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Larry backstabbing Danny Mac
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Author:  bigfan [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

Got about the last 30 minutes of the Goff and Holmes extravaganza (Goff, I have told you not to do shows with him....never listen do you?)

Larry making fun of Danny Mac's back issue as an excuse to leave early....and then when the transition comes, Larry insist he will be "talking" to Dan and Terry, not trying to read the guest lists as fast as possible just to get out of there, like some people do? Which people are you talking about Larry?

Sure sounds like someone got a little head inflation issue with their place at the Score.

I guess it would be hard to find someone that can suck on Peanuts Peanut that hard!!!!!

You know what I am talking about Goff....!!!

Ya know that time today when you are trying to make a point and Larry is teaching Peanut how to read all the texts and hit refresh, then which ones to read....meanwhile Goff is just talking to himself!!!

Author:  SomeGuy [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

bigfan wrote:
Got about the last 30 minutes of the Goff and Holmes extravaganza (Goff, I have told you not to do shows with him....never listen do you?)

Larry making fun of Danny Mac's back issue as an excuse to leave early....and then when the transition comes, Larry insist he will be "talking" to Dan and Terry, not trying to read the guest lists as fast as possible just to get out of there, like some people do? Which people are you talking about Larry?

Sure sounds like someone got a little head inflation issue with their place at the Score.

I guess it would be hard to find someone that can suck on Peanuts Peanut that hard!!!!!

You know what I am talking about Goff....!!!

Ya know that time today when you are trying to make a point and Larry is teaching Peanut how to read all the texts and hit refresh, then which ones to read....meanwhile Goff is just talking to himself!!!

I caught a bit of that. Larry is a real piece of shit, he needs to know his place at the station and realize that there is a reason he doesn't have a full time prime time gig.

Goff sure did talk a lot without taking a breath, though, slow down J, you're going to pass out!

Author:  Firefox [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

Mac is a loser who needs more bipolar pills to function properly. Larry is the star of the company.



Author:  Colonel Angus [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

Larry stabbing a white guy in the back? WhaWhaWhaaaaaaaaat?

Author:  Beardown [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

Goff takes his shots at Mac as well.

Finfer subbed for Spiegel last week. No Larry or Goff. Mac goes with one of his own.

Maybe that's Goff's and Larry's punishment for their "Mac attacks". I told Goff that Mac would only take so much. He never listens to me.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

If Leery co-hosted with Teary, do you think he'd say "now that I'm here, we're not going to talk about Penn State all day like some people"? Well, he might, but not without adding "just kidding, Daaaaaaannnnnn, and we all hope you'll be back veery, veery soon. Just giving you a hard time in return for you giving me a hard time in 1998! Yeah, I still remember."

Author:  BD [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

How many times did Holmes mention NBC5 today? I don't hear him much (thankfully) especially when he's on in the daytime, but that guy can't go 2 or 3 minutes usually without telling a story about how cool his co-worker are, or what a great time it is to work there.

Author:  bigfan [ Mon Aug 13, 2012 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

All I know is he thanked his personal friend from the IOC? International Olympic Committee? lol

If Larry was 10% as powerful and connected as he thinks he is, he might have something going for him.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

Its nice when dreams are realized

Author:  SomeGuy [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

bigfan wrote:
All I know is he thanked his personal friend from the IOC? International Olympic Committee? lol

If Larry was 10% as powerful and connected as he thinks he is, he might have something going for him.

Was that the guy that they had on yesterday that went to NIU?

That was a bad pairing. Goff talking to much and Larry being allowed near a microphone at any time other than 6-10pm.

Author:  badrogue17 [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

Larry peeling Lil Danny's foreskin back like a banana and getting all up in his peenus over what national attention his groundbreaking article ( Oh im sorry its not an article its an opinion piece, my bad) about Bolt juicing was a thing.

Author:  SomeGuy [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

badrogue17 wrote:
Larry peeling Lil Danny's foreskin back like a banana and getting all up in his peenus over what national attention his groundbreaking article ( Oh im sorry its not an article its an opinion piece, my bad) about Bolt juicing was a thing.

Larry loves himself some BernSTINE cock even though Danny B. looks down at Leery as the scum sucker he is.

It's obvious that Larry doesn't like Mac all that much, and Mac doesn't like Larry either. I love the shit he gives him when they's pretty obvious Mac probably didn't pick Larry to co-host whenever he is on.

Author:  good dolphin [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

Dan called Sir one of the best co workers he has been around less than six months ago. I think this is being overplayed. I do think there is some tension between Dan and Goff. The DaMaNeel shit is way overplayed but he continues to throw it out.

Author:  SomeGuy [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

good dolphin wrote:
Dan called Sir one of the best co workers he has been around less than six months ago. I think this is being overplayed. I do think there is some tension between Dan and Goff. The DaMaNeel shit is way overplayed but he continues to throw it out.

He used the term "best teammates." Same thing but I remember him being very guarded when speaking about liking Larry or not, or even whether he liked to work with him.

