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Author:  bigfan [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:32 pm ]
Post subject:  ESPN>WSCR

I just feel a little more informed now that I listen to ESPN. Not that WSCR didnt provide any info, but I think the over the top "My guy said this" which 99% of it is wrong is something I really grew to dislike and ZZ, who I hope to get real bears info from checks his words before he says anything that might piss off the bears and sacrifice his Job as Bears sideline guy. I dont blame him for it, but you cant have your bears beat reporter also basically work for the team and expect to get anything good. Its like trying to get Rongey to say anything negative about the Sox. He might think it, but the guy would never say anything bad about them.

When I get Jay over Martellus, or Marshall filling in for Jay, you actually hear some really good stuff V. The amazingly boring #83. Even the bears all access show sucked. That thing seemed like it had so much potential. Just talk to players for an extended period of time about the game, and it turned into a bad HS radio gig! ESPN gives me Kyle Long with Jurko, which blows away Terry being awaken to comment on the "coat drive" or My guy Matty finding the worst caller of the day and putting him on the air so danny can berate some old school guy on the NW side who didnt go to Duke and says 'We" in reference to the Bears. That gimmick is over and done.

Even Waddle has stepped up his game. he is actually kind of funny and now that he is no longer mr NFL network, seems to be not so damn cautious!

could still use a 3rd man with Jurko.

I dont even mind the 1 hour of Mike and Mike national info.

Maybe One day Rod Zimmerman will jump down from his high chair and let Mitch revamp some issues there!

Author:  Curious Hair [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

bigfan wrote:
Even the bears all access show sucked. That thing seemed like it had so much potential. Just talk to players for an extended period of time about the game, and it turned into a bad HS radio gig!

I believe the Bears produce it as part of "The Chicago Bears Network of Shows," which doesn't seem like a very extensive network but okay. There's probably some p.r. halfwit up in Lake Forest planning out those insipid segments they do.

Author:  Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

Said for years that the Bears Coach Show should be on the Score and hosted by someone with an edge.

I make more fun of North than anybody but nobody currently at the Score would do it better.

Author:  bigfan [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

Curious Hair wrote:
bigfan wrote:
Even the bears all access show sucked. That thing seemed like it had so much potential. Just talk to players for an extended period of time about the game, and it turned into a bad HS radio gig!

I believe the Bears produce it as part of "The Chicago Bears Network of Shows," which doesn't seem like a very extensive network but okay. There's probably some p.r. halfwit up in Lake Forest planning out those insipid segments they do.

Scott Hagel, Bernsteins "Inside man" on all Bears issues! But it still could have been a much better show. If you are going to "PRODUCE" something than a little work outside of "So you like Pizza" would be nice. How about "On that play when you got pushed back 40 yards, was the other guy just better Chris Conte?""

I actually think Terrys source of Bears Equipment manager, Tony Medlin, is a better source than the guy whose job it is to control the message being sent out.

Author:  bigfan [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

Dr. Kenneth Noisewater wrote:
Said for years that the Bears Coach Show should be on the Score and hosted by someone with an edge.

I make more fun of North than anybody but nobody currently at the Score would do it better.

It is possible to dig without being an asshole.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

Whoa there, Slippery Hands, be careful about dropping those names!

I agree with you, but the Bears are the kind of organization that just wants sunshine and lollipops. In fact, I believe two of Zach's questions for Craig Steltz were "I heard you enjoy sunny days, is that true?" and "what was your favorite flavor of Dum-Dum to get from the bank teller?"

Author:  Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

bigfan wrote:
Dr. Kenneth Noisewater wrote:
Said for years that the Bears Coach Show should be on the Score and hosted by someone with an edge.

I make more fun of North than anybody but nobody currently at the Score would do it better.

It is possible to dig without being an asshole.

Great point. Tell me more.

It is. But Silvy is about the only guy currently working that fits that bill.

Author:  bigfan [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

Jurko would

Author:  Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

bigfan wrote:
Jurko would

Yeah, I'd listen to that.

Author:  bosco [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 7:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

Today Silvy was talking about how he'd choose Josh over Jay as starting quarterback. I thought it was awesome he'd say that publicly regardless of the fact he hosts The Jay Cutler Show. You know Jay's not going to be happy Silvy said that.

No other host in Chicago would have been truthful in that situation.

Author:  pittmike [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

I appreciate Silvy does that. Makes me even more mad about B&B actually. They will talk bad about things or say they are dumb until they have to do their little sponsored guest segment with a "guest" or plug or whatever and all is happy and yay!

