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Score Search Finals: How Predictable
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Author:  RadioNerd [ Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Score Search Finals: How Predictable

Sure, it's for position of social media editor — and not an on-air spot — but come on, is Scott from Davenport really in the Final Four for Score Search this year?

It's rigged!

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

I'm sure he'll do as well as anyone could for such a "job," but why don't they just call this promotion Boers & Bernstein Buttmonkey Search.

Author:  spmack [ Mon Nov 04, 2013 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

:lol: Are you serious? Curious Hair, didn't you do a parody entry where the entrant pretty much answered everything as a Bernstein ALS'er?

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Nov 04, 2013 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

I sure did! Let me excavate the thread from weeks upon weeks of Sparky Fifer bullshit and I will quote the post in this post!

Curious Hair wrote:
It's another off year for the (St. Xavier University) (?!?) Score Search, as they are not looking for an on-air personality -- there simply aren't weekend overnight hours to spare with C-B-S SPORTS-RA-DI-O!!! -- but rather a "social media expert." So yeah, the sales department has figured out a way to monetize everything, up to and including hiring an intern to run their twitter account.

My only hope is that the applicants write the same bald-faced pandering for a twitter-jockey internship that they would for an air shift:

Why are you applying?
I have been a fan of the Score since 199x and what always impressed me most about the Score was the way they reached out to the people who were most importnat to the station and that's their fans. In a lot of ways I think sports radio is the original social media. I feel that as Social Media Expert I can apply my own expertise of social media on a diverse range of platforms to exploring new and dynamic ways for the Score to engage their loyal listeners.

Who are your biggest influences?
I would definitely have to say that I look up to Dan Bernstein, whose work on twitter has shaped me into the social media expert I am today. Also, I have always admired Laurence Holmes, who is a multi-platform master of social media, as I would be for the Score. I am hoping to follow in the footsteps of Tim "Ten Foot Midget" Baffoe, who reimagined social media for the Score in winning the Scoure Search.

What is your happiest and most memorable moment as a Chicago sports fan?
I'm a diehard Cubs fan, but I would definitely have to say it was in 2005 when the White Sox won the World Series. The happy memories I have from this momentous occasion would definitely enable me to explore and reimagine social media for The Official Radio Home Of The Chicago White Sox.

What are your credentials for this thankless and meaningless job that will pay little or nothing?
I graduated with honors from New Trier and hold a B.A. in English from Tulane University.

The winner will be whoever interned for Boers & Bernstein two years ago.

Author:  spmack [ Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable


I think Scott from Davenport reads the board. Question #3 almost looks as if it was cut and paste from you, CH.
Scott Lindholm
1. If you could share one thing about yourself to Score listeners, what would it be?
I give two things in short supply—content and context. I tell you what makes it special and why you should care.

2. Which 670 The Score personality/columnist do you admire most? Why?
Dan Bernstein, because he’s why you know who I am. Also, Laurence Holmes, Jason Goff (sky point), Terry Boers, Matt Spiegel and Mully and Hanley, because they all read my stuff.

3. If you could meet one sports figure, who would it be and why?
Theo Epstein—to ask for a job and pick his brain. Also, to congratulate him for hiring Bill James in 2004.

4. In your opinion, why is social media an effective way to reach The Score’s audience?
Because they’re all on it and STARVING for content as opposed to snark and attitude.

Author:  SirTinkleButton [ Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

Lesley Podlasek
1. Which 670 The Score personality/columnist do you admire most? Why?
Matt Abbatacola is hilarious, and likes to call out Dan Bernstein.

Any who thinks this should be automatically disqualified but now shes definitely a sleeper pick to win.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

2. Which 670 The Score personality/columnist do you admire most? Why?
Dan Bernstein, because he’s why you know who I am. Also, Laurence Holmes, Jason Goff (sky point), Terry Boers, Matt Spiegel and Mully and Hanley, because they all read my stuff.


"Which Score personality do you admire most?"

