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WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG
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Author:  jimmypasta [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

OK,I'm surprised Beardown has not asked this one yet. How do the SCORE teams react to the news on Monday?

* Mully & Hanley-Ignore it

* Mac & Speigs- Bring it on,Mac will be happy for some of his buddies.

* Boers & Bernstein-A lot of sarcasm & Giggles. Out of spite,Bernsie will bring in the producers to get their reaction knowing damn well they would have jumped ship if they had half a chance. He wants to hear the pain in their voices just because.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

B&B will probably be some caller asking what they think, Dan will cut him off with an indignant "we're not going to talk about that," Terry will make a joke about a horse, and then Matt will be like

Hey Dan.



What do you think about the new sports station, Dan.

I wanted to know, Dan.

So did the caller, Dan.


Come on, Dan.


Author:  Minooka Meatball [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

You forgot one "Dan".

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

Dans are doin' it for themselves.

Author:  sinicalypse [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

obviously they're going to brush it off as some sort of total nothing, but really that's because most of their listenership is comprised of "score guys" who likely leave the station on all day as they work/live/whatever so formally it's not going to be acknowledged as anything other than a shitty little startup that pales in comparison to CHICAGO'S #1 SPORTS TALK STATION (like russ mitera / big voice guy says)


you know that mitch and all them are going to be !!!!@##$!!! about this cuz the score has had good fortune in that ESPN1000 could nicely be described as "asleep at the wheel" in regards to counterprogramming the declining score lineup. b&b is just BEGGING for a proper/more-populist drive time show to come along and kick their candy asses all over the place. dan has really polarized his audience into the FOTS ALS and the people who don't listen to ESPN 1000 because.... man, who the fuck's on from 2-6 @ the mouse? silvy and waddle? as ppl on the board say ad nauseum silvy's a good guy once you get past the whole thing where his voice makes *me* wanna blow my nose, however waddle is an insufferable "father of the year" type douche who kissed the ring of kaplan over @ WGN and thus was borne in the clone-goo of milquetoast with a side of "i live the idyllic yuppie-pseudocelebrity lifestyle. you know you want to be/like me" --- i just can't do it.

waddle has this aloof smarminess that isn't as pronounced as that of, say, the ranger.... but over time it really grows on you because you know that tom knows he's slightly elevated above the lot of us great unwashed because he's an ex-athlete turned into multi-media star who likely has that kaplanesque "thank you for listening/watching" attitude re: the haterade getting served to him by people who.... oh what's a good term that encapsulates us? have souls? yeah that works for me.

so yeah, when you team him with the admittedly-milquetoast-but-in-a-good-way-compared-to-BeerStain Silvy, man, it's wife or my radio partner? and all of their cheeky bits and inside jokes (cuz if you're gonna be the #2/far-lesser show of the timeslot, well you might as well embrace the steve from elmhursts who have forged their individuality by promoting their listening to your show) it's just not good....silvy would be great on the score, or if they just bit the bullet and paired him with his BFF carmen and let two people who genuinely like/love each other have fun doing a show together.... or maybe even silvy and jurko would work cuz the latter is an affable lunk who i dont think anyone here really has any serious issues with (and most, to a man, would prefer him to be with mac as opposed to tributaspiegel)

AHEM. otherwise, yeah, colin cowherd and whatever that radio siberia stuff with carmen/jurko is.... it just doesn't register in the world of the score, and therefore they're prone to let the status quo putt on along with bernstein literally screaming at his audience to the point of it passing self-parody and now we're mainly congregating here not to discuss the show as much as to have a support group where it's like "...yeah we're all listening to this shit. at least we can listen to it together." and methinks since there's no real competition on the radar there's no edicts from above to change anything CUZ IF IT AINT BROKE..... etc etc.

