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Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff
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Author:  Mac [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

Paraphrasing Frank Costanza: "In 30 seconds, without rules or limitations and with no repercussions on the back end, call out somebody or something in the business."

It's always pissed me off when sponsors have some control over programming, including locations for remotes, as well as oversensitivity to content. There have been and still are some real spineless, manipulative weenies in PR offices in town. There have been several people for whom I've worked, and with whom I've worked (in programming, sales and management) for which I have no use. Resentments are unhealthy. I'm trying to let those things go. Like Marty from "True Detective" said (I think in Episode 2) "That's the kind of shit that leads to cancer." You should have asked me in early October! Sorry to puss out Frank, but I'm trying to replace "I hate" with "I can tolerate." BTW, loved your Facebook post Saturday: "If the Olympics were happening in my front yard, I'd close the blinds."

Zippy-The-Pinhead mentioned something I said or posted here awhile back, suggesting I likely won't be back at the Score beyond my current contract. "Is that still the case or was that related to your emotional state at the time?" was his question.

There are other opportunities I'm interested in pursuing. I want to write two more books, one on how Patrick's autism changed our family's lives. The other is a tell-all on Chicago sports and almost 30 years in the radio business here. It would be difficult to write either of them without taking a sabbatical (non-rehab). There also is an opportunity this summer to do some promotional work for the lodge where I musky hunt in NW Ontario. My oldest son, Van, who shares my passion for Canadian fishing, is likely in his last summer before finishing college and starting his first job and perhaps a family. The idea of spending most of the summer with him on Eagle Lake producing fishing DVDs is most appealing. I also have mentioned to Mitch (on several occasions) taking a role as "sixth man" at the Score, doing vacation relief, filling in on sick days for guys, specialty programming, etc. There likely will be other radio opportunities as well. June is a long way away, but I wouldn't be honest if I didn't admit it's been on my mind a little bit. Doing my best to stay out of the prediction business.

Zizou says the first three or four first years of MJH were "must listen" but suggests I lost "the fire and passion" around 2006. He asks: "How do you feel about the perception you've been mailing it in since you returned to the Score."

Among the things over which I am powerless is what people think. But let's back up to his MJH analysis first. The first 20 months or so (May '01 thru March '03) were among the worst of my radio career and my personal life. The show struggled mightily out of the gate and I handled that very poorly. I treated people poorly and I did a lot of self medicating. The Harry shove was on the back end of a binge with blow. I was chemically irritable and angry all the time. Perhaps that's the type of radio Zizou likes. He wouldn't be alone if that's the case. If "fire and passion" means ruthlessly cutting people with words, yelling and screaming about sports, then I'm guilty of being fire and passion bankrupt. There are other shows that accommodate those who are hateful and enjoy hearing hatred expressed.

I know what I put into the show. If the absence of unrealistic anger/shouting means "mailing it in," I'm guilty. Since returning to the Score, I also have been willing to give air time to the guys in the boyquarium. Maybe that's part of this perception. I know when to grab the wheel and assume control, but I've put enough skins on the wall to not feel the need to bogart the show. It gives me enormous satisfaction to see younger guys getting flight miles. And it adds to the show. I recognize I'm at the back end of the demo and am content to let the voices of younger guys be heard. The show's ratings would reflect this being a smart approach.

Lastly....the always delightful Score Is Doomed, who wants to know why I begged to come back, if they make me pee weekly, when I'm going to grow up and accept responsibility for my actions instead of sounding like a whiny teenager making excuses for lousy choices?

Cite the case when I blamed anybody other than ME for being an addict. I'd love to hear that. I've never pointed anything but the thumb. Sorry to disappoint, SID, but for the record, I didn't beg to come back. I had a meeting with Rod, Mitch, the HR director and my agent after I got out of treatment. They asked if I was ready to come back and I said yes. Mitch expressed his concerns and I answered his questions to their satisfaction. I am subject to random drug screenings. I get screened monthly in my continuing care program, which communicates regularly with our EAP director. I'm required to attend three meetings weekly and see my therapist every other week. It must really hurt you that I'm still standing. And prospering. And happy. I'm supposed to pray for miserable fucks like you, but I'm not that recovered yet.