Author:  badrogue17 [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 8:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

good dolphin wrote:
Dan called Sir one of the best co workers he has been around less than six months ago. I think this is being overplayed. I do think there is some tension between Dan and Goff. The DaMaNeel shit is way overplayed but he continues to throw it out.

Overplayed? Their entire show is like the worst of our board meme's being thrown out there every day.

Author:  Tall Midget [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

Beardown wrote:
Finfer subbed for Spiegel last week. No Larry or Goff. Mac goes with one of his own.

I like Finfer. He's does a better Mac than Mac does.

Author:  Mr. Hernandez [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

Colonel Angus wrote:
Larry stabbing a white guy in the back? WhaWhaWhaaaaaaaaat?

Too much white on white crime in chicago sports radio

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

I seriously hope that Mac can weigh in on this.....after he's done tweeting and facebooking.....and fishing.....wait, put fishing first.

Author:  Krazy Ivan [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

Glad this thread survived...

Author:  donspiracy [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 9:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

Krazy Ivan wrote:
Glad this thread survived...

Only two people flagged it and ask for it to be removed. Need at least three to get Bigfan to pick up the thread shears.

Author:  Beardown [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

good dolphin wrote:
Dan called Sir one of the best co workers he has been around less than six months ago. I think this is being overplayed. I do think there is some tension between Dan and Goff. The DaMaNeel shit is way overplayed but he continues to throw it out.

Agreed. Not sure about Larry vs Mac but the Goff vs. Mac thing is real.

Theory on why larry and Goff might dislike Mac: He is everything that Bernstein has taught them to hate in white people. He's not one of the good ones.

1. Mac grew up with those Indiana girls on those Indiana nights

2. He likes to fish

3. He smokes ciggaretts

4. Loves Hockey, hates basketball (Key racist red flag that Bernstein taught Goff and Larry)

5. Loves Rock. Hates Hip hop and rap.

6. He likes to tailgate before games.

7. Hangs out with his old high school football teammates to this very day.

8. He gambles on point spreads and plays fantasy football.

These are all horrible "white people" things in the minds of Goff and Larry. Are they really? No. Bernstein brainwashed them.

Author:  Beardown [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

Thing I like about Mac, he gives it back to them. To everybody at the Score. No matter your race, religion, creed or color.

It's not like that phony B&B-Larry relationship that we hear. Where Larry kisses their ass and B&B pretend to love him because of that. Goff and B&B have a weird thing going too. Goff, for the most part, preeches their sports bible so he's in their good graces.

I think Larry and Goff think that they can say whatever they want without retaliation cuz they think everybody at the station has white guilt. Score staffers know Larry and Goff have this want to bring up racism a lot.

Not Mac. He's not scared. You mess with this cracker, you're gonna get the horns. This cracker strikes back!!!!

Goff: :shock:

Larry: :shock:

Finfer: :P

Mac: Image

Author:  Beardown [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 4:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

Bernstein: Wow. Goff is out becuase of the "Da Ma Na" stuff. Larry is out cuz of a few insults. Mac done gone crazy.

Chris Rock: No. That cracker didn't go crazy. That cracker went cracker.

Bernstein: :lol:

Larry: :x

Goff: :x

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Tue Aug 14, 2012 5:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

This thread is turning bad sad, not fun bad. :(

Author:  Frontman [ Wed Aug 15, 2012 5:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

Larry's just pissed he's gotten relegated to filling in for off nights for the White Sox again. Him and Hamp weren't all that good on the air.

Author:  Beardown [ Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

Q.Bovifs wrote:
Beardown wrote:
Goff takes his shots at Mac as well.

Finfer subbed for Spiegel last week. No Larry or Goff. Mac goes with one of his own.

Maybe that's Goff's and Larry's punishment for their "Mac attacks". I told Goff that Mac would only take so much. He never listens to me.

I bet Goff is anticipating a torch hand-over from Uncle Terry. Would explain the recent cockiness and flippance

Anyone with ears could reasonably envison TB promising him that.

They are allowing him to jump in more and more - and have phased this in the past year-or-two-ish.

No. If Terry Boers retires he'd have no say on his replacement. That's wouldn't make sense. It would be Bernstein's call.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

Frontman wrote:
Larry's just pissed he's gotten relegated to filling in for off nights for the White Sox again. Him and Hamp weren't all that good on the air.

Looks like you're taking hits from Michael Phelps's bong!!!!! *gurgleurgleurgleurgle*

Author:  Beardown [ Wed Aug 15, 2012 6:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Larry backstabbing Danny Mac

Once Boers is off the payroll, why would they care what that cracker wants?

Boers would negotiate it? What does that mean? Why would Boers negotiate for Goff? What is in it for Boers? Why would the Score even entertain such a negotiation? How exactly would this work and why would it be done?

Terry: I'll quit if you hire Goff to replace me?


C'mon, you just don't make much sense with this one.

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