Brian's Mojito wrote:
A few things to consider
1. This is a Bears town, and Mike had Ditka, Payton -- and in a lesser vein -- Sayers on the show. I think Jiggs had some part in those connections taking place.
2. No competition. ESPN wasn't a competitor in the early North years.
3. Mike tried to bring a Sterns or Dahl flavor to the show: Steak and BJ Day, Jagbag. Some of the early versions of Jagbag were outright appointment radio, due to the vulgarity unleashed with the personal attacks. Once the purse strings were pulled -- live-feed displeasure by Ditka's patrons forced a rescaling of the bit -- the segment lost its heart.
When the variables changed, Mike lacked the vision to re-package the show as a profitable venture.
agree with just about all of that. Mike's real downfall came in trying to be a political show though.
I think Mike's downfall began around 1994 when he started to believe his own bullshit.