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Finfer is still a producer
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Author:  Beardown [ Wed Feb 19, 2014 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Finfer is still a producer


My instincts were right when I questioned Finfer's response of "Helping out" on the Kaplan show. He's the producer for two shows and he gets to talk as well.

Why did you say "helping out" Ben? Could have just said you were the producer for both shows. Hell, you got to talk on Mac's show while producing. I think you might have taken the exact same job that you already had. Only at a lessor station.

This is according to Larz.

Finfer will produce and co-host for David Kaplan, as well as for Howard Griffith and Alex Quigley's show. He will co-host the final hour with Kaplan and the entire two hours with "Griff and Quigs."

(It also doesn't help that Finfer is posing with the Stanley Cup in the picture with this article. Finfer's competition, Bernstein, says that all white people who have pictures of themselves with a fish or the stanley cup are racists.)

Not a good start, Ben. And I hope they didn't sell you some bullshit over at THE GAME. Hope it wasn't some bullshit promise of a "talk show host" when it was just them trying to steal an experienced producer away from Mac and THE SCORE. I've got a feeling that son of a bitch, Kaplan, is gonna tell you to shut up when you start talking. I hope I'm wrong.

Finfer: Well, Kap, I feel, in my expert opinion, that the Bears should draft...

Kaplan: Get your mouth shut!!!! Answer the phone, bitch!!!! (Slaps Finfer in the face)

Finfer: :cry: I want to go back to Mac.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

Sounds like he will be on air for 3 hours everyday

Author:  Curious Hair [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

The whole Kaplan-Haugh/Kaplan-Finfer/Finfer-Quigley gradient is kind of strange, though. Man, they really did slap this together, huh.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

Curious Hair wrote:
The whole Kaplan-Haugh/Kaplan-Finfer/Finfer-Quigley gradient is kind of strange, though. Man, they really did slap this together, huh.

Sorta reminds me of the jumbled 11-3 situation at MVP. Sometimes it was Scott Van Pelt for an hour, sometimes 3, then Tirico's thigh wedge was in there

Author:  good dolphin [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

Curious Hair wrote:
The whole Kaplan-Haugh/Kaplan-Finfer/Finfer-Quigley gradient is kind of strange, though. Man, they really did slap this together, huh.

This is like the early days of the Score. Someone will emerge within the next year and then they will commit to him.

Does Kaplan still have a 720 show?

Author:  Curious Hair [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

They took him off 720 for now, but I wouldn't be surprised if he pops up doing Cubs postgame soon. I find it hard to believe that The Kap Man is going to be 100% committed to a dinky little frankenstation.

Author:  bigfan [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

Beardown wrote:

My instincts were right when I questioned Finfer's response of "Helping out" on the Kaplan show. He's the producer for two shows and he gets to talk as well.

Why did you say "helping out" Ben? Could have just said you were the producer for both shows. Hell, you got to talk on Mac's show while producing. I think you might have taken the exact same job that you already had. Only at a lessor station.

This is according to Larz.

Finfer will produce and co-host for David Kaplan, as well as for Howard Griffith and Alex Quigley's show. He will co-host the final hour with Kaplan and the entire two hours with "Griff and Quigs."

(It also doesn't help that Finfer is posing with the Stanley Cup in the picture with this article. Finfer's competition, Bernstein, says that all white people who have pictures of themselves with a fish or the stanley cup are racists.)

Not a good start, Ben. And I hope they didn't sell you some bullshit over at THE GAME. Hope it wasn't some bullshit promise of a "talk show host" when it was just them trying to steal an experienced producer away from Mac and THE SCORE. I've got a feeling that son of a bitch, Kaplan, is gonna tell you to shut up when you start talking. I hope I'm wrong.

Finfer: Well, Kap, I feel, in my expert opinion, that the Bears should draft...

Kaplan: Get your mouth shut!!!! Answer the phone, bitch!!!! (Slaps Finfer in the face)

Finfer: :cry: I want to go back to Mac.

Your instincts suck

Author:  IkeSouth [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

matta batta colon has worked for 15 years trying to get a host gig.... and now finfer walks in, works for like a year, and is a host. lolz.

Author:  Beardown [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 12:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

Is Finfer's name on either of the two shows? I assume not the Kap and Haugh show. Is his name on the Quigs and Griff show?

That article read like he's producing both shows with the right to talk in Kap's last hour and he can talk for all of the midday show.

