post subject:  "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

I'd like to respond to some of the comments posted on Gloopy's intellectually stimulating thread.

Dead pools have happened on my shows before. As a public figure, I don't quarrel with being mentioned in one. Based on the way the three guys mentioned (North, Tiny and me) have lived, I get it. Regarding DENISDMAN's suggestion "Danny seems to be on active collision course with something bad..." I disagree. Haven't danced with the little white devil in many years and was smart enough not to drink excessively and get behind the wheel for a long time. I'm off alcohol now and intend to say there. And weed, which was my drug of choice, never caused an overdose (to my knowledge). Do I have self-destructive tendencies? Sure. But the last three months have been the most peaceful in my life and I'm keeping it there.

As for Mike North... I wish him nothing but the best. He's a good guy and his ascent to stardom in the '90s is one of the more fascinating stories in Chicago business in the past 25 years. His decisions since 2000 have been bad ones and he's paying the price for them. My hope, however, is he and BeBe live long, happy lives. Comparing how much money he/I have is one of the sadder commentaries about some of the content that gets discussed here. I want to thank DOUG FROM EVERGREEN PARK for lightening the mood with "Break out the W-2s!"

I plan to work for 10 more years or so. The hillbilly mansion is paid off in about 9 years. My lifestyle isn't that crazy. The Canadien fishing trips cost way more than you guys guessed, but the golf? Meh. I spend more on gas and tolls getting there than greens fees. I appreciate GOOD DOLPHIN's faith in my financial health, but you have to remember a few things... the divorce hammered me (some of you mentioned that). I started making the "tall cash" in '05, a couple years before the market crashed. Two of my big moves were in the financial sector. Oops. Also lost my ass on a pharmaceutical company in NWI that was on the cusp of a Neuroblastoma drug it was going to sell to GE. GE didn't bite and the company bellied up. Throw in two college educations (Van and Jack) and Patrick's therapy (plus the ridiculous amount of life insurance I have to have to support him when I'm gone)... I'm not in a position to retire anytime soon.

Regarding programming... SPMACK suggested I was "probably the happiest guy at the Score when the Bulls were eliminated." When they were eliminated, most of us were happy because the post-season without Rose was pointless. I was sad when Rose blew out the knee... not for myself... but for true Bulls fans. To me, the Bulls are just product. I believe it was MR. BELVIDERE who has suggested I offer to much information on my personal life on the air. Totally understand that, Mr. B. I know it's not for everybody. Some would prefer a more straight sports approach. For them, perhaps M&H is a perfect blueprint. It's not me, however. And being an open book for the past seven or eight years has been a winning formula. Skills on the wall = sawbucks. That's why I go to work everyday: precious legal tender. As long as it works the way I've been doing it, I'm going to run with it.

The future? HATCHETMAN wrote "Old people are not exactly hot commodities in the entertainment industry." Howard Stern is 57 and is doing the best radio of his life. I believe I'm capable of the same thing at 50. With an improved outlook and accepting my position in the batting order with gratitude, I'm en route. We're drumming Silvy and Waddle. Every week the separation grows. Only the Drive beats us (9-1) consistently. If they ever put me back in afternoon drive as GD suggests they will...I'd do it, but I'm happy to be where I am now and I'm making a very handsome living doing something I love.

Lastly, to GLOOPY and SID: "Hatred is baggage." -- Daniel Vineyard, in "American History X." I will pray for your recovery. Don't know for a fact that either or both of you are addicts/alcoholics, but your level of contempt for me and others leads me to believe you are. If I'm wrong you clearly are what's referred to as "dry drunks." If that's the case, I strongly encourage you to find a 12-step program for raging assholes.

Author:  jimmypasta [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

I listened today. That was some exchange between you and that football coach! THAT was great radio...Seriously!.

Author:  spanky [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

See. Told you guys he was in better $$$ shape than Nort.

Author:  spmack [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

Mac wrote:
SPMACK suggested I was "probably the happiest guy at the Score when the Bulls were eliminated." When they were eliminated, most of us were happy because the post-season without Rose was pointless. I was sad when Rose blew out the knee... not for myself... but for true Bulls fans. To me, the Bulls are just product.

Thanks as always, Mac. I give ya crap cuz I love ya.

Author:  SomeGuy [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

jimmypasta wrote:
I listened today. That was some exchange between you and that football coach! THAT was great radio...Seriously!.

