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Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown
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Author:  MattInTheCrown [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 11:39 am ]
Post subject:  Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

You've been pining for it, and here it finally is! Jason Goff, step on down!

Earlier today, Goffer and Leery interviewed Cubs head of baseball operations Theo Epstein, producing this gem of a question:

Jason Goff wrote:
To piggy-back off what Laurence was asking you about the process and the plan and maybe being a little ahead of schedule or maybe not, uh, are tho, are there those interpersonal checks and balances, or checks and balances within the system where you go, 'alright, we should go for it now,' or 'this is available now,' or 'do we sacrifice assets, and, and things that have a, a-a higher bargaining power maybe next year, or in the offseason this year.' How do ya, how do ya, how do ya balance that between, alright Javier Biaz's worth is right now, i-i-it's where it's at, or maybe we may need him or Almora, some of these other guys that-that may be chips, not only in this trade market but in the offseason as well, how do ya, how do ya negotiate that within, uh, ya team, and also yourself?

That's right, 5 "how do ya's" in a single sentence. Well played.

Theo amusingly responded with "that's a great question."

Author:  No Clever Moniker [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

Call it what it really is, Goff has searing case of "Hamptonitis" in his approach, delivery, and opinions. Except Hamp has a ring, a bust, can play music, and is genuinely a fun guy to be around. I don't know if it laziness or something else (I doubt CTE).

Author:  Beardown [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

A lot of Score guys are lacking in their interview skills.

I will say that Bernstein is very good at interviews.

Author:  doug - evergreen park [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

Valedictorian of the the Terry Boers School of radio interviews...

Author:  badrogue17 [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

MattInTheCrown wrote:
You've been pining for it, and here it finally is! Jason Goff, step on down!

Earlier today, Goffer and Leery interviewed Cubs head of baseball operations Theo Epstein, producing this gem of a question:

Jason Goff wrote:
To piggy-back off what Laurence was asking you about the process and the plan and maybe being a little ahead of schedule or maybe not, uh, are tho, are there those interpersonal checks and balances, or checks and balances within the system where you go, 'alright, we should go for it now,' or 'this is available now,' or 'do we sacrifice assets, and, and things that have a, a-a higher bargaining power maybe next year, or in the offseason this year.' How do ya, how do ya, how do ya balance that between, alright Javier Biaz's worth is right now, i-i-it's where it's at, or maybe we may need him or Almora, some of these other guys that-that may be chips, not only in this trade market but in the offseason as well, how do ya, how do ya negotiate that within, uh, ya team, and also yourself?

That's right, 5 "how do ya's" in a single sentence. Well played.

Theo amusingly responded with "that's a great question."
was listening live. Rivaled Mully in his GET TO THE FUCKING QUESTION ALREADY ness. Theo should've went all Coop on him and asked if there were a question in there

Author:  312player [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

Great work..I miss your Mulligan work..Goff is the 2nd worst interviewer at the score.. He loves his' it's it's it's ...and he he he ...or Well Well Well ...he's long winded and gives the interviewee 2 possible answers to his own question IN HIS OWN QUESTION :lol:

But what do I Know ? As Goff would say " its Gangsta "

Author:  Gloopan Kuratz [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

Beardown wrote:
A lot of Score guys are lacking in their interview skills.

I will say that Bernstein is very good at interviews.


Author:  312player [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

Anytime ya hear " that's a great question" ya know the question sucked , and its a you stroke me I stroke you kinda guy.

Author:  badrogue17 [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

312player wrote:
Anytime ya hear " that's a great question" ya know the question sucked , and its a you stroke me I stroke you kinda guy.

Theo later took a subtle shot at them mentioning that neither of them asked a question about the fans patience and support throughout the tank,,,errr,,rebuilding process and how its great they're now starting to see the rewards.

Author:  Walt Williams Neck [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

MattInTheCrown wrote:
You've been pining for it, and here it finally is! Jason Goff, step on down!