so hopefully a third sports talker, even if it's shitty and goofy and corny, at least gives people the theoretical hope of an alternative to the reign of FOTStein and as listeners start to migrate over (how do they calculate this anyways? it cant be that accurate unless all of these digital radios/internet-players accrue #s that are easily tracked/analyzed somewhere) then and maybe then the station decides it has to up its game and make its product better..... or at least that's the hope, cuz for all we know the 3rd station could start off with a relative bang and cause der schnorr to double down on its FOTSiness and become even edgier and more skip-bayless-ier (that's gotta be dan's rosebud.... the thing he'll never admit. that the success of the skip baylessian/first-take formula has given him the confidence/bright-idea to go out and "embrace debate" more and more because the thought would be that whether the people love you or hate you, at least they're noticing you and responding in kind.... whereas like i've said in the past, the hate quickly dissipates into helpless apathy, which then quickly becomes the truest form of radio death known to man. and if the third station can do something with that and start to move some #s.... hey maybe something'll get changed up..... it could even be that ESPN1000 wakes up from its veritable coma and starts to try and make compelling populist radio again (as opposed to merely existing because it's ESPN it's chicago and ESPN has a sports radio station in chicago so SOMETHING has to be on) --- who knows.

alls i know, aside from knowing that i don't now nothing </op-ivy> is that more choice in the market is a better thing for us, the listeners.... you know, the hopeless idiots who shouldn't be allowed to talk to those mighty magnanimous matt assaholea-s of the world whose only prescription for our sports ignorance is to listen to more of them even more closely because clearly only THEY are the light and the way to get us out of the darkness that is forming our own thoughts and opinions without the approval of our sports-discourse-overlords @ the prudential/NBC bulding, or wherever they broadcast this shit nowadays.

and yes, i know, TL;DR but to the ~6 of you who read this, you know i said some real shit so imma be that archetypical dude home alone on a saturday afternoon all by himself with a 40 and a newport long yelling out FUCK ALL Y'ALL AT LEAST I'M REAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! til teh day i die!

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

sinicalypse wrote:
now we're mainly congregating here not to discuss the show as much as to have a support group where it's like "...yeah we're all listening to this shit. at least we can listen to it together."

So we're basically a Mike Francesa board.

Author:  newper [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

sinicalypse wrote:
(and most, to a man, would prefer him to be with mac as opposed to tributaspiegel)

Why are you using the phrase "to a man" with the word most? I'm not sure that works grammatically... most of everything, down to the individual things in the everything, would do something? Just most would suffice. Perhaps you were looking to indicate that it is more than a simple majority like a 60%-40% relationship, and more like a 90%-10%? Then use something like the "vast majority" or "overwhelming numbers" or something along those lines.

Author:  leashyourkids [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

Curious Hair wrote:
B&B will probably be some caller asking what they think, Dan will cut him off with an indignant "we're not going to talk about that," Terry will make a joke about a horse, and then Matt will be like

Hey Dan.



What do you think about the new sports station, Dan.

I wanted to know, Dan.

So did the caller, Dan.


Come on, Dan.



Author:  Baby McNown [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 1:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

Beardown will have a 4 page post begging Matty to quit and go to the new station.

Author:  bigfan [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 2:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

M&H talk about it, if it comes up. They will not start the conversation just about the station, but they won't ignore it like it doesnt exists.

Mac- will welcome the talk, its an employment option, one which I think WGN will glad to have.

Spiegs - Will stutter it out there, wait for anyone to say "NO" , he will ask if he can talk about it and then will.

Terry - Could care less, the day someone says you are done at the score, he might be moving out of state!

Bernstein - Will go out of his way to not mention it, because in his mind it is giving them free publicity. He is very calculated in mentioning websites, columns, etc because he thinks he is helping them with promotion, its never about the show, its now about what they owe Dan.

