Chicago Fanatics Message Board

Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore
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Author:  Zizou [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

You start these threads claiming you are going to reveal some interesting nugget or will be going hard after Bernstein in transition. But everything just flames out. You had a slap and tickle fight with Bernsie and called Rosenbloom a paper tiger because he didn't take long showers with other boys in high school. It's been a series of nonevents. I'm not saying go scorched-earth tomorrow in tranny (though it would be entertaining). But don't come here with this weak-ass shit anymore. Give us something good. I think you just enjoy seeing how many moths you can attract to your flame to give you some kind of professional or personal validation.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore


Author:  leashyourkids [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

100% Correct

Author:  SomeGuy [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

leashyourkids wrote:
100% Correct

Absolutely. Weak ass shit coming from Mac on a consistent basis.

Hype the hell out of some big reveal and then have it go over like a fart in the wind. If seems the flame is extinguished and the passion is dead.

Author:  ZephMarshack [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

I also love the idea that he's had thick skin since 2007 when I'm pretty sure he declared message boards dead and scurried off for an extended stay with the Facebook ALS well after that point in time.

Author:  RFDC [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

All this will do is make mac laugh. He takes tougher shit around here from Gloop and SID every time he posts compared to this.

Author:  leashyourkids [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

If he had any balls, he'd have smacked the ugly off Bernstein's condescending mug two years ago when he made fun of Mac's addiction and name (Daaamaacnaaa).

Author:  SpiralStairs [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

leashyourkids wrote:
If he had any balls, he'd have smacked the ugly off Bernstein's condescending mug two years ago when he made fun of Mac's addiction and name (Daaamaacnaaa).

So leash is a Beardown mult? Go figure.

Author:  Mac [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

I'm not going to dispute Zizou's assertion. Doing a show requires a certain level of whorishness.

I don't think I did the Rosenbloom story justice. Maybe I'll be more specific and paint a better picture next time. I'm certain there will be many more chances to illustrate the point I was trying to make. As for long showers... hear what you wanna hear. Cling onto what you chose. Outta my control.

FYI... it was well after 2007 when I joined Facebook and if I were so afraid of the vicious nature of the board...why would I hang out here?

leashyourkids, are you serious? It doesn't take balls to smack somebody.... it takes a willingness to be fired and/or prosecuted. I have neither.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

The Proper Authorities always get in the way of leashyourkids's fun.

Author:  Nas [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

Mac wrote:
I'm not going to dispute Zizou's assertion. Doing a show requires a certain level of whorishness.

I don't think I did the Rosenbloom story justice. Maybe I'll be more specific and paint a better picture next time. I'm certain there will be many more chances to illustrate the point I was trying to make. As for long showers... hear what you wanna hear. Cling onto what you chose. Outta my control.

FYI... it was well after 2007 when I joined Facebook and if I were so afraid of the vicious nature of the board...why would I hang out here?

leashyourkids, are you serious? It doesn't take balls to smack somebody.... it takes a willingness to be fired and/or prosecuted. I have neither.

Bernstein would definitely sue you too.

Author:  Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

I love that.

Author:  Nas [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater wrote:

I love that.

It's always nice to have someone standing by to do your dirty work for you.

Author:  Franky T [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

Whenever someone asks Mac to "bring it" (or criticizes him for not doing so), I always read "tell us how much you hate Bernstein and how big of a prick/pussy he is" to validate their own opinion. Then when he doesn't, people call him out for bringing weak information to the board. I think it's funny.

Author:  Nas [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

Franky T wrote:
Whenever someone asks Mac to "bring it" (or criticizes him for not doing so), I always read "tell us how much you hate Bernstein and how big of a prick/pussy he is" to validate their own opinion. Then when he doesn't, people call him out for bringing weak information to the board. I think it's funny.

They make a good point. He could be more confrontational without being violent. He routinely over promises and under deliver.

Author:  Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

Nas wrote:
Dr. Kenneth Noisewater wrote:

I love that.

It's always nice to have someone standing by to do your dirty work for you.

That Dr. Ron guy was a dick and what a stupid name.

Author:  Beardown [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

I disagree about Mac being an attention whore. He has a radio show for the love of God. Doesn't need this place.

Here's what it is. This is a safe harbor for Mac to share stuff with his fans. Not only that, just stuff Mac wants to get off his chest. Can't say some of this shit on his radio show. Can't do it on facebook or twitter. Why? Cuz his co workers follow him. Media people follow him. It would get him in trouble posting what he posts on those social media sites. While it's true some of them read his stuff on this board, it's taboo for them to mention this place. And they won't. Don't want to give this place any attention. Mac knows that.

Say some of these things on facebook or twitter and co workers would be forced to comment and/or Mac's bosses would say something to him. Say it here, the less popular social media site, that nobody at the Score wants to acknowledge, he can get away with it.

Thus, the safe harbor.

Get it?

Yours truly,

Dr. Beardown (With 20/20 vision)

Author:  bigfan [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

ZiZ, you be wrong my friend.

Author:  Peoria Matt [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 10:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

Here's all I'll say- is there one other person in the business who comes here and drops the shit that Mac does? Or even shows up to converse?

Correct me if I'm wrong.

Author:  bigfan [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

Long theory on all of this, but Zizou, you are going the wrong way down a one way street on this one.

Think of all the guys who have signed on or just read this site who have pussed out. Silvy, Harry, Bernsie, Leary, Spiegs, Carm, Jurk, Mitch...and on and on. You get nothing from them.

