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 Post subject: Spiegs Blew it Today
PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2020 12:29 am 
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Joined: Wed Jun 19, 2019 8:42 am
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He was on during the day, and he was facetiously going on and on about his newfound beanbag prowess, and how he is treating this like a real sport, etc.

When I was in my car, I thought it would have been a great segment to go all Spinal Tap on the sport of beanbags and have callers phoning in with tips and talking about the game like Dan Wetzel or whatever the fuck his name is calls in to talk about the NBA, etc. Would have made for a good 2 hours of hilarious programming, yukking it up with the fans and making them feel like a part of things for once. . . harkening back to the "Score Hello" days.

He blew it.

We Now Know That JOE BIDEN has been COMPROMISED by CHINA! (let that sink in)

Election 2020-The Largest Fraud in the History of Mankind.

*If you believe that Biden won, you also believe that Epstein killed himself*

Last edited by Pres-Elect FukNuggitt on Mon May 25, 2020 3:34 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: Re: Spiegs Blew it Today
PostPosted: Mon May 25, 2020 12:41 am 
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Joined: Sun Sep 18, 2005 8:22 pm
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FukNuggitt wrote:
He was on during the day, and he was facetiously going on and on about his newfound beanbag prowess, and how he is treating this like a real sport, etc.

When I was in my car, I thought it would have been a great segment to go all Spinal Tap on the sport of beanbags and have callers phoning in with tips and talking about the game like Dan Wetzel or whatever the fuck his name is calls in to talk about the NBA, etc. Would have made for a good 2 hours or hilarious programming, yukking it up with the fans and making them feel like a part of things for once. . . harkening back to the "Score Hello" days.

He blew it.

You forgot to log in as Beardown.

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