BlazingSize wrote:
Sounds like he did get well, and that's a good thing. I like listening to him, with a couple exeptions, usually when he tries to out-Bernsie Bernsie.
Listening to him talk about "not having talked about it", I couldn't help remembering the "Marcus" operation that Steve Dahl made a bit of about 1980. Anybody else listening in that period? Marcus was an update guy with an adenoid problem, Dahl and Meier always ribbed him about the way he sounded. They convince him to get the corrective surgery, and maybe paid for it. There is a countdown in the days up to the surgery, and I think they even interviewed Marcus pre-op from the hospital.
They were set to do a report from the hospital on the surgery. The report turned out to be that Marcus had died.
It was as chilling a thing that you could imagine. I'm glad LoHo kept this to himself.
I do remember that situation -- maybe Beardown doesn't.
He thoroughly criticized Laurence upon the host's return to the airwaves. Beardown believed Holmes took a self-important stance when it came to the description of pre- and post-surgical happenings.