Agreed. When Mac said "Ya know, I bet you haven't coached a down of football if you're saying stuff like that...", it was on. Good stuff. I wish you would have taken that fervor with BernSTINE about the Haugh article and his obvious misrepresentation of it, but I understand you sometimes have to tread lightly around Danny B. so he doesn't throw a screaming child-like tantrum.

Mac, you've been sharp as hell since you've been back from the fishing trip and mostly since you've been healthy. Please, please, please keep it up. The B&B kind of suck now, mostly at least, and I need you to be good.

Do you want to be good, Danny? Hmmm,hmmmm,hmmmm????


Author:  walkrman5 [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

Post's like this is what makes Mac who he is "to us". Real & genuine. Never met him...don't care if I do, but pretty sure I'd enjoy his comapny & vice - versa.

Mac...think you hit this post out of the park....and if people read what you wrote, they should be able to see you are a guy living his life and trying to make & save some coin...and take care of his family all at the same time.

That said...not sure what it is...but I liked you better on MJH & Heavy Fuel. I don't relate it to the weed either...I think it might be slot......But something is off your fast ball lately. Still appreciate ya though.

Author:  Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 7:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

Mac wrote:
Patrick's therapy (plus the ridiculous amount of life insurance I have to have to support him when I'm gone)... I'm not in a position to retire anytime soon.

I can sympathize with you there. I still don't know what the hell I'm going to do in 15 years.

Mac wrote:
Howard Stern is 57 and is doing the best radio of his life.

No, he isn't.

Author:  Score is doomed [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

Mac wrote:
I'd like to respond to some of the comments posted on Gloopy's intellectually stimulating thread.

Lastly, to GLOOPY and SID: "Hatred is baggage." -- Daniel Vineyard, in "American History X." I will pray for your recovery. Don't know for a fact that either or both of you are addicts/alcoholics, but your level of contempt for me and others leads me to believe you are. If I'm wrong you clearly are what's referred to as "dry drunks." If that's the case, I strongly encourage you to find a 12-step program for raging assholes.

Hey Mac, fuck off you self absorbed has been.
Having you stopped pissing yourself yet? That should have been a clear indication you had a problem.
As far as your life, I don't give a fuck and many others don't find it entertaining either.

This is therapy for many, some to kiss your ass and others to tell it as they see it. You don't like it, PTFB. I fail to see why anybody on this earth would take advice from you, an admitted drug abusing drunk with anger issues. I'd suggest you go get real help for your issues, not some out patient vacation, but real help. You truly need it.

Author:  cpguy [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

Nice read Mac. Hope everything continues well for you.

Author:  jimmypasta [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

SID has some violent anger issues. C'mon man,it's just a guy who talks on the radio,unless of course we are talking Dan Bernstein,it's not warranted.

Author:  A7X [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

Good stuff Mac!

Author:  conns7901 [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

Well sid showed up about the time jhood got fired from wscr.

Author:  SomeGuy [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

conns7901 wrote:
Well sid showed up about the time jhood got fired from wscr.


Author:  jimmypasta [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

I like J.Hood,too. I thought he was one of the best guys on the SCORE.
Right up there with Murph.

Author:  SomeGuy [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

Why was JHOOD cut? Why would a atation do that to themselves?

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

Pharmacuetical company in NorthWest Indiana?

Who could resist throwing money at that?! Who's your broker, JT Marlin?

Real good post, Mac. Appreciate your camdor always and am glad youve said "to hell with it" on Mitchs edict thay you guys no longer post here.

Hood is not SID. I will brong forth no evidence. Either take my word or dismiss it

Author:  Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

rogers park bryan wrote:
Either take my word or dismiss it

Will do.

Author:  RFDC [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

walkrman5 wrote:
Post's like this is what makes Mac who he is "to us". Real & genuine. Never met him...don't care if I do, but pretty sure I'd enjoy his comapny & vice - versa.

Mac...think you hit this post out of the park....and if people read what you wrote, they should be able to see you are a guy living his life and trying to make & save some coin...and take care of his family all at the same time.

This is exactly how I feel. Thanks for your honesty and genuineness Mac. Keep up the good work!

Author:  A7X [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

SomeGuy wrote:
Why was JHOOD cut? Why would a atation do that to themselves?

Hood developed a pretty bad attitude when he got stuck with Telender. I don't blame him, but his disgust was about as subtle as a sledgehammer. I am a J Hood fan. I used to love High School Holla!! and Wrestlemaniacs, and I try and catch him when he's on 1000. I would much like a J Hood for Larry Holmes trade.

