Chicago Fanatics Message Board

Before Spiegs was with Mac
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Author:  bigfan [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 6:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Before Spiegs was with Mac

As a few here actually supported Spiegs getting a show or even pairing with Mac in a return while Spiegs was in LA producing, did you change your minds after he got the job, or feel you were correct?

Author:  Darkside [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 6:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

bigfan wrote:
As a few here actually supported Spiegs getting a show or even pairing with Mac in a return while Spiegs was in LA producing, did you change your minds after he got the job, or feel you were correct?

I feel that it's ironic that I was willing to give him flight miles and he's miles from being a solid pilot.

Author:  bigfan [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

Darkside wrote:
bigfan wrote:
As a few here actually supported Spiegs getting a show or even pairing with Mac in a return while Spiegs was in LA producing, did you change your minds after he got the job, or feel you were correct?

I feel that it's ironic that I was willing to give him flight miles and he's miles from being a solid pilot.

You'd be feeling wrong

Author:  spmack [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

I just remember as they guy who sang as Urethra Franklin to B&B sometimes.

Author:  bigfan [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

spmack wrote:
I just remember as they guy who sang as Urethra Franklin to B&B sometimes.

You the guy who was Jerry Lewis on Brandmeier? I think he tried to become part of Norths crew of idiots.

Author:  bigfan [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

remember there was a guy on this site at one time called Meatpants, who enioyed the banter and support of some of those who are here.

Author:  Peoria Matt [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

Used to listen to Spiegs late at night on SNR when I had to take one of the kids for a ride in the car to get them back to sleep. Never even knew he worked at the Score before he talked about it.

Author:  Zizou [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

I used to hear him on Saturday mornings I think. SNR maybe? Back then, I found him a decent listen. I was still following baseball at the time so perhaps that contributed to my tolerance. I don't recall him being so open about his everyday life or band. That's where he annoys me. I find his life dull and empty. He's also too feminine, pissy, self-absorbed, and sanctimonious for my liking. It's also possible I've just become a more hateful person as I have aged.

Author:  pittmike [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

Hard to say. On weekends or nights all that network talk is background noise nothing stands out unless you have a voice like ferrell.

Author:  Score is doomed [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

When the short, fat addict leaves, just give Meat the show. It can't be any worse than it is now.

Author:  Juiced [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 9:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

I thought Speigs was a good listen late at night and would be a good partner.

Boy was I wrong :oops:

Author:  bigfan [ Thu Mar 20, 2014 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

Q.Bovifs wrote:
bigfan wrote:
remember there was a guy on this site at one time called Meatpants, who enioyed the banter and support of some of those who are here.

I heard Spiegs give a shout this morning to "Scot with the missing T" - so, does this mean you threw a few back with him after the show today?

I have said it many times before. Posting here gets you respect. My respect, at least. Weather the fucking storm like a real man. I don't know about some of these other heathens.

did throw some back, had some slices, Spiegs chooses no longer to read or participate due to the hate. I understand, he doesnt want to read it, but at least he acknowledges it. There is only 1 complete pussy at the Score who doesnt/didnt acknowledge me.

Remember this, I shit on him first, way before he shit on me. lol. Better yet, its the reason he didnt shake my hand is because of the bad things I wrote about him. I have wrote bad things about matty, goff, ranger, shep, Jay Z....and every single one of them talked to me about it. Some got screamy but we talked about it. I have ripped ESPN, Silvy, Harry, Jurk, Zederman, Delevit and they talk to me.

So, while I understand your desire to have people respond directly like Mac does. I think Mac is the well worn veteran who knows it is coming and he lets it roll off his back, or he fires back.

Author:  Scorehead [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

Let the record show that I told you knuckleheads the day it was announced that Meatpants was Macs choice as his new radio partner, that Spiegel sucked at radio & was a horrible choice by Mac. He's even worse now. Just awful.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

I like Spiegel a lot. Sorry. Seems like the kind of guy I'd get along with.

