Why is the program named Sports and Torts? I think torts is some sort of lawyer/legal reference, but honestly the name is just crap crap crap crap. It wreaks of trying to be overly cutesy, as if it's a prisoner to the rhyme at it's core. It tells me that whoever came up with it was trying REALLY HARD to get a CATCHY NAME so people REMEMBER THE SHOW, which speaks of a show that probably doesn't have enough quality to stand on it's own two legs.
Example, if Boers and Bernstein was called "Statmonkey and the Shithead" it wouldn't matter because in the end, the quality radio show is what draws us to it... not the name. I realize this is kind of ironic given what I've just typed out, but still, I gotta be real: the name Sports and Torts annoys the shit out of me.
That's my honest $0.02. For an honest Buck-Fifty, check out my weekly MMA show "Cocks in Jocks" on the
http://www.aol.com/user/sinicalypse network!
Curious Hair wrote:
Les Grobstein's huge hog is proof that God has a sense of humor, isn't it?