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So it means Jerry Reinsdorf is friends with a racist?
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Author:  Beardown [ Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:35 pm ]
Post subject:  So it means Jerry Reinsdorf is friends with a racist?

Right, Dan?

Because I've heard Bernstein sing the praises of how Jerry has done well by minorities. For years he's been saying it. And it's true.

I also know that Jerry has been good friends with Tony for 30+ years.

So in those 30 years, you would think that a sharp guy like Jerry would detect a racist, right? But maybe Jerry considers Tony one of the good ones.

Either way, it's bad. If Tony is a racist that's bad. And Jerry is bad for knowingly hiring a racist. I know Jerry is Jewish, so Dan won't do it, but I want Dan to denounce Jerry on the radio to make this right.

He should publicly say that he doesn't support Jerry harboring racists.

Thank you.

Author:  Crick Ramp [ Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it means Jerry Reinsdorf is friends with a racist?

Not your best work

Author:  Juiced [ Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it means Jerry Reinsdorf is friends with a racist?

Crick Ramp wrote:
Not your best work

It's Friday night. I am guessing he struck out on Tinder and doesn't have his A game.

Author:  Beardown [ Fri Oct 30, 2020 10:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it means Jerry Reinsdorf is friends with a racist?

Author:  Regular Reader [ Fri Oct 30, 2020 10:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it means Jerry Reinsdorf is friends with a racist?

Juiced wrote:
Crick Ramp wrote:
Not your best work

It's Friday night. I am guessing he struck out on Tinder and doesn't have his A game.


Author:  Beardown [ Fri Oct 30, 2020 10:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it means Jerry Reinsdorf is friends with a racist?

Regular Reader wrote:
Juiced wrote:
Crick Ramp wrote:
Not your best work

It's Friday night. I am guessing he struck out on Tinder and doesn't have his A game.


I always have my A game. But I always strike out on Tinder. One has nothing to do with the other.

Author:  Beardown [ Sat Oct 31, 2020 8:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So it means Jerry Reinsdorf is friends with a racist?

It's just a fact.

A fact that Bernstein has to realize. I know it's tough for him in this pretend era of sports media.

The great Jerry Reinsdorf hired a racist. That's what he did according to Bernstein.

Christians were always the enemy for Bernstein. Now Bernstein has to confront the fact that one of his own is the enemy. That's tough for him to admit. He never thought he'd see this day.

Author:  NWsider4-3-3 [ Sat Oct 31, 2020 10:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So it means Jerry Reinsdorf is friends with a racist?

he's the proto-typical dork from the suburbs. judging by his pangs and pleas from his bully pulpit: on some days; he wishes he was an italian chef, other days, he wishes he was a bad-ass black basketball player from the ghetto. he also casually 'slips in' how good the israeli basketball league is; right...until someone who actually knows about euro sports will tell him that european clubs want to be drawn with much weaker israeli basketball clubs in tournaments.

i just remember him and boers ripping apart greece and greeks prior to the 2004 olympics. after the 2004 olympics went off successfully, not a peep.

the issue here is that if i had a radio show and ripped apart israel and it's citizens for hosting a major world sporting event, i know exactly what he would call me. he'd call me a la russa.

Author:  HawaiiYou [ Sat Oct 31, 2020 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: So it means Jerry Reinsdorf is friends with a racist?

NWsider4-3-3 wrote:
he's the proto-typical dork from the suburbs. judging by his pangs and pleas from his bully pulpit: on some days; he wishes he was an italian chef, other days, he wishes he was a bad-ass black basketball player from the ghetto. he also casually 'slips in' how good the israeli basketball league is; right...until someone who actually knows about euro sports will tell him that european clubs want to be drawn with much weaker israeli basketball clubs in tournaments.

i just remember him and boers ripping apart greece and greeks prior to the 2004 olympics. after the 2004 olympics went off successfully, not a peep.

the issue here is that if i had a radio show and ripped apart israel and it's citizens for hosting a major world sporting event, i know exactly what he would call me. he'd call me a la russa.

Yes exactly about him being a proto typical dork from the burbs. Spot on.

Author:  Beardown [ Sat Oct 31, 2020 7:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it means Jerry Reinsdorf is friends with a racist?

The funny part is that Bernstein NEVER thought this would happen. That's why he went so hard after LaRussa initially. I mean he never thought it was real.

One weird part, before LaRussa got hired, Bernstein was saying "Oh, Jerry just wants to do him a favor and get his name out."

My exact thought when he said this was "Really, Tony LaRussa, at 76, needs his name out?" He's the fucking 3rd winningest manager in the history of MLB. He's in the HOF. I think people know who fucking Tony LaRussa is. He doesn't need a god damn favor like he's some bench coach that nobody knows about.

Anyway, now Bernstein has to deal with Tony all of next year.

Terry and Dan hated LaRussa when he was with the Cardinals. Terry had him on his "Bus list". For those that don't know, Terry's "bus list" means people that Terry hoped died by being hit by a bus.

Author:  BD [ Sat Oct 31, 2020 7:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it means Jerry Reinsdorf is friends with a racist?

Beardown wrote:
The funny part is that Bernstein NEVER thought this would happen. That's why he went so hard after LaRussa initially. I mean he never thought it was real.

One weird part, before LaRussa got hired, Bernstein was saying "Oh, Jerry just wants to do him a favor and get his name out."

My exact thought when he said this was "Really, Tony LaRussa, at 76, needs his name out?" He's the fucking 3rd winningest manager in the history of MLB. He's in the HOF. I think people know who fucking Tony LaRussa is. He doesn't need a god damn favor like he's some bench coach that nobody knows about.

Anyway, now Bernstein has to deal with Tony all of next year.

Terry and Dan hated LaRussa when he was with the Cardinals. Terry had him on his "Bus list". For those that don't know, Terry's "bus list" means people that Terry hoped died by being hit by a bus.

This may make the show / station unlistenable, even more than it's become with all of the social justice talk. Now, they have an entire season ahead where they can question how he'll get along with black players, and social justice rehashing. Bernstein has to be pretty excited about this news, gives him a chance to host a MSNBC style show with sports as the invitation to take on such tough issues, etc.

Author:  Beardown [ Sat Oct 31, 2020 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it means Jerry Reinsdorf is friends with a racist?

Then it means that Kenny and Rick are cool with their boss hiring a racist.


Then again, Goff and Larry were cool with being friends with Bernstein and Boers after years of them spewing racist and homophobic thoughts. Same thing I guess.

Yes, I know. Bernstein is now evolved and woke. So he has the right to call out Tony LaRussa as a racist. I got it. Trust me.

Author:  Pres-Elect FukNuggitt [ Sat Oct 31, 2020 11:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: So it means Jerry Reinsdorf is friends with a racist?

Fuck Bernstein.

He'll be begging Trump for an unemployment check soon.

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