Author:  Kirkwood [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

The guy actually loves to watch and consume sports. Mixes stats and meatball well. His Heat meatball hate was great. Voice of the fan stuff. But dammit he is just so damn sensitive and prissy. Once he drops the diva attitude he'll be listenable. He seems like an OK dude if it wasn't for his band and host shit has getting to his head.

Author:  Scorehead [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

Q.Bovifs wrote:
bigfan wrote:
Q.Bovifs wrote:
bigfan wrote:
remember there was a guy on this site at one time called Meatpants, who enioyed the banter and support of some of those who are here.

I heard Spiegs give a shout this morning to "Scot with the missing T" - so, does this mean you threw a few back with him after the show today?

I have said it many times before. Posting here gets you respect. My respect, at least. Weather the fucking storm like a real man. I don't know about some of these other heathens.

did throw some back, had some slices, Spiegs chooses no longer to read or participate due to the hate. I understand, he doesnt want to read it, but at least he acknowledges it.

Spiegs is both a pussy and a LIAR then.

No fucking way he doesn't read.

Let me repeat that: NO. FUCKING. WAY.

I hear him using shit from this place all of the damn time.

It's not ok to be a pussy, but its even less ok to be a fucking LIAR.

Both Spiegel & Bernsie read this board daily. Berns also uses stuff from this board frequently...the kinds of things that he could have only got from reading the board...certain words, phrases, etc...

Author:  FavreFan [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 1:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

Kirkwood wrote:
The guy actually loves to watch and consume sports. Mixes stats and meatball well. His Heat meatball hate was great. Voice of the fan stuff. But dammit he is just so damn sensitive and prissy. Once he drops the diva attitude he'll be listenable. He seems like an OK dude if it wasn't for his band and host shit has getting to his head.

I sorta agree with this, but the problem is the bolded stuff far outweighs the non-bolded stuff.

Mac loves hockey and hates the NBA. He also loves the NFL. Outside of that, he doesn't have much use for sports. And yet he is the best sports radio guy this town has ever heard. It shouldn't be that hard to replicate and improve on his style, but nobody is willing to or able. I find that sort of pathetic.

Author:  T-Bone [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

Never knew anything about Spiegs before he came back. I really like the fact that he watches most of the
games and is knowledgeable about sports, especially baseball. Sometimes I think he can be a bit of a dick
to the guests depending on his mood and the day. It is more of a bitchy way instead of with an edge and
attitude. Overall I enjoy the pairing and don't mind most of the personal stuff. I like that he is a music
fan and can talk about a lot of different genres. Don't mind at all that he has a hobby on the side and
plugs it from time to time, even wouldn't mind catching the act if they were a band I was interested in
seeing them "become". It is easy to be critical, but 99% of us would really suck on the radio so overall
I think he does a good job and it became very apparent what a really bad show would sound like when
Lawrence got a few at bats.

Author:  SomeGuy [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

FavreFan wrote:
Kirkwood wrote:
The guy actually loves to watch and consume sports. Mixes stats and meatball well. His Heat meatball hate was great. Voice of the fan stuff. But dammit he is just so damn sensitive and prissy. Once he drops the diva attitude he'll be listenable. He seems like an OK dude if it wasn't for his band and host shit has getting to his head.

I sorta agree with this, but the problem is the bolded stuff far outweighs the non-bolded stuff.

Mac loves hockey and hates the NBA. He also loves the NFL. Outside of that, he doesn't have much use for sports. And yet he is the best sports radio guy this town has ever heard. It shouldn't be that hard to replicate and improve on his style, but nobody is willing to or able. I find that sort of pathetic.

The most disappointing thing is that when Meat is on his game he is pretty damn good at radio. Period. FULL STOP. Words matter.

