Harry Seaward wrote:
Holy crap, I don't know if I've just missed it or if it's a new commercial (or the stream just started airing it), but the drinky read for happy socks is certainly as bad as ANY mock sports minute. In fact, if I were Mr. FMT I would be having a discussion with drinky about doing his sports minutes in the same style as his commercials.
Abbatacola has slowly pigeon holed himself into a pretty tight spot - if he's not mocking callers he is speaking in ultra-ironic tones. If he's not doing either of those, he's gushing about the gushing over his sports minutes. It's too bad, he used to be pretty funny and likable dude.
Indeed. And his constant fake ignorance on what Terry and Dan may mention-particularly in random pop culture references- is quite tiresome, very infrequently amusing. If it's to unearth a by cracky from Boers I guess there's a point to it, but simply faking stupidity for the sake of fake stupidity is odd, and not really funny.