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Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish
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Author:  Rod [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

Use this thread to track all the stupid shit Spiegel does or says.

I'll start:

Makes racist remark on Chicago Tonight and is so fucking obtuse he is unaware he has done it and then excuses himself by saying he was "just being honest".

Author:  veganfan21 [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

What did he say?

By the way, with all the race/ethnic bashing that we partake in on this board, is it really consistent for us to call out others? Just thinking out loud.

Author:  pittmike [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

It was awkward but I think he was trying to say that hockey guys can fit right into normal society settings or at your kids school gathering. Basically because they are not 300 pound black linemen or 6'9" black power forwards.

Author:  veganfan21 [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

pittmike wrote:
It was awkward but I think he was trying to say that hockey guys can fit right into normal society settings or at your kids school gathering. Basically because they are not 300 pound black linemen or 6'9" black power forwards.

Thanks. That's some pretty bad social commentary.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

There are hockey players who are perfect gentlemen off the ice and then there are those who are total dickholes. It's the same as any sport, really.

I've obliquely touched on the "they're just 6'1'' white guys" thing as a possible reason as to why Bernstein drops his monocle on hockey fighting while fetishizing the armored black studs of the NFL: the contrivance of putting on a suit of armor, standing in lines, and running headfirst into each other so as to pass a computer-generated yellow line is so far removed from reality that even though it's a hundred times more dangerous than a silly hockey fight, you can't really find it threatening. In a hockey fight, you just have two (usually) white dudes whaling on each other because one guy called the other guy's mom a Caller Bob. This is something that could conceivably happen to you in real life, and thus makes you fearful on some instinctual level.

I think Matt is coming at this from the same place as Dan, which is a sense of resentment that a league that is not his favorite (MLB, NBA) is lauded, perhaps not truthfully, as having "the best guys." You know that just eats at Dan like battery acid. He rode the bus with the Raleigh Bullfrogs! He knows that basketball players are good guys! They cut each other's hair and drink coffee and eat pizza and have conversations, just like real human beings! People just don't realize it because they're black. But he saw it! He was there! They're not just a bunch of dumb white guys. Harumph.

Author:  Rod [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

veganfan21 wrote:
What did he say?

By the way, with all the race/ethnic bashing that we partake in on this board, is it really consistent for us to call out others? Just thinking out loud.

Well, the forum in which it occurred is what made it so dumb rather than simply the dumb thing he said. It's one thing to race bait on an afternoon sports zoo or a message board. It's another to do it on PBS. I'm sure bernstein knows that.

Author:  Seacrest [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
veganfan21 wrote:
What did he say?

By the way, with all the race/ethnic bashing that we partake in on this board, is it really consistent for us to call out others? Just thinking out loud.

Well, the forum in which it occurred is what made it so dumb rather than simply the dumb thing he said. It's one thing to race bait on an afternoon sports zoo or a message board. It's another to do it on PBS. I'm sure bernstein knows that.

Not sure Spiegs will be back anytime soon.

Author:  Rod [ Mon Jun 03, 2013 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

Seacrest wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
veganfan21 wrote:
What did he say?

By the way, with all the race/ethnic bashing that we partake in on this board, is it really consistent for us to call out others? Just thinking out loud.

Well, the forum in which it occurred is what made it so dumb rather than simply the dumb thing he said. It's one thing to race bait on an afternoon sports zoo or a message board. It's another to do it on PBS. I'm sure bernstein knows that.

Not sure Spiegs will be back anytime soon.

Probably not. I'll give Spiegel this much- he's ignorantly honest. Can you imagine bernstein talking about breeding Brittney Griner with Elizabeth Brackett? Of course not. bernstein has too much sense. And even though he has such twisted thoughts, he generally confines them to his show where he can cover by calling it "comedy", i.e. "that's just what we do, we're idiots." And Twitter, which is full of idiotic thoughts. Spiegel is too goddamn dumb to know any better.

Author:  FavreFan [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

:lol: :lol:

Great thread so far JORR

Author:  Scorehead [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

As I said in another post, why in the world would the Chicago Tonight people want Spiegel on their show?

Author:  Rod [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

Scorehead wrote:
As I said in another post, why in the world would the Chicago Tonight people want Spiegel on their show?

