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LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!
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Author:  SomeGuy [ Fri Apr 02, 2010 2:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Halfpint wrote:
I heard this original conversation when Ranger compared AJ to Jeter. Actually, LoHo, Ranger was comparing the fans reaction to things they do. He was not comparing AJ to Jeter, you wannabeBernstein!
Ranger's statement , which he tried to explain to you time after time, was not comparing the 2 players, but the similar way the fans would react when the 2 players do something questionable in a game or in life.
Both fan bases go to extremes to defend the players. That is the similar points Ranger was trying to make. SHAKE THAT :eye:

Yeah, I'm not sure of Holmes is doing this to be "funny" or whatnot, but it was obvious as day what Ranger was trying to get across.

The callers confirmed it.

Author:  Beardown [ Fri Apr 02, 2010 3:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

I'll explain this to you. I didn't hear the initial comment but I heard the glee in Larry's voice as he ran to his Uncle Terry with this.

It was Larry wanting to tell Terry that Ranger isn't one of them. That he had a dumb sports thought that none of Bernstein's deciple's would ever have. Then he got them all to join in on calling Ranger a dumb ass. I'll take Ranger's and the poster's word that Ranger was taken out of context. I believe Larry did it on purpose to say fuck you to Ranger and get Terry and Goff to join in on laughing at him. I also heard Larry tell Uncle Terry what a caller said:

Larry - Then you know what happened, Terry?

Terry - What, my little kiss ass buddy?

Larry - Well, we got a dumb ass caller to say that A.J tries harder than Jeter. I handled the caller just like you and Bernstein would. I called him dumb and told him that Jeter tries really, really hard too. He said, get this Terry, that AJ was more of a grinder. Then I laughed at the caller in a smug, condescending way.

Terry - Very good, Larry. That's just what we would have done it.

Larry - Ranger is a dumb ass like the meatball callers!!!! Ha Ha!!! I guess everybody can't have the correct sports thoughts like us. To Dan Bernstein!!!!!

Terry and Goff - Here Here!!!! Fuck everybody except for "Team Bernstein". Everybody should be like us. Weeeeeeeeee!!!!!

Of course I exaggerated the thing but it's the jist of what happened. Don't anybody tell me I'm wrong cuz you know I'm not. Ranger is smiling and nodding his head as he reads this.

Author:  Beardown [ Fri Apr 02, 2010 6:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Ranger wrote:
Beardown wrote:
Hey Ranger, Larry ran to Terry and Goff and got them to gang up on you for your "A.J= Jeter" comment. They all did the "we're smarter than Ranger" and "Ranger is a dumb ass" dance. How are you gonna get even?

I'm not about getting even, but I did hear it after the fact and he completely misrepresented what I said.

Laurence is good to work with and I never have a problem with him. I like Laurence quite a bit, actually.

How many here believe Ranger? I don't.

Author:  bigfan [ Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

This can be an undercard at the match of century. Mac v Harry@!

Author:  Drop In [ Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

I think this could be a great charity event. All of the people that understand what's going on and their friends. Fifteen people hat get the joke, inviting fifteen people each. It could actually be a very successful fundraiser.

Author:  Scorehead [ Fri Apr 02, 2010 11:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Ranger is a shill for the Sox much like Zach is for the Bears. Mitch should put Meatpants in the Sox pre & post game host role as he would be an upgrade.

Author:  Ranger [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 1:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Scorehead wrote:
Ranger is a shill for the Sox much like Zach is for the Bears. Mitch should put Meatpants in the Sox pre & post game host role as he would be an upgrade.

Weak. Come up with something new, would ya?

Author:  RodeoVann [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

loho wasnt grasping what rongey was saying, sorta like rmost of rangers callers on his post game shows.

Author:  SomeGuy [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 9:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

RodeoVann wrote:
loho wasnt grasping what rongey was saying, sorta like rmost of rangers callers on his post game shows.

How could he not grasp it? It was a simple comment and a simple concept. Rongey was correct in his assertion. LoHo either was to stupid at the moment to grasp a very simple (and correct) concept or he was purposely misconstruing Rangers assertion into something he could run back to Dan and Terry with and get some mileage out of it himself.