Earlier today, Goffer and Leery interviewed Cubs head of baseball operations Theo Epstein, producing this gem of a question:

Jason Goff wrote:
To piggy-back off what Laurence was asking you about the process and the plan and maybe being a little ahead of schedule or maybe not, uh, are tho, are there those interpersonal checks and balances, or checks and balances within the system where you go, 'alright, we should go for it now,' or 'this is available now,' or 'do we sacrifice assets, and, and things that have a, a-a higher bargaining power maybe next year, or in the offseason this year.' How do ya, how do ya, how do ya balance that between, alright Javier Biaz's worth is right now, i-i-it's where it's at, or maybe we may need him or Almora, some of these other guys that-that may be chips, not only in this trade market but in the offseason as well, how do ya, how do ya negotiate that within, uh, ya team, and also yourself?

That's right, 5 "how do ya's" in a single sentence. Well played.

Theo amusingly responded with "that's a great question."

Then they had to replay the son of s bitch :?

Author:  SomeGuy [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

It just sounds so damn terrible.

Author:  RFDC [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

I really like Goff, but he is a horrible interviewer.

Should have just let Larry handle the interview. Although he is not much better.

Author:  Bagels [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

No Clever Moniker wrote:
Except Hamp has a bust


Author:  SomeGuy [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

Bagels wrote:
No Clever Moniker wrote:
Except Hamp has a bust



Author:  No Clever Moniker [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown


Author:  Score is doomed [ Fri Jun 26, 2015 8:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

312player wrote:
Great work..I miss your Mulligan work..Goff is the 2nd worst interviewer at the score.. He loves his' it's it's it's ...and he he he ...or Well Well Well ...he's long winded and gives the interviewee 2 possible answers to his own question IN HIS OWN QUESTION :lol:

But what do I Know ? As Goff would say " its Gangsta "

It isn't "gangsta" It's Goff is a dumbass time. Talentless hack.

He and Larry together is nothing more than two suburban black kids acting tough. What a F'ng joke.
:D :D

Author:  MattInTheCrown [ Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

Beardown wrote:
A lot of Score guys are lacking in their interview skills.

I will say that Bernstein is very good at interviews.

Bernstein gets a lot of shit, but I'll say this: he's far and away the most competent host on the Score. That goes a long way for me.

Author:  MattInTheCrown [ Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

312player wrote:
Great work..I miss your Mulligan work..Goff is the 2nd worst interviewer at the score.. He loves his' it's it's it's ...and he he he ...or Well Well Well ...he's long winded and gives the interviewee 2 possible answers to his own question IN HIS OWN QUESTION :lol:

But what do I Know ? As Goff would say " its Gangsta "

And, and, and....

Ugh, he stutters and stumbles so much. That and the clapping. He's really beginning to chap my ass.

Author:  redskingreg [ Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

RFDC wrote:
I really like Goff, but he is a horrible interviewer.

Should have just let Larry handle the interview. Although he is not much better.

They opened the show this morning with clips from the Theo interview. Every clip was Larry asking a question :lol:

Author:  Bucky Chris [ Mon Jun 29, 2015 10:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

The need to make a point DURING the question is what drives me nuts about sports radio. Don't try to show the guest you know something during the question. Just ask a good question.

Author:  Chus [ Tue Jun 30, 2015 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

SomeGuy wrote:
Bagels wrote:
No Clever Moniker wrote:
Except Hamp has a bust




Author:  bigfan [ Tue Jun 30, 2015 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

312player wrote:
Anytime ya hear " that's a great question" ya know the question sucked , and its a you stroke me I stroke you kinda guy.

100%...its a "I dont remember what the fuck you just asked me , the question was even boring"

Watched a documentary a few years ago about responses and how those who read expressions, etc determine if someone is lieing.

The used many Obama pressers and his responses, instead of answering questions he says "LOOK", then repositions himself and then starts talking...its because he is lieing or he knows the truth would hurt him. Thus the LOOK, hand gestures and shifting of the body provide time to think of his plan B.

