I was listening to Talkin' Baseball today with Levine and DeFalco.
Levine began to rip on C&S for the usage of the gay horn. Levine claimed it was offensive to a group of people. Carm defended it's usage, blah blah blah, saying it was not offensive, it was done in a humorous way, etc...then asked Bruce if he's ever offended a group of people because it's something everyone has done. Levine responded, "No. I don't believe I have. If I have, I wish someone would call me on it and I'll consider their comments."
I ran to the phone and got right thru (big shock).
"I would like to call Bruce on his comment that he's never offended a group of people. I believe Ross Gload, Willie Harris, and Geoff Blum were quite offended when he referred to them as 'scrubs' at the end of last baseball season."
"Wow. You got him," said the shocked screener. "I'll pass it on to him."
I was very animated in my statement, so I calmed down and said "I'll be very respectful to Bruce on the air, but I'd like to pose the question to him especially since he's being high and mighty to Carm."
"You've got a great point, and I'll pass it on to him, but I'm not going to put you on the air. I really want to keep my job."
WTF? Calling a host or reporter out on the air has happened daily on both stations, but Levine has protection from above? Or demands his producers not put calls thru which make him look bad? Who does this guy have pics of?
_________________ Nothing clever or witty to put here.....