SomeGuy wrote:
BigFan is right on this one, fellas.
Mully and Hanley aren't as bad as we think.....................THEY'RE WORSE.
This. I tuned in this morning, and they were having some Dallas radio guys on. They start out by bullshitting around with the Dallas guys, and they made a crack about Jerry Jones' frozen face. So the Dallas guy comes back with "they say his face looks dead, something something about Chicago's murder rate." But neither Mully or Hanley reacted to that tasteless jibe, because they were both fake laughing as soon as the guy said the first half of the sentence. They're so stupid, they don't even know when to fake laugh. This happens all the time on this show, by the way.
Also, once you realize how Mully punctuates every sentence by adding "um" to the end of words ("thisum" "the Bearsum"), it's almost as irritating as when he's doing his Chris Berman yelling bullshit, which means that he's maximally irritating at all times.
He's worse than Leery. Worse.
You can't see me because of internet.
The landowner effectively owns part shares in millions of part-time slaves called, "taxpayers." -Roy L
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