The diva stuff is grating and makes it bad uncomfortable, especially when he is a dick to hosts (seemingly without knowing it) or the Peanut Gallery. Sometimes it's just a simple questions from the Boyquarium and Meat fires back some asshole brush-off. Makes me simply not like him. But, as an avid Mac/Meat Show listener, Meat has (IMO) tempered the diva stuff to a decent extent. Still a ways to go.

Author:  Urlacher's missing neck [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

He is way too big of a vajay to come back after the "yourmom" thing. I haven't heard the princess at all in 2014 and it has been amazing.

Author:  Godfella [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

The best thing about Matt Spiegel is his sincere passion and love for the great game of baseball.

When he is talking about baseball, the pure joy in his voice is evident. A unique quality in today's media and I commend him for this.

It seems that some guys on this station are just "talking sports" but when Spiegs is in his baseball zone it is a great listen.

As fans of sports talk radio, most of us can tell when a host is on "cruise control".

Spiegs baseball & basketball interests along with Mac's football & hockey knowledge makes this show one of the most rounded and best listens on The Score.

Author:  good dolphin [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

Original member of the Spiegal ALS.

I have to believe that I was the first and loudest person calling for his hiring. I like his weekend morning shows at SNR.

I would in no way call this pairing a failure. It's good radio.

I'm disappointed by his dedication to his craft. Dropping Hit and Run was inexcusable. I also wish he could drop his defenses and just be one of the guys but I know some people just are not wired that way.

Author:  Spaulding [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

Never heard him before. I had a good feelings about it due to the number of people that were optimistic about this pairing. They were quickly squashed and made me think some of you are radio crazy.

Author:  Godfella [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

Q.Bovifs wrote:
Frankly, I'd rather hear Mac ripping on Bernstein and advising about good websites to beat off to.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 9:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

Q.Bovifs wrote:
Again, I detest people here who attack radio and other personalities who are humble enough to post here, and I would extend Spiegs the same appreciation.

He posted here for like a week then quit and has bad mouthed the board ever since

He posted as much as Bernstein

Author:  Franky T [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

I'm the minority. I like Spiegs. If Mac goes somewhere else I'll still listen to his show. Unless he gets paired with Leary that is.

Author:  Darkside [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

Bitching and crying about the "Hate" on a message board is like Bitching about no good news on the primetime newscast.
Guess what? "Busload of Kids Makes it Safely to School" is not a headline. And neither is "oh em gee I love me speegs so much I want to hug him". No one comes to a board to just say wonderful flowery things. We come here to bitch and vent. And it is less than shocking that a guy like Speigs can't understand that.

Author:  Brick [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 11:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

A sports talker being unable to handle criticism is kind of like a salesman who gets annoyed people try and sell him stuff.

Author:  Spaulding [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

Darkside wrote:
Bitching and crying about the "Hate" on a message board is like Bitching about no good news on the primetime newscast.
Guess what? "Busload of Kids Makes it Safely to School" is not a headline. And neither is "oh em gee I love me speegs so much I want to hug him". No one comes to a board to just say wonderful flowery things. We come here to bitch and vent. And it is less than shocking that a guy like Speigs can't understand that.

I come here to tell people how much I love Silvy sometimes.

If he didn't suck so much people wouldn't have to (radio) hate him. He sucks. Bad. Real. Bad.

Author:  FavreFan [ Fri Mar 21, 2014 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Before Spiegs was with Mac

Spaulding wrote:
Darkside wrote:
Bitching and crying about the "Hate" on a message board is like Bitching about no good news on the primetime newscast.
Guess what? "Busload of Kids Makes it Safely to School" is not a headline. And neither is "oh em gee I love me speegs so much I want to hug him". No one comes to a board to just say wonderful flowery things. We come here to bitch and vent. And it is less than shocking that a guy like Speigs can't understand that.

I come here to tell people how much I love Silvy sometimes.

If he didn't suck so much people wouldn't have to (radio) hate him. He sucks. Bad. Real. Bad.

I think the hate comes from the fact that he seems like a giant douche.

Waddle and Silvy suck, so people just ignore them, not hate on them.

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