The probably just wanted a "sports guy" and he was easy enough to get. What they didn't realize was that Spiegel has become a product of his environment- danny bernstein's WSCR. As such, Spiegel thought it was quite normal to use terms like "white basketball" or "big black studs" or "dong whipping". He had no damn idea that outside the context of WSCR, in the real world, such talk is considered inappropriate and highly offensive. They probably asked him what the fuck that was all about as soon as the cameras stopped and Spiegel was probably puzzled and scratched his big, dumb head and said, "But, but, but bernstein says slow, tiny, and white all the time and nobody reprimands him." Indeed, by the standards of the Score, what Spiegel said on Chicago Tonight was really quite innocuous.

Author:  Gloopan Kuratz [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

As I said in another post, why in the world would the Chicago Tonight people want Spiegel on their show?

And how did they come up with a chair with no arms so quickly?

Author:  Rod [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 6:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

Gloopan Kuratz wrote:
As I said in another post, why in the world would the Chicago Tonight people want Spiegel on their show?

And how did they come up with a chair with no arms so quickly?

They used John Callaway's old chair.

Author:  bigfan [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

Scorehead wrote:
As I said in another post, why in the world would the Chicago Tonight people want Spiegel on their show?

Joel Weissman, Host and local media agent. Reps a ton of media people and knows the other half. Great way for Joel to recruit clients

'hey, I know you are not my client, but wanna be on my show?"

Author:  Brick [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

Didn't Spiegs quit hit and run to spend more time with his family?

Author:  bigfan [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 7:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

Boilermaker Rick wrote:
Didn't Spiegs quit hit and run to spend more time with his family?

and drive Mikes kids to school

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

A racist would point out that his thoughts and actions revolving around the showpot suggest he IS jewish.

Author:  good dolphin [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

I don't like the thread title

Author:  Curious Hair [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Indeed, by the standards of the Score, what Spiegel said on Chicago Tonight was really quite innocuous.

There was this one time on Weekend Edition where Scott Simon had Leitch on to talk about his new book, and Simon blindsided him with "this part where you said Tony Dungy isn't really black, now seriously, what's wrong with you?", and Leitch pretty much had nothing to come back with but a complete verbal pantsshitting.

EDIT: ah yes, here it is:

SIMON: And you know, I mean, you've got them for lots of people. Most of these are very good-natured, but more than once - and you mentioned Tiger Woods. I'm going to read a Tony Dungy entrance - entry to you, if I could.

(Reading) Beloved Colts coach who overcame the suicide of his son to become the first black coach to win the Super Bowl, despite not really being black, not really.

And you make that comment about a number of African-American athletes. And I'm puzzled, and I don't know what to make of it. On top of everything else, where do you get off deciding who's not black really and who is.

Mr. LEITCH: Well, certainly I would hardly call myself the arbiter of that, to say the least. There is an element of a quick joke to that, I will confess. But certainly I think that, you know - and Dungy's a bad example, too, because he - even if he has been quite the leader of men in a lot of ways, but certainly I think that, you know, I claim no moral authority on that, to say the least. [Ed.: wtf just happened here.] But I do think it's fair to point out, you know, there's a joke - there's an essay in the book where I talk about how literally the first black man my sister had ever seen was a Cardinal centerfielder.

And I think that's - in a lot of ways, there's a misunderstanding among a lot of mainstream sports fans, along with - and particularly in very rural communities, the only interaction they really have with African-Americans is through the world of sports. And I think sometimes that get skewed a little bit. But certainly, I will confess that may be an example of going to a cheaper joke than probably is fair.

SIMON: You know, I hate to keep coming back to this, but I just flipped a page. Gumbel Greg, Bryant's bushy haired brother, who somehow manages to be more boring and white than his sibling. You got a problem.

(Soundbite of laughter)

Mr. LEITCH: I don't think so. But I suppose in that context, it might sound that way, yes.

Calling someone out for gross racial coding and getting nothing but inscrutable stammering. It's like he posed the question to Dan and got the answer from Terry.

Author:  Rod [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 9:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

good dolphin wrote:
I don't like the thread title

That's understandable. But I hate Catholic law. I want to be represented by a big-brained J-ew who dong-whips gentiles in court.

Author:  Dave In Champaign [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

Curious Hair wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Indeed, by the standards of the Score, what Spiegel said on Chicago Tonight was really quite innocuous.

There was this one time on Weekend Edition where Scott Simon had Leitch on to talk about his new book, and Simon blindsided him with "this part where you said Tony Dungy isn't really black, now seriously, what's wrong with you?", and Leitch pretty much had nothing to come back with but a complete verbal pantsshitting.