Author:  Peoria Matt [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

PR work and producing fishing DVD's at the lodge. Talk about loving your job. That's pretty cool.

You'll have to work some Russ Matera into those DVD's.

Author:  pittmike [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

LOL not that recovered yet. :lol:

Author:  pittmike [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

Mac I think there are two kinds of jealousy for the most part here. One, I and most I think would love to be in a financial position to say fuck it and make fishing DVD's. The other is more personal. Quite frankly I do not want to not hear you anymore. Ok let the shit and arrows hit me.

Author:  NearWessSideHussra [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff


Author:  RFDC [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

Mac wrote:
BTW, loved your Facebook post Saturday: "If the Olympics were happening in my front yard, I'd close the blinds."

Stealing Terry Boers material Frank? :wink:

Author:  Douchebag [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

RFDC wrote:
Mac wrote:
BTW, loved your Facebook post Saturday: "If the Olympics were happening in my front yard, I'd close the blinds."

Stealing Terry Boers material Frank? :wink:

I wish I was taller. ..

Author:  IkeSouth [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff


hey, the bulls just won! im sure you already knew mac!

Author:  NearWessSideHussra [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 5:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff


Author:  No Clever Moniker [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

  1. Weekly, on average, how often does Boers stay home and phones in a show?
  2. Upon further deliberation, my other questions are too personal and would not be suited for a message board.
  3. Will you answer question #1?

Author:  Score is doomed [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

Mac wrote:

Lastly....the always delightful Score Is Doomed, who wants to know why I begged to come back, if they make me pee weekly, when I'm going to grow up and accept responsibility for my actions instead of sounding like a whiny teenager making excuses for lousy choices?

Cite the case when I blamed anybody other than ME for being an addict. I'd love to hear that. I've never pointed anything but the thumb. Sorry to disappoint, SID, but for the record, I didn't beg to come back. I had a meeting with Rod, Mitch, the HR director and my agent after I got out of treatment. They asked if I was ready to come back and I said yes. Mitch expressed his concerns and I answered his questions to their satisfaction. I am subject to random drug screenings. I get screened monthly in my continuing care program, which communicates regularly with our EAP director. I'm required to attend three meetings weekly and see my therapist every other week. It must really hurt you that I'm still standing. And prospering. And happy. I'm supposed to pray for miserable fucks like you, but I'm not that recovered yet.

What complete and utter bullshit. I could not care what you pray for, maybe for forgiveness for being an
addict for years might be a start. While you're at it, praying for forgiveness for being an arrogant asshole might be in the cards too.
Everyone knows that it won't be long before you fall off one of the multiple addiction wagons you are on.
Fuck off loser, why not just leave now.

Author:  Peoria Matt [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

Wow. You're hatred for Mac is scary. I'd like to know what a sports talk radio guy did to you to garner this response.

Author:  Score is doomed [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

Nothing asshole. Mac is just a phony POS with multiple addictions and you are nothing but a suck ass loser.
kissing up to some radio guy.

Author:  Peoria Matt [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

And I guess you ripping on him makes you a better person? Interesting.

Why respond to him if he bothers you this much?

Author:  Score is doomed [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

Why not response to his bullshit?
Let him go make fishing videos, if that is what he wants. He comes here looking for fools like
you to kiss his addicted ass.

Author:  Peoria Matt [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

And your excuse is "why not?". Sounds solid.

Author:  Score is doomed [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Furious Styles [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

Holy shit, Score is Doomed is a FREAK.

Author:  Score is doomed [ Sun Feb 09, 2014 11:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

And you seem to be a dumb fuck. Congrats!

Author:  Rod [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

No Clever Moniker wrote:
Weekly, on average, how often does Boers stay home and phones in a show?

Literally, twice. Figuratively, five times.

Author:  pittmike [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

pittmike wrote:
Mac I think there are two kinds of jealousy for the most part here. One, I and most I think would love to be in a financial position to say fuck it and make fishing DVD's. The other is more personal. Quite frankly I do want to not hear you anymore. Ok let the shit and arrows hit me.