"Good question! I would have to say 'everyone who is currently hosting a major daypart, and also a guy who used to.'"

Author:  Brick [ Mon Nov 04, 2013 4:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

If he really wanted to win:

2. Which 670 The Score personality/columnist do you admire most? Why?
None. I admire doctors, lawyers, guys who work at NASA, and guys who run in marathons for Dan's charity.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

What seems to be lost on all parties involved is that I shouldn't already know who any of these people are. That's, you see, kind of the point of these open talent searches. It's like Howard Stern looking for someone to run the Howard Stern twitter account and then giving it to Baba Booey.

I forgot who said it, but my favorite Score Search story is that Ryan Sudol was a contestant in one of them. Ryan Sudol, one of those names in the big cloud of WSCR personnel (like Pat Anders, or prior to his rapid ascent, Adam Hoge), and I'm pretty sure he was the guy who gave us the "Deutschbank Championship" drop on a scoreboard once. He wasn't just an old intern; he had actually worked at the station before!

EDIT: Ah, here it was, the old Score Search thread
Curious Hair wrote:
chip egan wrote:
As for those who subscribe to the theory that since Berger was a former intern that that gave him the inside track, I have to say I a point. When the first contest came along I ran into a number of guys who interned at the station who were also looking for the break. One of which was Ryan Sudol, who staffers will talk about on air from time to time. Ryan is working in the business doing on-air work, I just don't remember the state.

You're shitting me. Sudol wasn't an intern, he was a full-fledged employee! He was their internet guy and had substitute-of-last-resort air shifts. He was the guy who gave us the "The Deutsch Bank Championship" drop. And he was allowed to be in this? What a crock. That would be like if Adam Hoge were in it.

The Score is so silly.

Author:  24_Guy [ Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

Scott Lindholm
4. In your opinion, why is social media an effective way to reach The Score’s audience?
Because they’re all on it and STARVING for content as opposed to snark and attitude.

Come again?? :shock:

I love the Score, but, if its listeners are trying to avoid snark and attitude, they should really be listening to the other station.

Author:  24_Guy [ Tue Nov 05, 2013 1:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

Or better yet, start their own radio station. :idea:

680-AM, The Scores

Author:  Rod [ Tue Nov 05, 2013 7:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

Anyone but Scott Lindholm!

Author:  Curious Hair [ Tue Nov 05, 2013 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

Beepboop has a point, though. There is a place at the Score for what he does. The conundrum, though, is that he's already the Score's de facto stat guy, and this only elevates him to de jure stat guy. Why hadn't those cheapasses hired him already?

Author:  Franky T [ Thu Nov 07, 2013 3:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

Wow...he's a lot older than I would have imagined. I thought he was some early 20's kid in his parents basement, not someone grandpa.

Author:  Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Thu Nov 07, 2013 3:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

For real, what is this contest even about? How did these 4 people distinguish themselves to be "finalists"?

Is it based on their answers to those 4 questions?

Writing such as this -

2. Which 670 The Score personality/columnist do you admire most? Why?

Mike Mulligan. He cut his teeth in journalism and now includes a morning radio show as well as TV into his life.

Are they going to have a Tweet-Off live on the air to figure this out? Honest question. I have no idea what this contest is.

Author:  Mark Prior's Calves [ Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

What's Scott in Davenport's lot in life? He lives in the Quad Cities, quickly responds to statistical questions on a drive time radio show, is middle aged, applied for an entry level position at a radio station, drove across the state for said position, and got passed over for someone no one's heard of. Yeesh

Author:  Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Sun Nov 10, 2013 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

It was quite an upset.

Author:  Wilson A2000 [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

That was a painful listen Saturday night. How did the girl who hasn't tweeted in 2 years get in the finals?

Author:  8675309 [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

Mark Prior's Calves wrote:
What's Scott in Davenport's lot in life? He lives in the Quad Cities, quickly responds to statistical questions on a drive time radio show, is middle aged, applied for an entry level position at a radio station, drove across the state for said position, and got passed over for someone no one's heard of. Yeesh

That's a pretty sad reality for Scott.