EDIT: ah yes, here it is:

SIMON: And you know, I mean, you've got them for lots of people. Most of these are very good-natured, but more than once - and you mentioned Tiger Woods. I'm going to read a Tony Dungy entrance - entry to you, if I could.

(Reading) Beloved Colts coach who overcame the suicide of his son to become the first black coach to win the Super Bowl, despite not really being black, not really.

And you make that comment about a number of African-American athletes. And I'm puzzled, and I don't know what to make of it. On top of everything else, where do you get off deciding who's not black really and who is.

Mr. LEITCH: Well, certainly I would hardly call myself the arbiter of that, to say the least. There is an element of a quick joke to that, I will confess. But certainly I think that, you know - and Dungy's a bad example, too, because he - even if he has been quite the leader of men in a lot of ways, but certainly I think that, you know, I claim no moral authority on that, to say the least. [Ed.: wtf just happened here.] But I do think it's fair to point out, you know, there's a joke - there's an essay in the book where I talk about how literally the first black man my sister had ever seen was a Cardinal centerfielder.

And I think that's - in a lot of ways, there's a misunderstanding among a lot of mainstream sports fans, along with - and particularly in very rural communities, the only interaction they really have with African-Americans is through the world of sports. And I think sometimes that get skewed a little bit. But certainly, I will confess that may be an example of going to a cheaper joke than probably is fair.

SIMON: You know, I hate to keep coming back to this, but I just flipped a page. Gumbel Greg, Bryant's bushy haired brother, who somehow manages to be more boring and white than his sibling. You got a problem.

(Soundbite of laughter)

Mr. LEITCH: I don't think so. But I suppose in that context, it might sound that way, yes.

Calling someone out for gross racial coding and getting nothing but inscrutable stammering. It's like he posed the question to Dan and got the answer from Terry.

This really was fantastic. Leitch is human garbage.

Author:  Spaulding [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
I don't like the thread title

That's understandable. But I hate Catholic law. I want to be represented by a big-brained J-ew who dong-whips gentiles in court.

Change it to Matt Speigel: So dumb maybe he is Polish,it might make gd happy.

Author:  Rod [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

Spaulding wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
I don't like the thread title

That's understandable. But I hate Catholic law. I want to be represented by a big-brained J-ew who dong-whips gentiles in court.

Change it to Matt Speigel: So dumb maybe he is Polish,it might make gd happy.

:lol: :lol:

Author:  Don Tiny [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

Curious Hair wrote:
There are hockey players who are perfect gentlemen off the ice and then there are those who are total dickholes. It's the same as any sport, really.

I've obliquely touched on the "they're just 6'1'' white guys" thing as a possible reason as to why Bernstein drops his monocle on hockey fighting while fetishizing the armored black studs of the NFL: the contrivance of putting on a suit of armor, standing in lines, and running headfirst into each other so as to pass a computer-generated yellow line is so far removed from reality that even though it's a hundred times more dangerous than a silly hockey fight, you can't really find it threatening. In a hockey fight, you just have two (usually) white dudes whaling on each other because one guy called the other guy's mom a Caller Bob. This is something that could conceivably happen to you in real life, and thus makes you fearful on some instinctual level.

I think Matt is coming at this from the same place as Dan, which is a sense of resentment that a league that is not his favorite (MLB, NBA) is lauded, perhaps not truthfully, as having "the best guys." You know that just eats at Dan like battery acid. He rode the bus with the Raleigh Bullfrogs! He knows that basketball players are good guys! They cut each other's hair and drink coffee and eat pizza and have conversations, just like real human beings! People just don't realize it because they're black. But he saw it! He was there! They're not just a bunch of dumb white guys. Harumph.

I don't have the appropriate words to laud that post, mostly because you used all of the good ones. :salut: :salut:

Author:  Brick [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

Am I smart enough to be Jewish?

Author:  AntiCrewMult [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 1:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

Boilermaker Rick wrote:
Am I smart enough to be Jewish?


Author:  good dolphin [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

Spaulding wrote:
Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
good dolphin wrote:
I don't like the thread title

That's understandable. But I hate Catholic law. I want to be represented by a big-brained J-ew who dong-whips gentiles in court.

Change it to Matt Speigel: So dumb maybe he is Polish,it might make gd happy.

I hope your hockey player physique husband gives it to you revenge style while singing Dabrowski Mazurka for that.

Author:  Don Tiny [ Tue Jun 04, 2013 2:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Matt Spiegel: So Dumb He Can't Really Be Jewish

I don't think I've seen the word "Mazurka" in 20 years.

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