Chicago Fanatics Message Board

Score streaming faq
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Author:  IkeSouth [ Wed Jun 23, 2010 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Score streaming faq

the new gear is running, the stream sounds perfecter then it did before.

i got a couple things though

1. why does terry still sound like butt?

2. why cant you fire terry boers? the show would sound better if for nothing else because he sounds like ass on the 56k modem line

3. why does little danny. b's mic sound so much better then terrys?

4. why do some people that call in on their cell phone sound better then terry on his own show?

5. to reduce static and noise on the stream, disable terrys connection. its like buying a mercedes but keeping the grill from your old gremlin and putting it on the mercedes.

6. are you waiting for terry to have a stroke? not because he is old, rather because he is older then the phone line he is on and if you think about that, a paradox forms and subsequently he has die or something. the only other option would be for the shit connection to go to the wayside of a high bandwidth internet connection, but that would also cause another paradox at the score so grand that larry horses eyes would grow larger then spmacks end hole. and thats a challenge in itself.

Author:  C_Howitt_Fealz [ Thu Jun 24, 2010 6:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Score streaming faq

Toke some more, Ike.

Author:  Wilson A2000 [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Score streaming faq

I thought that when the iPhone OS4 came out I would be able to multitask with my iPhone (check my mail while streaming from the AOL app). But whenever I try to do this, the stream goes off. Is there any any other way to get around this?

Author:  johnnyfontane [ Sun Jul 18, 2010 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Score streaming faq

Wilson A2000 wrote:
I thought that when the iPhone OS4 came out I would be able to multitask with my iPhone (check my mail while streaming from the AOL app). But whenever I try to do this, the stream goes off. Is there any any other way to get around this?

What they didn't tell you is that all the apps need to be updated to work with iOS4. I have the AOL radio app also and it has not been updated. Keep checking your app store, I would imagine they should be updating it soon.

Author:  Wilson A2000 [ Wed Oct 20, 2010 5:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score streaming faq

johnnyfontane wrote:
Wilson A2000 wrote:
I thought that when the iPhone OS4 came out I would be able to multitask with my iPhone (check my mail while streaming from the AOL app). But whenever I try to do this, the stream goes off. Is there any any other way to get around this?

What they didn't tell you is that all the apps need to be updated to work with iOS4. I have the AOL radio app also and it has not been updated. Keep checking your app store, I would imagine they should be updating it soon.

New AOL app came out. You can finally multitask with it now.

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