Author:  Seacrest [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

Curious Hair wrote:
The whole Kaplan-Haugh/Kaplan-Finfer/Finfer-Quigley gradient is kind of strange, though. Man, they really did slap this together, huh.


Author:  Hatchetman [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

what was the huge rush to get on the air I wonder. so poorly promoted.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

Hatchetman wrote:
what was the huge rush to get on the air I wonder. so poorly promoted.

Cumulus was ready to move alternative back to 101.1 and drop the 87.7 LMA. I guess Tribune figured that if they didn't jump in right then and there, they never would.

Author:  Hatchetman [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

couldn't they just play old Wally Phillips tapes until they got their act together?

Author:  Curious Hair [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

I don't know. I don't know how much say the owners of the frequency have in things. It could be that they said that with the last signal in town, they weren't going to let WGN stunt with it until they figured out what to do, thereby salting the earth and not making any money.

Author:  Scorehead [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

Curious Hair wrote:
The whole Kaplan-Haugh/Kaplan-Finfer/Finfer-Quigley gradient is kind of strange, though. Man, they really did slap this together, huh.

Yea, this literally was thrown together in less than 2 weeks. I still don't understand what the rush was to get The Game on the air rather than taking their time to get things more solidified. In any case, this will eventually work & will have a positive effect on WSCR & AM1000.

Author:  Beardown [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

Here's the way they name their shows. Granted, Finfer just go there so maybe they didn't change it yet. But he doesn't get billing yet.

They're still looking to get somebody to sit with this Mark Carmen from 7p-10

Author:  sinicalypse [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

Hatchetman wrote:
what was the huge rush to get on the air I wonder. so poorly promoted.

well, if i were to take a guess i'd say that the surprise/blitzkrieg tactic was a means of not allowing their competition to prepare for them, either via counter-programming or perhaps even going and extending their talent to slightly better $$$ so people like finfer weren't locked up before they were afforded the chance to jump ship.

whats the point of coming out and saying "hey in 6 months we're going to join the sports talker fray?" cuz like i said, you're giving WSCR/WMVP a chance to perhaps shake-up/strengthen their programming/lineups and perhaps even financial situations with their talent, whereas this shot-in-the-dark-out-of-nowhere approach allowed them to get a leg up by going out and (presumably) offering someone like finfer more $$$/more-guaranteed-airtime so they could land them in the hopes of creating a cozy environment to, perhaps, catch a big fish when their contract is up come june.

and by using a lot of talent they've already got on the books, it meant they were able to "quickly" flip the switch and get the station up and running with only a tiny bit of fanfare.... and now all of a sudden this creates a 3rd station presumably with a lot of hours to fill (esp if they wanna counter-program les and figure that the % of the audience that falls asleep in the middle of the night will wake up with their radio on johnny b / kaphaugh and think "hey this is better than M&H/mac-n-meat" and, as is always important in radio, establish some listening habits/rituals/etc.

so to me (and i am nothing if not an ignoramus as the decidedly-not-leaving matt abbatacola would have you know) this was a good move on their part to suddenly shake up the sports talk landscape in chicago and literally have both stations on high alert as we now play beardown's favorite game of "who's leaving for the new station and why" on really short notice.... i mean finfer himself said that this opportunity didnt come up til last week, so that's really flying by the seat of their pants over there.... but in the end i think it's a brilliant strategy that very well could land them finfer/caliber-targets by having that element of surprise work to their benefit as opposed to announcing it months ago and giving everyone a chance to prepare for their arrival, which like i said maybe ends up having the score extend finfer with a slight raise b4 the new station could tantalize him with (again, presumed) better $$$/on-air-opportunities and get him out of the door within a week's time.

Author:  Dallas Winston [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

Do you ever take a day off from being an asshole Beardown?

Author:  Curious Hair [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 1:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

I like how they use Impact for all their logos, like it's a fucking cat meme or something. Thousands of strong sans-serif fonts out there, you guys! I personally like Steelfish and Tungsten!

Author:  Beardown [ Thu Feb 20, 2014 3:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

Well, I gave it a quick listen. This Quigley (Who the hell is he, by the way?) called the show "Quigs, Griff & Finfer". Said Finfer will join them next week.

So, that's solved.

Author:  Chus [ Fri Feb 21, 2014 12:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Finfer is still a producer

rogers park bryan wrote:
Tirico's thigh wedge

Greatest username ever.

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