The "Thats a great question" is similar in that it is a delay tactic used to forumlate some answer that might not be exactly what the person the case, due to the person not listening.

Author:  Reared on the Score [ Fri Aug 07, 2015 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

Oh, man:

Len, the last five weeks have not been kind to Kris Bryant, and maybe at the end of the year or maybe years from now we'll look back on it and say "ok, it's a young guy who struggled a little bit, had a rough patch in his first year, all we know what kind of talent he is." But, In..In the short-hand (sic), right now, you need that bat know, spur you on to a (sic), a extra nine innings with that wild-card berth. What do you think he's going through right now, what are you seeing that he's not seeing, or seeing out there...because that strike zone that, that we thought, uh, came u...that he came up with, is starting to be expanded, and he's starting to swing at things that we didn't see him swing at the first couple of months of the season.

Author:  redskingreg [ Fri Aug 07, 2015 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

Wow. Jason needs a mulligan after that "question."

I'll see myself out.

Author:  Beardown [ Fri Aug 07, 2015 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

He really is tough at interviewing. He should take a class or something.

Not only is he long winded, but from what I've heard, he likes to answer the question that he's asking or give his opinion on it before he finally lets the guest answer it. Just spit out the question Goff. Stop being so wordy!!!!!

Author:  MattInTheCrown [ Fri Aug 07, 2015 4:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

Beardown wrote:
He really is tough at interviewing. He should take a class or something.

Not only is he long winded, but from what I've heard, he likes to answer the question that he's asking or give his opinion on it before he finally lets the guest answer it. Just spit out the question Goff. Stop being so wordy!!!!!

Yeah, you're right. He virtually always asks some kind of question, answers it, and then somewhat asks a tangential question.

Author:  Reared on the Score [ Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

Happy to help in this thread. Goff is painfully amateur on the mic still, almost to a Mully and Hanley level.

Jason question to Jay Jaffee Wednesday wrote:
Jay, I’m gonna get to the White Sox, because I need you to make me feel better about this offseason and what, what, what am I going to see from the White Sox this year, but I have to ask you, we’re kind of locally-focused with the Cubs when we talk about them being big-money bidders, but who else? What is the competition in terms of the billfold out there this offseason around Major League Baseball for some of the same high-priced assets that maybe the Cubs, and maybe the Sox might be going after? Who are, who are the other teams around baseball that are trying to spend some money to bolster a disappointing season, or, to get that topper, the, the, the, the cherry on the sundae, uh, this offseason.

The italicized is classic Goff, trying to shoehorn in an expression that nobody uses just so he can get out more words. Is it just insecurity? Over caffeination (thus the slapping)?

Author:  MattInTheCrown [ Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown


Author:  pittmike [ Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

Reared on the Score wrote:
Happy to help in this thread. Goff is painfully amateur on the mic still, almost to a Mully and Hanley level.

Jason question to Jay Jaffee Wednesday wrote:
Jay, I’m gonna get to the White Sox, because I need you to make me feel better about this offseason and what, what, what am I going to see from the White Sox this year, but I have to ask you, we’re kind of locally-focused with the Cubs when we talk about them being big-money bidders, but who else? What is the competition in terms of the billfold out there this offseason around Major League Baseball for some of the same high-priced assets that maybe the Cubs, and maybe the Sox might be going after? Who are, who are the other teams around baseball that are trying to spend some money to bolster a disappointing season, or, to get that topper, the, the, the, the cherry on the sundae, uh, this offseason.

The italicized is classic Goff, trying to shoehorn in an expression that nobody uses just so he can get out more words. Is it just insecurity? Over caffeination (thus the slapping)?

That was an uncomfortable question from an English point of view.

Author:  pittmike [ Thu Nov 12, 2015 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Jason Goff, as transcribed by MattInTheCrown

This morning already Goff did not wanna be that get off my lawn old guy regarding NBA talk. Geez NBA Clipper talk nice.

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