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Who are the Roasters?
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Author:  bigfan [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Who are the Roasters?

Matty, I dont mean to tell you how to do your unofficial job, but when I see a roast promoted they ALWAYS say who will be there. Who will be part of the roast.

I know for a fact they dont announce the roast until they have some of those people locked in.

OB? I can assume at the very least he is going to be there, but nothing official?

North? Sure, its a longshot, but he claims to love Doug soooooo much and it would be a chance to take a shot at WSCR for him. I know he probably wants a fee.

Anyone else? Bobby Douglass?

Video from Butkus?

His brother?

College teammates? Any Louisville people

Tommy LaSorda....scouted him for Baseball...

Any Bears?

Not saying, just sayin

Author:  leashyourkids [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

Who is the roast for? Buffone?

Author:  Spaulding [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?


Author:  Phil McCracken [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?


Author:  sinicalypse [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

well abbatacola's hosting so you know he'll be sprinkling in jokes/shots throughout the night. i'm sure beerstain and/or his comedy cousins will be up there, especially given the old quasi-/animus between beerstain and dug re: headlocks in the hallway and all of that. terry could prolly do a decent job if he's allowed the equivalent of reading from a telestrator..... otherwise, uhhhhhhh, maybe someone's writing jokes for OB (and that's a whole 'nother can of worms.... who writes the jokes for the non-comedians? most likely a non-comedian) and whoever else gets to go up there.

it makes you wonder (since this is happening on a friday or saturday no doubt) if the magnanimous one JASON GEORGE GOFF can get a night off in hottlanta and fly up for this "event" to do some roasting, since i'm pretty sure he stood out as heads and shoulders above the rest of the pack when it came to actually roasting his colleagues at the station. i'm sure a "surprise" visit from "The #1 Chicago Sports Talk Show Host of 2020" would do well to get everyone just a little bit uncomfortably squirming in their suits/seats, which is kind of the whole point of a roast in the first place, innit?

Author:  sinicalypse [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

also, if brian piccolo roasts doug i'm definitely not just buying a ticket, but getting a room. that'd be one hell of a night! =D

Author:  NearWessSideHussra [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?


Author:  Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

North is a no per Mitch when Spiegel was complaining that nobody asked him.

I can't remember who else he said was going to do it.

Author:  bigfan [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 1:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

sinicalypse wrote:
well abbatacola's hosting so you know he'll be sprinkling in jokes/shots throughout the night. i'm sure beerstain and/or his comedy cousins will be up there, especially given the old quasi-/animus between beerstain and dug re: headlocks in the hallway and all of that. terry could prolly do a decent job if he's allowed the equivalent of reading from a telestrator..... otherwise, uhhhhhhh, maybe someone's writing jokes for OB (and that's a whole 'nother can of worms.... who writes the jokes for the non-comedians? most likely a non-comedian) and whoever else gets to go up there.

it makes you wonder (since this is happening on a friday or saturday no doubt) if the magnanimous one JASON GEORGE GOFF can get a night off in hottlanta and fly up for this "event" to do some roasting, since i'm pretty sure he stood out as heads and shoulders above the rest of the pack when it came to actually roasting his colleagues at the station. i'm sure a "surprise" visit from "The #1 Chicago Sports Talk Show Host of 2020" would do well to get everyone just a little bit uncomfortably squirming in their suits/seats, which is kind of the whole point of a roast in the first place, innit?

1. Bernsteins cousins will not be there.
2. 50/50 danny boy goes
3. No buzz on the air about it all, besides the commercials.
4. yes, they should give employees free tickets and for most dont think they do.
5. Should be mandatory for fellow employees.

WHEN MAC gets his new extension, should schedule the roast right away. he is on the 15th fairway of life.

Author:  Scorehead [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 2:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

I wish that Mitch would focus on improving the on air product rather than crappy roasts which never include any big name athletes. Who the hell is going to pay $100+ for this?

Doug Buffone is a treasure. We had him at a corporate even a few years ago & he was great. Funny & friendly as hell. Just a great great guy.

Author:  jimmypasta [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

Q.Bovifs wrote:
This whole thing is fucking bullshit, and it ends up embarrassing the roastees when it underwhelms and invitees ditch out. i.e. If any of Hampton, Ditka, OB, and Butkus don't show, it would be a total slight to Doug. Roenick's thing went off lie he never played in the league, let alone that he was a perennial great - who came that was a former player or coach?

They should have a dais of local comedians doing the thing, just like Comedy Central does, and just mix acquaintances in with that.

once again,you are correct,sir!

Author:  bigfan [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

Scorehead wrote:
I wish that Mitch would focus on improving the on air product rather than crappy roasts which never include any big name athletes. Who the hell is going to pay $100+ for this?

Doug Buffone is a treasure. We had him at a corporate even a few years ago & he was great. Funny & friendly as hell. Just a great great guy.