Mac is trying to tell you some shit without naming a name. Just as I do many times, because I dont want to post THIS PERSON SAID THIS, when I am sure that person trusts me enough to not use their name. Despite of the desire of some of the dumbest people here, asking that all peoples names be used.

Why dont you call Mac and ask him. You got some good odds he will call you back.

Author:  Zizou [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

I don't give a shit that none of the other hosts post here. Most of those guys are zeroes anyway. This place would continue to exist with or without Mac posting here. But why start these threads and let things build up like something huge is going to happen? If you have something to say just say it. Don't pussyfoot around it. You should not be bringing up this insider type information if you are afraid of the repercussions. That's bush league high school shit. "I want to tell you but I can't say who it is." I think if anyone could call out another host in this city and still have a job it would be Mac. He seems to be made of teflon when it comes to his career. Either stay tight-lipped and save it for your retirement or burn the fucking bridge I say. Someone will hire Mac again because the sports radio execs in this city are sackless fucks with zero imagination and will always go back to what works.

Author:  Peoria Matt [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

"Yes....Rosenbloom. Telling Spiegel he didn't go HARD ENOUGH on Feder on Twitter. Why? Because Feder merely was reporting "news" at The Game. He offered no opinion on it either way. I called him on it (this was all off the air) and Rosey went on a tirade -- voiced raised, veins popping out of his neck -- about how Feder never has taken on Jimmy deCastro for anything and how his reporting of sportsradio never has been "fair."

That's pretty specific, Zizou. I'm not sure how much more "I want to tell you who it is but I can't say who it is" you're looking for.

Author:  Beardown [ Mon Mar 24, 2014 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

The vicious nature of the board is the vicious nature of the Score. Mac gets that. The others there don't.

Score people: We can do it. But you can't!!!!

CSFMB: Why? Why is it different?

Score People: Uhhhhhh...cuz we're....uhhhh...I don't know. All I know is it's fun when we do it and it's not fun when you do it to us!!!! So don't do it!!!

CSFMB: Got it. :roll:

Author:  Juiced [ Tue Mar 25, 2014 12:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

RFDC wrote:
All this will do is make mac laugh. He takes tougher shit around here from Gloop and SID every time he posts compared to this.

Difference here is that Zizou actually makes a good point.

Author:  leashyourkids [ Tue Mar 25, 2014 3:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

Mac wrote:
I'm not going to dispute Zizou's assertion. Doing a show requires a certain level of whorishness.

I don't think I did the Rosenbloom story justice. Maybe I'll be more specific and paint a better picture next time. I'm certain there will be many more chances to illustrate the point I was trying to make. As for long showers... hear what you wanna hear. Cling onto what you chose. Outta my control.

FYI... it was well after 2007 when I joined Facebook and if I were so afraid of the vicious nature of the board...why would I hang out here?

leashyourkids, are you serious? It doesn't take balls to smack somebody.... it takes a willingness to be fired and/or prosecuted. I have neither.

What? I didn't literally mean smack him. Just call him out for it. You're the one who acts like a tough guy Mac.

Author:  bigfan [ Tue Mar 25, 2014 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

Q.Bovifs wrote:
Zizou wrote:
I don't give a shit that none of the other hosts post here. Most of those guys are zeroes anyway. This place would continue to exist with or without Mac posting here. But why start these threads and let things build up like something huge is going to happen? If you have something to say just say it. Don't pussyfoot around it. You should not be bringing up this insider type information if you are afraid of the repercussions. That's bush league high school shit. "I want to tell you but I can't say who it is." I think if anyone could call out another host in this city and still have a job it would be Mac. He seems to be made of teflon when it comes to his career. Either stay tight-lipped and save it for your retirement or burn the fucking bridge I say. Someone will hire Mac again because the sports radio execs in this city are sackless fucks with zero imagination and will always go back to what works.

What don't you understand? You can't just say everything when you are employed. Use your fucking brain or send some fucking pm's and figure the shit out.

You're asking a guy to hang himself out to dry after he just floated you a cookie.

Why do you care so much anyhow?

You're out. Out of the MacHoles Club.

That's it. Hand in your badge and get the fuck outta here, you Austrian-accented (that is how I picture you speaking, in your long, striped soccer socks), good-for-nothing nihilist!

Those who don't understand that you don't post everything and everyone you know about are the same people who don't know know much or many people.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Tue Mar 25, 2014 9:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

Well, when you put it like that, its crystal clear...

Author:  Krazy Ivan [ Tue Mar 25, 2014 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

Zizou wrote:
You start these threads claiming you are going to reveal some interesting nugget or will be going hard after Bernstein in transition. But everything just flames out. You had a slap and tickle fight with Bernsie and called Rosenbloom a paper tiger because he didn't take long showers with other boys in high school. It's been a series of nonevents. I'm not saying go scorched-earth tomorrow in tranny (though it would be entertaining). But don't come here with this weak-ass shit anymore. Give us something good. I think you just enjoy seeing how many moths you can attract to your flame to give you some kind of professional or personal validation.

nailed it...

Author:  Brian's Mojito [ Wed Mar 26, 2014 1:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

I believe Mac has a counter for "Dan MaNeeeel" -- Senior Columnist. Mac has been using that title early and often in his recent shows. Just don't know if it irritates Bernsie. Mac normally brings up others issues on the air -- drugs, mental issues, etc., so I don't buy that Mac weakens at the sight of Bernsie.

Author:  pittmike [ Wed Mar 26, 2014 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Mac: Admit It You're An Attention Whore

Yep that is now mac's go to. Just threw it right in his face.

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