Author:  FloydGondolli [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

B&B make fun of announcers and people who misspeak all day but have never, ever mentioned a word about the terrible, godawful Brian Billick, who flubs as much as anyone. Then how they coddle Zaidman every time he's on and contradicts common knowledge and opinion just to protect saying anything remotely negative about the Bears.

Now that the 9-1 slot is shot, I think I'll give ESPN a try. It can't be any worse.

Author:  bigfan [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

bosco wrote:
Today Silvy was talking about how he'd choose Josh over Jay as starting quarterback. I thought it was awesome he'd say that publicly regardless of the fact he hosts The Jay Cutler Show. You know Jay's not going to be happy Silvy said that.

No other host in Chicago would have been truthful in that situation.

Hear when he said it to Marshall? Silvy went down all the stats, compared them and said to Marshall now would you have Mccown start and Marshall without hesitation says "NOPE"

Author:  Beardown [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

FloydGondolli wrote:
B&B make fun of announcers and people who misspeak all day

They never say anything when drinky speaks either.

Drinky: Ahhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, hey, Dan, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh do you think Bear weather will help the Bears win? Ahhhhhhhhhhh, Hey Dan, do you think momentum will help the Bears win?

Bernstein: Matty is trolling me again.

Boers: Baaaaaaaaaaaaaa Haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!! Matty!!!!!

Author:  Zizou [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

I've been checking in more with ESPN these days. Waddle is still awful and he drives me away from their show. I can take Silvy but fuck Waddle. He should be selling cars and coaching girl's sports somewhere.

I'm not even sure ESPN is actually improving or it's just that WSCR is so bad that any sports alternative will sound better.

Neither station has an iota of ambition. Just churn out the same shit for years on end. It's almost as if there is a mutual agreement between the PDs at both stations to put as little effort as possible in to their product. It's like two Commonwealth Edisons.

Where is the talent? Who are the future Macneils and Bernsteins?

And it's not the producers or sound engineers. I don't know who fed them the idea that their is some linear progression from intern/gofer--->phone answerer--->producer--->radio host. Someone forgot to mention to these halfwits that having a personality is a huge job requirement for the host position.

I would let Grote have a try during the week but he might be in the doghouse after the rehab stint. And like, why does it have to be Larry every fucking day? Swap in some other guys with Spiegs to see if some kind of chemistry develops.

Author:  Beardown [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

I've actually been hitting up Silvy and Waddle more as well. B&B are just too much of the same "Fuck You" stuff sometimes. And they stay on the same theme for way too long. Just repeating themselves.

Author:  Colonel Angus [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

bosco wrote:
Today Silvy was talking about how he'd choose Josh over Jay as starting quarterback. I thought it was awesome he'd say that publicly regardless of the fact he hosts The Jay Cutler Show. You know Jay's not going to be happy Silvy said that.

No other host in Chicago would have been truthful in that situation.

Silvy's never been afraid to criticize Jay, nor has TWaddle. They may have the biggest cojones in local sports talk.

Author:  pittmike [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

Beardown wrote:
I've actually been hitting up Silvy and Waddle more as well. B&B are just too much of the same "Fuck You" stuff sometimes. And they stay on the same theme for way too long. Just repeating themselves.

Its a good point. Listened to Boers today and really wondered what was the point to beat the Cutler contract into the ground when there are games to be played and if he plays this week is far more important? Lazy.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Wed Dec 11, 2013 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

FloydGondolli wrote:
B&B make fun of announcers and people who misspeak all day but have never, ever mentioned a word about the terrible, godawful Brian Billick, who flubs as much as anyone.

They gave him a rough time for "that speaks volumes, I don't know what those volumes are," or at least as rough as they ever go on people they have business relationships with.

Author:  Godfella [ Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

I've always wondered why a Bears player would have his own show on AM 1000? With the Bears on WBBM, wouldn't you think it would be on 780 or The Score? That would be like a Blackhawks player having his own show on The Score when they play on WGN.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

I suppose players can negotiate these things individually. I'm sure both sides like it this way.

Author:  bigfan [ Sun Dec 22, 2013 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: ESPN>WSCR

Godfella wrote:
I've always wondered why a Bears player would have his own show on AM 1000? With the Bears on WBBM, wouldn't you think it would be on 780 or The Score? That would be like a Blackhawks player having his own show on The Score when they play on WGN.

First WBBM and WSCR same ownership, so no conflict there. The Martellus Show was a late season attempt to get anything going on with a player.

His thoughts are terrible. Just because someone says everything they ever think, doesnt make it interesting. does anyone care if I am contemplating between chinese food or BarBQ for the bears game? No, but thats all that guy does is thoughts. If he didnt play football, he might be considered crazy and I am just guessing he wouldnt be so creative!

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