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Murph about to rip the Cubs at 9AM om MVP
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Author:  jimmypasta [ Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:57 am ]
Post subject:  Murph about to rip the Cubs at 9AM om MVP

In case anyone is up right now.

Author:  redskingreg [ Sat Jan 25, 2014 9:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Murph about to rip the Cubs at 9AM om MVP

Been at work for three hours. Listening to Murph and his phlegm!

Author:  sinicalypse [ Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Murph about to rip the Cubs at 9AM om MVP

i'm glad someone is willing to take theo/ricketts to task for this. quite frankly i find cubs' fans 100% total and absolute faith in ricketts to "spend $$$ when it's time" to be unfounded and utterly idealistic. it's easy to forget that part of THEO'S PLAN V1.0 in boston was to pluck a big-yet-oddly-underpowered david ortiz from the twins system/roster, and then he went out and gave something like 10/200 to a ~28 year old manny ramirez at the absolute peak of his powers.

so basically the cubs would have to go out and do whatever it takes to buy a guy who's put up a couple'a ~.320/40/140 seasons "when it's time" and you know if robbie cano is getting 10/240 that's probably going to end up being no less than 8/200 if not 10/275 or maybe even 10/300, and quite honestly with creepshow ricketts leveraged to the hilt with this ~$500mil of debt from his purchase of the team, i can't see him rushing out to commit to a 120-150 payroll (because by the time where everyone agrees "it's time to spend" the ~$120mil/yr payroll of the late 00s will end up being ~$150mil in 2017-2020 $$$) especially because you're going to have ppl whining about the rooftops not rolling over for everything he wants, the landmark status this, the neighborhood that..... long story short, it's gonna be another "cubbie occurrence" when fate conspires to prevent them from being the best team in baseball because, clearly, they have the best baseball mind in here who gave them a statistical/tactical advantage and then no less than 75% of their prospects will "hit" (even terry boers says they can't all miss. i'll quote him on that if/when it's apropos) and the pitching? well it aint here but #ItsGonnaHappen.

The Tanaka thing was a total success for them cuz they convinced the fanbase that they were "all in" for him but DAGNABBIT THOSE DAMN YANKEES OUTBID US! if it wasn't "the evil empire" the cubs would have got 'em, so now everyone can look back and say "they only lost tanaka cuz the yankees were desperate" and they essentially get all of the credit for signing tanaka and showing the masses that they're trying to improve the on-field product in earnest.... but don't tell them that if they waited a year they could have signed matt garza for the same exact deal (4/52) that they got edwin jackson for.

think about that.... if those schmucks didnt rush out and throw $$$ at a crap pitcher to cement that #4-5 rotation spot for the short-mid term, they could have waited a year and given the same exact deal to matt garza, who i assume that everyone on here to a man would prefer to have for identical edwin jackson $$$.

but yeah, hey, it's part of theo's plan because obviously there's genius to ensuring that the #4-5 rotation spot is locked up for a ~65-80 win team for the next 4 years. duh. stop hating things that you're incapable of understanding (such as matt abbatacola's non-advocacy of mel tucker keeping his job), you haters!

Author:  Hatchetman [ Sat Jan 25, 2014 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Murph about to rip the Cubs at 9AM om MVP

What the world needs now is Murph, Sweet Murph!!

Author:  Keyser Soze [ Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Murph about to rip the Cubs at 9AM om MVP

For some reason I've been listening to the two nimrods on the Score. My God this is an awful show. Neither one knows his ass from a hole in the ground and they argue like an old married couple. Really bad radio.

Author:  redskingreg [ Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Murph about to rip the Cubs at 9AM om MVP

Keyser Soze wrote:
For some reason I've been listening to the two nimrods on the Score. My God this is an awful show. Neither one knows his ass from a hole in the ground and they argue like an old married couple. Really bad radio.

I had Bruce and Ben on for 14 seconds before I PTFB.

Author:  cpguy [ Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Murph about to rip the Cubs at 9AM om MVP

Levine lost his fastball a couple years ago.

Author:  sinicalypse [ Sat Jan 25, 2014 11:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Murph about to rip the Cubs at 9AM om MVP

redskingreg wrote:
Keyser Soze wrote:
For some reason I've been listening to the two nimrods on the Score. My God this is an awful show. Neither one knows his ass from a hole in the ground and they argue like an old married couple. Really bad radio.

I had Bruce and Ben on for 14 seconds before I PTFB.

oh it's finferlandia and BROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOCCCEEEEEE LEVINE?!?!! thats right, i think they shoved 'em in from like 8-10 and then it's rosenbloom and grote (#DEALWITHIT) from 10-2/whenever-some-game-starts? that sounds about right. but it's hard for me to do the finfer thing cuz i'm forever tainted by those sunday mid-day radio siberia marathons where it's like he's using jason goff's old copy of "Sports Talk Radio Show Hosting FOR DUMMIES!" to make sure he does a proper professional sports show.

once you get past their kitsch/schtick (i.e. the pot smoking stuff, caller toby, etc) rosenbloom and grote are a kind of ok listen in the summers when there's no good euro soccer on saturday mornings.... but today even with the FA cup by and large shitting up my normal EPL saturday (fucking shit watford up 2-0 on city and it's not even on TV at all) there's at least been dortmund and RM having squash matches.

but yeah, man, suffice to say with radio being a medium of habit/ritual moreso than all of the others, there's just something so RIGHT about hearing murph on the air. then again, once the initial thunder of his anti-cubs passion goes away and he's talking about the bulls and how you're supposed to say "a white sox" as the singular form and not "a white sock" alongside the dreary guests? .....yeah, you kind of remember why murph went out to pasture too.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sat Jan 25, 2014 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Murph about to rip the Cubs at 9AM om MVP

sinicalypse wrote:
how you're supposed to say "a white sox" as the singular form and not "a white sock"

I refuse to believe this is true. It just makes no sense. Why would you call someone a Socks? Maybe a pair of socks, but I've never said "I have to put on a socks."

If the team were still the White Stockings, you wouldn't call an individual player a Stockings.

Author:  jimmypasta [ Sat Jan 25, 2014 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Murph about to rip the Cubs at 9AM om MVP

sinicalypse wrote:
but yeah, man, suffice to say with radio being a medium of habit/ritual moreso than all of the others, there's just something so RIGHT about hearing murph on the air. then again, once the initial thunder of his anti-cubs passion goes away and he's talking about the bulls and how you're supposed to say "a white sox" as the singular form and not "a white sock" alongside the dreary guests? .....yeah, you kind of remember why murph went out to pasture too.

This opinion on Murph is right on. I enjoyed his Cub rant but his insistence to drone on and on about miniscule subject matter like "Sox vs. Sock" is what might have led him out to pasture. Today I even thought his Cub rant lacked the fire & passion that I get from a "Doug & Ed" listen after a Bears loss.
Fred needs to stop playing "Ed McMahon" because Murph is more of a Pat Sajack than a Carson.

Author:  bigfan [ Sat Jan 25, 2014 3:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Murph about to rip the Cubs at 9AM om MVP


Let me just say you are not alone in your plight. Many people I know are right there with you.

Personally, I am OK with the plan, of basically losing and getting draft picks, I am just pissed that it took 2 years to get to the point of deciding to lose and trade everyone for picks, cap space, etc.

The "ALL IN" is really what they have done. 2015 rolls around and they dont have 5-6 young players on a wildcard contending team, some shit will start brewiing that can really become a total bust.

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