I believe the Score King got on his booster chair and stated:
"He's already MY B&B stats geek for free why bother paying him".

I wonder if the girls friends with the old Q101 girl that Dan..............

Author:  bigfan [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

Wilson A2000 wrote:
That was a painful listen Saturday night. How did the girl who hasn't tweeted in 2 years get in the finals?

That was awesome! lol

5 people entered and 1 was Bob?

Author:  Kirkwood [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

Mark Prior's Calves wrote:
What's Scott in Davenport's lot in life? He lives in the Quad Cities, quickly responds to statistical questions on a drive time radio show, is middle aged, applied for an entry level position at a radio station, drove across the state for said position, and got passed over for someone no one's heard of. Yeesh

I'd say either actuary or some type of IT guy.

Author:  redskingreg [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

Kirkwood wrote:
Mark Prior's Calves wrote:
What's Scott in Davenport's lot in life? He lives in the Quad Cities, quickly responds to statistical questions on a drive time radio show, is middle aged, applied for an entry level position at a radio station, drove across the state for said position, and got passed over for someone no one's heard of. Yeesh

I'd say either actuary or some type of IT guy.

Pretty sure he works for DCFS or something similar.

Author:  Wilson A2000 [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

redskingreg wrote:
Kirkwood wrote:
Mark Prior's Calves wrote:
What's Scott in Davenport's lot in life? He lives in the Quad Cities, quickly responds to statistical questions on a drive time radio show, is middle aged, applied for an entry level position at a radio station, drove across the state for said position, and got passed over for someone no one's heard of. Yeesh

I'd say either actuary or some type of IT guy.

Pretty sure he works for DCFS or something similar.

Does he work with Quad Cities Pat? Isn't that where he lives and who he works for?

Author:  Curious Hair [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

LinkedIn says he basically does something with school vouchers. I don't think he works with Quad Cities Pat, though their contributions to the show warrant a special Who Needs Two out in Moline.

Author:  redskingreg [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 8:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

Wilson A2000 wrote:
redskingreg wrote:
Kirkwood wrote:
Mark Prior's Calves wrote:
What's Scott in Davenport's lot in life? He lives in the Quad Cities, quickly responds to statistical questions on a drive time radio show, is middle aged, applied for an entry level position at a radio station, drove across the state for said position, and got passed over for someone no one's heard of. Yeesh

I'd say either actuary or some type of IT guy.

Pretty sure he works for DCFS or something similar.

Does he work with Quad Cities Pat? Isn't that where he lives and who he works for?

Crap. You're right. I mixed up those two Berstein ass lickers.

Author:  Franky T [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

How the fuck do you guys even know who won? I checked the website and can't find shit.

Author:  Wilson A2000 [ Mon Nov 11, 2013 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

Franky T wrote:
How the fuck do you guys even know who won? I checked the website and can't find shit.

When trying to find out who won the contest to control the Score's Twitter account I went to the Score's Twitter account to see the winner

Author:  Franky T [ Tue Nov 12, 2013 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

Stupid me. I went to the website that was promoting the contest. Duh!

Author:  bigfan [ Tue Nov 12, 2013 5:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

Franky T wrote:
Stupid me. I went to the website that was promoting the contest. Duh!

didnt they have a website design winner?

Of course not, because anyone that could handle their website wouldnt take the shit job they offer like 'Tweeting for the Score " all day.

did sound like Mitch was awfully hard on Maddux Boy Scott from Quad Cities! When he kept dropping WSCR people in his "Interview"

Author:  No Clever Moniker [ Sat Nov 16, 2013 10:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Score Search Finals: How Predictable

Hilarious. Danny, Larry, and Matty (either one) lickage and you move to the head of the class.*

*Secret desirable skill: The ability to both block someone and capture their content for straw rebuttal.

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