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Club Random with Bill Maher
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Author:  Beardown [ Tue Jan 17, 2023 10:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Club Random with Bill Maher

I stumbled upon this on youtube 6 months ago or so. I've seen at least 10 of them. Very good conversations with big name celebrities while they're drinking and smoking pot.

You guys should check it out. Not sure when Maher started this. Dana Carvey, Jay Leno and Quentin Terintino were very good. But my favorite was Woody Harrelson. By the end of the interview they were both totally wasted.

Author:  Regular Reader [ Wed Jan 18, 2023 6:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Club Random with Bill Maher

So in other words that fraud completely stole the concept and is infringing on the successful years of N.O.R.E. and his Drink Champs show. F-ing asswipe. He hasn't been funny or insightful in many years anyway.

Author:  W_Z [ Wed Jan 18, 2023 7:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Club Random with Bill Maher

that would be like saying those guys stole it from red letter media's half in the bag or even joe rogan's podcast, which has been having guests on drinking and smoking cigars since i think 2010. and i still remember watching an old dick cavett show having Cassavetes & his friends on getting pretty smashed. it's a format old as time. all interview shows should do it. it makes the guests more comfortable i'm sure.

i've seen a few club randoms that were pretty good; i wanted to see more of weird al's but i've only watched clips so far.

Author:  Rod [ Sat Apr 29, 2023 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Club Random with Bill Maher

Maher tries to argue with Musk about the availability of resources. "People are starving!"

It never occurs to him that he is personally glomming enough resources to feed a large village.

Author:  IkeSouth [ Sat Apr 29, 2023 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Club Random with Bill Maher

If musk is right and it's insanely cheap to desalinate water, why is it so expensive to desalinate water? I wish maher would have followed up on that. From what I understand, the ro filters cost a bit to replace every few months, and the bigger problem is what to do with the brine waste. Very expensive to move that to a place it can be stored. Can't dump it back in the ocean either without wrecking ecosystems.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sat Apr 29, 2023 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Club Random with Bill Maher

"Club Random" sounds like a Tumblr blog from 2011.

I don't hate Maher as much as some people do. I appreciate his consistency over the years. I've never taken Maher as someone whose ideas are all to be taken at face value; there is no way to Uphold Bill Maher Thought. He makes good points and bad points and is often woefully out of touch. Whatever. If you just want to mainline Bloo, I think Jen Psaki is doing a show on MSNBC.

Author:  W_Z [ Sat Apr 29, 2023 10:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Club Random with Bill Maher

I give him credit for staying as relevant as he is for as long as he has. He’s always been like the fun uncle who overstays his welcome but I still appreciate his presence in media. He is always going to side with the Democrats ultimately but he will take them to task as well.

Author:  Beardown [ Sun Jul 23, 2023 10:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Club Random with Bill Maher

Check out Maher with Jordan Peterson. Very interesting conversation.

Author:  Nardi [ Mon Jul 24, 2023 7:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Club Random with Bill Maher

Saw a clip. On how Peterson solved his protestor problem. Talks are at 8AM. :lol:

He's fascinating to me in that I'm entranced for 10 minutes and then "ok, that's enough of this".

Not that I disagree much with what he says, but there's a something something underlying him that's slippery. I think he's also one of those christian atheists.

Author:  Warren Newson [ Mon Jul 24, 2023 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Club Random with Bill Maher

Nardi wrote:
Saw a clip. On how Peterson solved his protestor problem. Talks are at 8AM. :lol:

He's fascinating to me in that I'm entranced for 10 minutes and then "ok, that's enough of this".

Not that I disagree much with what he says, but there's a something something underlying him that's slippery. I think he's also one of those christian atheists.

I'm not sure he even knows what he's talking about. He's one of these guys that can talk for five minutes, get you nodding your head in agreement, and then when he's done leave you completely unable to translate his thoughts into your own words. He came on Sam Harris' podcast and completely derailed it with an hour long discussion about the meaning of the word "truth."

Author:  Rod [ Mon Jul 24, 2023 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Club Random with Bill Maher

Nardi wrote:
I think he's also one of those christian atheists.

I'm pretty sure Peterson isn't an atheist.

Author:  Ron Wolfley [ Mon Jul 24, 2023 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Club Random with Bill Maher

Maher and RFK Jr. had a funny moment where Maher asked him if he was for or against vaccines. RFK Jr. went on and on and on and on. He gave a thorough answer, provided a lot of context, but would often go off on tangents. You could tell he was passionate. Maher stopped him and said this isn't going to work in a debate format, the answer was way too fucking long.

Sure enough, a week later he had that Town Hall on Newsnation and couldn't stop talking. They only got through 2 questions in the first half hour or so :lol: :lol:

Author:  Beardown [ Thu Aug 31, 2023 11:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Club Random with Bill Maher

The interview with RFK was the most drunk/stoned Maher has ever been doing this podcast. He was completely wasted towards the end.

Author:  IkeSouth [ Fri Sep 01, 2023 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Club Random with Bill Maher

I love how Rogan and every other podcaster gets more sober as their show evolves over the years, while Maher just gets more wasted and doesn't try to hide it.

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