Author:  NearWessSideHussra [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

rogers park bryan wrote:
Pharmacuetical company in NorthWest Indiana?

Who could resist throwing money at that?! Who's your broker, JT Marlin?


Author:  jimmypasta [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

RFDC wrote:
walkrman5 wrote:
Post's like this is what makes Mac who he is "to us". Real & genuine. Never met him...don't care if I do, but pretty sure I'd enjoy his comapny & vice - versa.

Mac...think you hit this post out of the park....and if people read what you wrote, they should be able to see you are a guy living his life and trying to make & save some coin...and take care of his family all at the same time.

This is exactly how I feel. Thanks for your honesty and genuineness Mac. Keep up the good work!


Author:  rogers park bryan [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater wrote:
rogers park bryan wrote:
Either take my word or dismiss it

Will do.

You took that low hangung fruit faster than Barney Frank on a gay cruise


Author:  cpguy [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

A7X wrote:
SomeGuy wrote:
Why was JHOOD cut? Why would a atation do that to themselves?

Hood developed a pretty bad attitude when he got stuck with Telender. I don't blame him, but his disgust was about as subtle as a sledgehammer. I am a J Hood fan. I used to love High School Holla!! and Wrestlemaniacs, and I try and catch him when he's on 1000. I would much like a J Hood for Larry Holmes trade.

+ 1 and in a New York minute.

Author:  A7X [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

I do think a Mac & Hood pairing would work. J Hood was really good with Mac and Jurco when he filled in for Harry.

Author:  Zizou [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

Mac and Hood would do well. Hood would cover for Mackeyfish on the basketball front and I wouldn't have to hear the prison bitch Spiegel talk about giggling and how things tickle him.

Author:  spmack [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

rogers park bryan wrote:
Dr. Kenneth Noisewater wrote:
rogers park bryan wrote:
Either take my word or dismiss it

Will do.

You took that low hangung fruit faster than Barney Frank on a gay cruise



Author:  Elmhurst Steve [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

Score is doomed wrote:
Mac wrote:
I'd like to respond to some of the comments posted on Gloopy's intellectually stimulating thread.

Lastly, to GLOOPY and SID: "Hatred is baggage." -- Daniel Vineyard, in "American History X." I will pray for your recovery. Don't know for a fact that either or both of you are addicts/alcoholics, but your level of contempt for me and others leads me to believe you are. If I'm wrong you clearly are what's referred to as "dry drunks." If that's the case, I strongly encourage you to find a 12-step program for raging assholes.

Hey Mac, fuck off you self absorbed has been.
Having you stopped pissing yourself yet? That should have been a clear indication you had a problem.
As far as your life, I don't give a fuck and many others don't find it entertaining either.

This is therapy for many, some to kiss your ass and others to tell it as they see it. You don't like it, PTFB. I fail to see why anybody on this earth would take advice from you, an admitted drug abusing drunk with anger issues. I'd suggest you go get real help for your issues, not some out patient vacation, but real help. You truly need it.

Actually, I think that advice from someone who has experienced similar problems, is taken to heart more often. Why you have such animosity towards Mac is a real mystery. I have been a longtime listener of his, so I obviously have a very different opinion about his work. But if you don't care for his show, punch the button and listen to one you like. But more than that, I cannot understand why you bother to post here in the section devoted to Mac? If you don't like his show and don't listen to it, why the obsessive nature that leads you to post in the section devoted to him? Comes off as weird....

Author:  Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

rogers park bryan wrote:
Dr. Kenneth Noisewater wrote:
rogers park bryan wrote:
Either take my word or dismiss it

Will do.

You took that low hangung fruit faster than Barney Frank on a gay cruise


That's the only fruit you have. I made do.

Author:  Scorehead [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

Any of the shows on WSCR would be better with J Hood as a cohost.

Author:  Elmhurst Steve [ Tue Jun 05, 2012 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Mac vs. North," $$$, lifestyles, programming, etc.

Scorehead wrote:
Any of the shows on WSCR would be better with J Hood as a cohost.

I have to disagree. Hood has a good sense of humor and he can do some good impersonations, but he is lacking in preparation too often. By that, I mean he is too often uninformed about the subject matter he is supposed to discuss. I am amazed that he has stayed in this market at all, and not at all surprised the Score showed him the door.

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