Author:  NearWessSideHussra [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

will they simulcast Blackhawks games? Dan McNeil doing drive-time as a sorta lead-in to Blackhawks games.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

Oh, you forgot
- Sir will talk about how someone there is only there because they couldn't make it at the Score, unlike one Laurence Holmes, and that person is a hack and a bad dude and also a racist, isn't that right, Joe Ostrowski, and let's see if it feels like a step up when he's out of work in nine months and burned all his bridges in this business, unlike one Laurence Holmes. But he's not worried about them. Don't think that for a moment. However, he will discuss 87.7 more than all the daytime hosts combined.

I don't know if they will/can simulcast the pbp properties. You'd have to think they'd at least carry the Hawks. It'd be a sledgehammer of irony if Li'l Tommy didn't allow an FM simulcast because that isn't in their contract.

Author:  Peoria Matt [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 4:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

bigfan wrote:
Mac- will welcome the talk, its an employment option, one which I think WGN will glad to have.

That's the big key, right there.

Mac's been dropping plenty of hints regarding the future. I'm guessing it's already been discussed over there. If GN is serious, they need a major upgrade to that lineup.

Author:  Scorehead [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 7:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

Competition is always a good thing. Hopefully this will cause WSCR & WMVP to raise their game.

Author:  Peoria Matt [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 8:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

Nothing will change until SCR is beaten in the ratings. WGN FM might get an early bump but that will die quickly. That lineup is just brutal.

Author:  Scorehead [ Sat Feb 15, 2014 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

Peoria Matt wrote:
Nothing will change until SCR is beaten in the ratings. WGN FM might get an early bump but that will die quickly. That lineup is just brutal.

That lineup wont last long. The G will recruit some talent from WSCR & WMVP. WGN is a promotional machine and they will have an aggressive awareness campaign.

Author:  billypootons [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

you honestly think anyone at the score is going to discuss this on air?? why on earth would anyone working for the score bring any attention to a competitor? Especially one that 99% of the score audience will have no idea this station exists. that would be business stupid at a whole new level. The only possible mention would be your typical speigal/mcneil disgruntled exchange in which one of them makes a vague reference to it.

Author:  Scorehead [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

billypootons wrote:
you honestly think anyone at the score is going to discuss this on air?? why on earth would anyone working for the score bring any attention to a competitor? Especially one that 99% of the score audience will have no idea this station exists. that would be business stupid at a whole new level. The only possible mention would be your typical speigal/mcneil disgruntled exchange in which one of them makes a vague reference to it.

99% of Score listeners wont know that there is a new all sports radio station on the air in Chicago? No way. 99% of Score listeners WILL know that there is a new station on the air & most will check it out. The Game will be formidable competition for WSCR.
I agree with you about WSCR hosts not talking about the new station as they will probably be told not to.

Author:  Colonel Angus [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 1:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

Scorehead wrote:
The Game will be formidable competition for WSCR.

Not w/ this lineup.

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 7:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

They've had no promotion leading up to it short of a mention in a blog for media junkies, the initial lineup is a shit sandwich, and they're on a "radio station" that not all radios can pick up. They might get listeners in 90 days, but this isn't going to be an overnight sensation.

Author:  badrogue17 [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

I'll bet Speeps , Cairo, Drop In , and Keeping Score will be the first 4 listeners to the station .

Author:  C_Howitt_Fealz [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

Maybe they can bring the Bubulous Sports Babe back. Good grief that is a horrible, horrible lineup. Spike Manton? Why not bring Tom Shaer back from his gig with Illinois Department of Corrections?

Author:  Rod [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

Curious Hair wrote:
They've had no promotion leading up to it short of a mention in a blog for media junkies, the initial lineup is a shit sandwich, and they're on a "radio station" that not all radios can pick up. They might get listeners in 90 days, but this isn't going to be an overnight sensation.

You're our resident radio guy, so maybe you can explain this better than I can, but my understanding is this:

As long as they are part of the newspaper empire, it is illegal for them to have multiple stations. WGN is skirting that issue by broadcasting on someone else's license. The newspaper division will soon be spun off eliminating one problem. Broadcasting on that low power TV frequency will no longer be possible after 2015 which is how long the contract runs. It's quite likely that by that time, issues with the paper will be resolved and there will be possibilities to move to another FM frequency with there station that has been up and running for over a year.