Either way, LoHo spinning it and running back to B&B with it was pretty lame and pretty transparent.

Author:  bigfan [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

While I have often ridiculed Mr Rongey for his Soxfullness, he does not make the excuses for them. He does present possible alternative reasons for things, but then again I don't think he is an idiot and likes his gig so if you think you are going to find anyone associated with a team or a show about a team, on that teams flagship station ripping them a new A hole, you must be smoking some good shit.

I think the Cubs now have a 20 year radio deal with WGN and no doubt at the end of that deal, the rights will finally be openly bid on, but last year I did hear Memolo really taking some shots at the team, but maybs ehtta is because they aren't goin anywhere soon, as shokcing as it was, but before than for 25 years, you never heard anything negative.

Now if they let me do Sox pre and post game, then we would see if Reinsdorf really cared what was said.

ZZ on the other hand, does almost the same thing Ranger does, but actually argues his points that "might" be true as if he does work in the front office at Halas Hall.

Author:  Beardown [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Agreed. Ranger is nothing like Zack. Ranger is discrete. Zack is a shameless shill.

Author:  Drop In [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

I gave Ranger a rough ride, if you'll pardon the expression, for his Jeter/A.J. comparison this week. But I think he does a great job. Also, considering the majority of his post game callers are live from the Cantina scene in Star Wars, he handles it well. I rarely listen to sports radio after 6 PM, but I enjoyed listening to Laurence and Ranger this week.

Author:  Beardown [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Ranger, you still haven't answered my question. Have you ever seen or heard of Larry throwing a punch? Also, is there any truth to the rumor that, before you and him took the air for the "White Sox live" shows, Larry made you dance with him to "Shake that"?

Author:  Ranger [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Drop In wrote:
I gave Ranger a rough ride, if you'll pardon the expression, for his Jeter/A.J. comparison this week. But I think he does a great job. Also, considering the majority of his post game callers are live from the Cantina scene in Star Wars, he handles it well. I rarely listen to sports radio after 6 PM, but I enjoyed listening to Laurence and Ranger this week.

I shouldn't laughed at that, but it's pretty funny.

Beardown wrote:
Ranger, you still haven't answered my question. Have you ever seen or heard of Larry throwing a punch? Also, is there any truth to the rumor that, before you and him took the air for the "White Sox live" shows, Larry made you dance with him to "Shake that"?

You really like being the CSFMB weirdo, don't you?

Author:  Beardown [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

You can answer the "punch" question at least. That's not a weird question. Larry is the one that brags about it which is kind of weird, actually. It's certainly a fair question.

Plus I defended you on the "AJ = Jeter" comment and the comparison to Zaidman.

Author:  RodeoVann [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 4:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Did I see that loho and ranger are going to be partners on dancing with the stars? I gotta go watch reruns of monsters and money, later.

Author:  Beardown [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

See, even Rodeo is cracking wise. It's not weird. Not to get off track but there is something inherently gay about sports radio partnerships. Especially when they do promo shots.

C'mon Ranger, even you have to admit this don't look right.


Author:  Drop In [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 5:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Perspective. You don't see Mitch Rosen in this picture. :D Just kidding Mitch!

Author:  Scorehead [ Sat Apr 03, 2010 8:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Ranger wrote:
Scorehead wrote:
Ranger is a shill for the Sox much like Zach is for the Bears. Mitch should put Meatpants in the Sox pre & post game host role as he would be an upgrade.

Weak. Come up with something new, would ya?

Your response is weak. Being in the public eye like you are, surely you realize that not everyone will be a fan of yours. The WSCR White Sox Baseball broadcasting triumvirate of Farmio, DJ, & Ranger is on par with some double A broadcast teams that I have heard in my many travels around the midwest...and I'm sure the budget & payroll is close as well. At least the Sox aren't overpaying for the level of broadcasting talent. I'm sure the huge audience that Sox games attract on WSCR are happy though.