Edit: Do want lol

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

Score is doomed wrote:
Mac wrote:

Lastly....the always delightful Score Is Doomed, who wants to know why I begged to come back, if they make me pee weekly, when I'm going to grow up and accept responsibility for my actions instead of sounding like a whiny teenager making excuses for lousy choices?

Cite the case when I blamed anybody other than ME for being an addict. I'd love to hear that. I've never pointed anything but the thumb. Sorry to disappoint, SID, but for the record, I didn't beg to come back. I had a meeting with Rod, Mitch, the HR director and my agent after I got out of treatment. They asked if I was ready to come back and I said yes. Mitch expressed his concerns and I answered his questions to their satisfaction. I am subject to random drug screenings. I get screened monthly in my continuing care program, which communicates regularly with our EAP director. I'm required to attend three meetings weekly and see my therapist every other week. It must really hurt you that I'm still standing. And prospering. And happy. I'm supposed to pray for miserable fucks like you, but I'm not that recovered yet.

What complete and utter bullshit. I could not care what you pray for, maybe for forgiveness for being an
addict for years might be a start. While you're at it, praying for forgiveness for being an arrogant asshole might be in the cards too.
Everyone knows that it won't be long before you fall off one of the multiple addiction wagons you are on.
Fuck off loser, why not just leave now.

I really cant understand your thinking. I want to. I mean, I get hating a host. Gloop does that with Mac. Here you seem to have a deeply personal hatred for the man. And why do you care if he leaves or not?

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

Mac wrote:
The Harry shove was on the back end of a binge with blow. I was chemically irritable and angry all the time.

Interesting. I thought the blow days were all pre MJH

Author:  312player [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

It would take tremendous self control to work with Harry and not slap the shit out of him or choke him.

I hate it when you lump in weed with your real problem drugs like vicoden(norco) blow, booze etc. Weed ain't even in the same ballpark as that shit..please stop.

Author:  Darkside [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 9:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

312player wrote:
It would take tremendous self control to work with Harry and not slap the shit out of him or choke him.

I hate it when you lump in weed with your real problem drugs like vicoden(norco) blow, booze etc. Weed ain't even in the same ballpark as that shit..please stop.

I guess you don't understand the addiction process. Maybe try to understand that a little bit.

Author:  good dolphin [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

If fishing DVDs are your desire, I would recommend getting in touch with Dahl about podcasting just to keep yourself from getting out of practice with radio. You could live at the lodge and upload an hour or two a few times a week when you feel like it.

I know Webio was a bust but I would bet if you and North started a podcast network, you could make yourselves some money while lowering the stresses of the job.

Author:  Franky T [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

Q.Bovifs wrote:
Score is doomed wrote:
And you seem to be a dumb fuck. Congrats!

If I were Mac, I would request Bigfan to give up your IP, and I would then pay a private investigator to find out every single little thing about you to determine who you are and if you are a threat. I would know what you eat for breakfast every morning - assuming, of course, that you do eat a meal at the commencement of each day.

You come off as an obsessive weirdo, not just a lampooner.

Do you have a backstory? A legitimate beef? A detailed account of how this seemingly irrational, grudging hate was inspired? If so, I think that, by now, after enduring your seemingly endless and predictable psychobabble rants of hate and spite, we are entitled to hear it.

Dead on.

Author:  Zippy-The-Pinhead [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 2:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

Mac wrote:
I also have mentioned to Mitch (on several occasions) taking a role as "sixth man" at the Score, doing vacation relief, filling in on sick days for guys, specialty programming, etc.
Ironically if someone had that position currently it would be a full-time gig on your show. :wink:

Author:  stoneroses86 [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

I support any person in any battle with addiction. Emotional support, not financial.

That being said, I wish that Dan McNeil had a different co-host.

Author:  Chus [ Mon Feb 10, 2014 8:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Mac - The Tough Stuff

Douchebag wrote:
RFDC wrote:
Mac wrote:
BTW, loved your Facebook post Saturday: "If the Olympics were happening in my front yard, I'd close the blinds."

Stealing Terry Boers material Frank? :wink:

I wish I was taller. ..

The pig says, "my wife is a slut".

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