Mitch isnt focusing on this, but someone should

Author:  bigfan [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

Master of Ceremonies!

Yes, it can be a local comedian. Someone that listens to the Score, that knows sports, that isnt friends with spiegel, that understands HEY BUDDY, or even better RAY!

The person can be used for other things as well, like show up at remotes for Trivia for an hour.

but once again, I could never comprehend the complicated field of radio

Author:  jimmypasta [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

I'd do it for the price of admission but I work "very blue".

Author:  Spaulding [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

Have these been successful?

Author:  bigfan [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

No, I think after the BB roast, which was well done, it was Ozzie. lol....and that was a disaster that was cut short and Roenick had like 7 people....why roenick?

Plus, once again, it starts up front! Who is your lineup?


Author:  rogers park bryan [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

Let's be real here. Chet should host these things.

Author:  jimmypasta [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

rogers park bryan wrote:
Let's be real here. Chet should host these things.

I would rather see Dick Jauron. Now that would be Comedy Gold!

Author:  bigfan [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

rogers park bryan wrote:
Let's be real here. Chet should host these things.

Not going to happen, but would be a good fit.

Author:  Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

rogers park bryan wrote:
Let's be real here. Chet should host these things.

Chet Coppock wrote:
Hey pal, listen, if you're going to kiss my ass, you'd better pack a lunch because it's going to take a while.

Author:  Beardown [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

1. Mac said he's a roaster. Bernstein declined when asked. I think they're not telling some of the roasters because they want it to be a surprise to Doug

2. Think you're right, Big Fan. Producers have to pay. No freebies for Score employees. I think Herb or somebody was whining on behalf of all of the producers about having to pay for another Score party a while ago.

3. What is it? $125? That's actually not bad if it's really 4 hours of open bar and the food is a little bit better than decent.

4. I think Mac told the story of North being invited to the Score's 20th anniversary party and the son of a bitch told Mitch he would only come if they paid him. So, after that, I don't think anybody at the Score will reach out to him. You guys think North loves Doug. But he'll only show his love if he gets paid for it. :roll:

Author:  Chus [ Fri Feb 14, 2014 5:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

bigfan wrote:
Who are the Roasters?

Ike, RPB, and myself.

Author:  Scorehead [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

Beardown wrote:
1. Mac said he's a roaster. Bernstein declined when asked. I think they're not telling some of the roasters because they want it to be a surprise to Doug

2. Think you're right, Big Fan. Producers have to pay. No freebies for Score employees. I think Herb or somebody was whining on behalf of all of the producers about having to pay for another Score party a while ago.

3. What is it? $125? That's actually not bad if it's really 4 hours of open bar and the food is a little bit better than decent.

4. I think Mac told the story of North being invited to the Score's 20th anniversary party and the son of a bitch told Mitch he would only come if they paid him. So, after that, I don't think anybody at the Score will reach out to him. You guys think North loves Doug. But he'll only show his love if he gets paid for it. :roll:

Mitch would be smart to pay North to appear.

Author:  Scorehead [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

So who from the CSFMB will admit to paying $100+ to go to this event? Anyone?

Author:  SpiralStairs [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

NearWessSideHussra wrote:

Either someone told him about this on Twitter or he still listens to the Score because he mentioned the roast on the podcast he does with the Sklar Bros. I don't think he's well known enough in Chicago to host the entire thing, but it would be cool if he was there as I think he's the only one on earth that does a Doug Buffone impression.

Author:  bigfan [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

Scorehead wrote:
So who from the CSFMB will admit to paying $100+ to go to this event? Anyone?

I might, but at this point, no thanks

Awfully of weak of Bernstein to decline, but hey...Everyone come to my poker tourney!

Author:  good dolphin [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

Anything but buying a table is poor form for the day part hosts. They don't have to go and could stock it with their interns but you have to make the gesture

Author:  lipidquadcab [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

good dolphin wrote:
Anything but buying a table is poor form for the day part hosts. They don't have to go and could stock it with their interns but you have to make the gesture

You would think so...

...remember Terry a month or two ago talking about how Doug was his favorite Bear as a would think that would garner a bit of support.

Author:  good dolphin [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

Like has nothing to do with it. They are the big earners at the company 's biggest public event of the year. This is a command performance. That shouldn't have to be verbalized from above

Author:  Beardown [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 4:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Who are the Roasters?

good dolphin wrote:
Like has nothing to do with it. They are the big earners at the company 's biggest public event of the year. This is a command performance. That shouldn't have to be verbalized from above


Bernstein has never even bought his producers lunch. Sprining for a table at $125 a plate for his subordinates doesn't even cross his mind as the proper gesture. You know what his response would be to his poor producers/interns who can't afford to go? Same as it is to his callers that bitch about ticket prices. "MAKE MORE MONEY."

Mac will probably pay for his guys, though.

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