Author:  Rod [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Rongey is a professional broadcaster, one of the few they have at that station. I'm sure he'll move on to bigger and better things if he isn't stupid enough to get caught up in the frat boy sophomorics of the resident idiots.

But I don't want to listen to him scold any Sox fans about anything, even if they're the worst type of meatballs. He's not one of us. Fuckin' Cardinal fan, go back to Sauget and build a Daryl Kile memorial.

Author:  spmack [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Bad mult.

Author:  Ranger [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Scorehead wrote:
Your response is weak. Being in the public eye like you are, surely you realize that not everyone will be a fan of yours. The WSCR White Sox Baseball broadcasting triumvirate of Farmio, DJ, & Ranger is on par with some double A broadcast teams that I have heard in my many travels around the midwest...and I'm sure the budget & payroll is close as well. At least the Sox aren't overpaying for the level of broadcasting talent. I'm sure the huge audience that Sox games attract on WSCR are happy though.

Eh. Opinions are a**holes, they say. Or like some poeple on message boards. I feel pretty confident that you're in the minority on yours, but you're entitled to it.

I'm just saying that if you're gonna criticize, find something with some substance instead of the Rongey-is-a-shill classic because you can't support it.

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

spmack wrote:
Bad mult.

I like the name though. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Mr. Reason [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Ranger wrote:
I'm just saying that if you're gonna criticize, find something with some substance instead of the Rongey-is-a-shill classic because you can't support it.

I think your eyes are too close together.

Author:  Ranger [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

spmack wrote:
Bad mult.

I don't understand the whole mult thing. What's the f***ing point?

Author:  Ranger [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Mr. Reason wrote:
Ranger wrote:
I'm just saying that if you're gonna criticize, find something with some substance instead of the Rongey-is-a-shill classic because you can't support it.

I think your eyes are too close together.

Really? I've actually never heard that before. Nothing I can do about that, though.

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 1:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Ranger wrote:
spmack wrote:
Bad mult.

I don't understand the whole mult thing. What's the f***ing point?

Idle hands need an outlet for their creativity. I gave it a shot for awhile. Mine were bad and not very funny. It's basically something to do for people that want to have alternate personalities.

Author:  Rod [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 6:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

No split personality here, kid. Just a long time Chicago sports fan weighing in. Rongey has that corporate demeanor which makes him a misfit in the land of rudeness and rough edges. But even he is influenced by his surroundings, so sometimes he can't help but put meatball after meatball on the air so he can ridicule them. That may be standard operating procedure at The Score, but if he ever wants a shot at that Cardinal play-by-play job when Rooney hangs it up or a national spot ala Greenberg, he'd be well served to stay above the fray. And I'd certainly advise against mixing it up with the vicious mulatto from Hyde Park.

Author:  Beardown [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 8:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
No split personality here, kid. Just a long time Chicago sports fan weighing in. Rongey has that corporate demeanor which makes him a misfit in the land of rudeness and rough edges. But even he is influenced by his surroundings, so sometimes he can't help but put meatball after meatball on the air so he can ridicule them. That may be standard operating procedure at The Score, but if he ever wants a shot at that Cardinal play-by-play job when Rooney hangs it up or a national spot ala Greenberg, he'd be well served to stay above the fray. And I'd certainly advise against mixing it up with the vicious mulatto from Hyde Park.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

That was pretty good. You make some great points. A lot of Score people try to do that "Fuck you" radio, but it's hit or miss. B&B are the rare "hit". But Bernstein has talent. I believe a lot have missed at it over at the SCORE. They just don't know it yet. Then there are those like Ranger, with his demeanor and personality, that will last a long time in broadcasting. 95% of people in broadcasting are his type. I think he will get that Cardinals "play by play" job one day.

Ranger is smart enough not to take on that vicious mulatto, as you put it. He's too smart to do that bullshit. He's not the type to do that petty bullshit like others at the SCORE.

Author:  Ranger [ Sun Apr 04, 2010 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: LoHo v Ranger !!!!!!

Any MLB play-by-play gig would be nice, actually.

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