Is that correct?

Author:  bigfan [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

So IF I turned on 87.7 right now I would hear some version of sports talk?

Author:  Curious Hair [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

Joe Orr Road Rod wrote:
Curious Hair wrote:
They've had no promotion leading up to it short of a mention in a blog for media junkies, the initial lineup is a shit sandwich, and they're on a "radio station" that not all radios can pick up. They might get listeners in 90 days, but this isn't going to be an overnight sensation.

You're our resident radio guy, so maybe you can explain this better than I can, but my understanding is this:

As long as they are part of the newspaper empire, it is illegal for them to have multiple stations. WGN is skirting that issue by broadcasting on someone else's license. The newspaper division will soon be spun off eliminating one problem. Broadcasting on that low power TV frequency will no longer be possible after 2015 which is how long the contract runs. It's quite likely that by that time, issues with the paper will be resolved and there will be possibilities to move to another FM frequency with there station that has been up and running for over a year.

Is that correct?

Sounds about right. To clarify a bit, it's that they can't own a newspaper, AM, TV, and FM in the Chicago market, and I guess in this case the FCC is considering this an FM station. Thing is, I wouldn't bet on the Tribune Company resolving anything in 19 months. I mean, geez, that's like light speed for them. Also, while it's possible that they can buy a new frequency between 92 and 107 after the LP analog shutdown, there's no guarantee. Who knows what the future holds?

Incidentally, I'm reading that with the original analog shutdown long in the rear-view, there are all sorts of pirate TV stations popping up, mostly in foreign languages, for those who still have the old gear. Very interesting.

bigfan wrote:
So IF I turned on 87.7 right now I would hear some version of sports talk?

I don't think it starts until Monday. It's still the 101.1 simulcast until then.

Author:  Godfella [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

bigfan wrote:
So IF I turned on 87.7 right now I would hear some version of sports talk?

I heard several promos on WGN AM this morning with Steve Cochran announcing the "official" kick off @ 1:02 p.m. Monday (2/17) afternoon. He referred to it as WGN‘s little brother.

Author:  jimmypasta [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

Godfella wrote:
bigfan wrote:
So IF I turned on 87.7 right now I would hear some version of sports talk?

I heard several promos on WGN AM this morning with Steve Cochran announcing the "official" kick off @ 1:02 p.m. Monday (2/17) afternoon. He referred to it as WGN‘s little brother.

Steve Cochran needs to stop mumbling. He talks so fast and monotone,I don't know how he is a comic/talk show host. He is funny when I can understand what he is saying.

Author:  Telegram Sam [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

Curious Hair wrote:
bigfan wrote:
So IF I turned on 87.7 right now I would hear some version of sports talk?

I don't think it starts until Monday. It's still the 101.1 simulcast until then.

The Score should counter by playing all alternative music until the switch.
Les Grobstein wrote:
Down, Down, Down! System of a Down!

Author:  bigfan [ Sun Feb 16, 2014 6:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

Wasnt it WLUW?

WNTH....was or is 88.1! "FIRST ON YOUR DIAL"

Yes, Folks, I had a Sports show back in the day SPORTS SOUL! Myself and Marcus Davis (No, he wasnt Greek) We actually got School credits for this!

Author:  Rod [ Mon Feb 17, 2014 7:57 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR : Predict the reaction to WGNG

bigfan wrote:
Wasnt it WLUW?

WNTH....was or is 88.1! "FIRST ON YOUR DIAL"

Yes, Folks, I had a Sports show back in the day SPORTS SOUL! Myself and Marcus Davis (No, he wasnt Greek) We actually got School credits for this!

WLUW is Loyola's station, 88.7. Stephen in the Evenin'!

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