Chicago Fanatics Message Board

WSCR/M&H/B&B and this board?
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Author:  Martin [ Thu Oct 23, 2008 11:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR/M&H/B&B and this board?

I think it's a combination of several factors. The ESPN 1000 personalities just happen to be a lot friendlier and more open -- Mac, Jurko, Harry, Silvy, Carm and probably JD and Hood to a lesser extent.

The Score has taken a less firm stance against this board recently, with Mitch posting on here for a short while, and the Score website also has a link to this site. Drinky and Rock from WSCR post here, as do a few others, I think.

I actually found out about this message from from Larry Urkel back in 2001 or 2002, when he was on Sat. nights.

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 12:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR/M&H/B&B and this board?

Mac mentioning this board on his show is the only reason that I even knew it existed. I think it's a great forum for expressing opinion & ideas, or possibly just a tool for...being a tool.
I think the guys at ESPN 1000 get it (at least the hosts & producers that is), whereas SCR is slowly warming up to the idea of this board. The audience is what counts and I don't think some of the suits realize that their audience is here. They're too worried about "image" and they think that CSFMB is all just nonsense. I really do think the board makes some impact though. Heck, even White Sox pre-game host Chris Rongey is replying to people on here. I think it's great. :) 8)

Author:  TreyWingo [ Fri Oct 24, 2008 5:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR/M&H/B&B and this board?

I know Bernstein is just a scrooge about mentioning anything on the air, because he thinks he is giving something to someone for free. Which I guess he is, but if you find something interesting, why not just talk about it, even if it was Nas that started the conversation?

I single him out because I have personally heard him say things about dropping web site names and undertanding 'the power' it can have. I thought the guy was a Douche then and it never changed since. Meeting the guy in person won't change your mind either.

But I digress, why Mulligan and Hanley don't jump on this free bandwagon is the same thinking as letting Mike North run his own shows for five years.

Author:  Crystal Lake Hoffy [ Sat Oct 25, 2008 8:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR/M&H/B&B and this board?

I would assume the well documented issues between Mike North and this board have probably caused some of the reluctance from WSCR, right?

Author:  RodeoVann [ Sat Oct 25, 2008 11:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR/M&H/B&B and this board?

I would say that Mitch and others see this board as the enemy, some at the score feel they are above having their show judged, therefore, someone posts they dont like a certain show, the defense shield goes up. Drinky, rock, goff and ranger come here and take it for what its worth, that makes them ok in my book. Those who dont and are critical of the board, to me, are just thin skinned and cant take what they dish out everyday.

I dont expect dan, terry or whoever to come here or mention this board on the air, I dont know why they would, but some over there have been critical of this board, but in the next breath say they dont read the posts here, how does that happen? I know one thing, I have posted things that mac has said and done, he has replied, agreeing or disagreeing with me, that is why I respect mac when it comes to this board, he will hear you out without trying to just destroy you or your comments.

I think the bottom line is that Mac comes to this board, sees what the fan are saying and goes with it, respects the comments, even the bad posts. But when it comes to the score, I think they take the approach that they do with the callers during their shows, the fans are idiots and they dont really matter. To me, if the score main on air hosts would take the same approach that a drinky, jason, ranger and Paruch take with the fans, I dont think people would be so critcal, but it gets boring being called a idiot or moron just because you dont agree 100% with their stance on certain subjects. At some point, that abuse is going to hurt the station one way or another.

Author:  Beebo [ Sun Oct 26, 2008 2:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR/M&H/B&B and this board?

RodeoVann wrote:
I would say that Mitch and others see this board as the enemy

I think Mitch expected a handjob, and also thought he could escape with "say nothing" responses.

Well, that just says a lot about Mitch.

As for their hosts; they're welcome. Everyone whose come here, after the requisite heckling(*), has been treated fairly well. Ask us opinion questions and we answer them.

* Except Holmes must deliver his "four breaking stories" if he wants to hear the last of that.

Author:  Johnny Chimpo [ Mon Oct 27, 2008 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR/M&H/B&B and this board?

TreyWingo wrote:
I know Bernstein is just a scrooge about mentioning anything on the air, because he thinks he is giving something to someone for free. Which I guess he is, but if you find something interesting, why not just talk about it, even if it was Nas that started the conversation?

I single him out because I have personally heard him say things about dropping web site names and undertanding 'the power' it can have.

Many years ago, he mentioned stories and rumors he read on He still sometimes comes up with info that I've only read on pft but won't name the site. If he's not going to cite his source, he shouldn't use the info.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Mon Oct 27, 2008 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR/M&H/B&B and this board?

They probably figure they don't need this board, and just go to for new ideas.

Author:  doug - evergreen park [ Mon Oct 27, 2008 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR/M&H/B&B and this board?

OOgie wrote:
Plus my niece told me yesterday that "nobody uses myspace anymore".

Your Network:

yeah, except the 248 million people that have pages...

Author:  bigfan [ Mon Oct 27, 2008 5:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR/M&H/B&B and this board?

I would say that many of you are right, but if I was them I would abuse the crap out of this site. It's not like I have figured out how to make any real money here. Maybe one day, but as of today. maybe a $50 profit over 6 years.

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Mon Oct 27, 2008 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR/M&H/B&B and this board?

STUB HUB!!!!!!

Hopefully that just made you a little more cash somehow.

Frank Coztansa wrote:
They probably figure they don't need this board, and just go to for new ideas.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Author:  Beebo [ Mon Oct 27, 2008 7:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR/M&H/B&B and this board?

bigfan wrote:
I would say that many of you are right, but if I was them I would abuse the crap out of this site. It's not like I have figured out how to make any real money here. Maybe one day, but as of today. maybe a $50 profit over 6 years.

You got cooperative marketing, you have the ability to lock down sections for purposes of Pick dissemination (with some subscription process to enable access)

Right now, you have Cafepress stuff, but there's nothing that directs my attention to the goodies therein.

I'd be interested how many people hit your home page, versus those who've directly bookmarked the phpBB component. I'm guessing high 90% have the phpBB bookmarked.

Author:  bigfan [ Tue Oct 28, 2008 9:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR/M&H/B&B and this board?

actually gets the hits, easier than typing in Redacted, and no more cafepress, ahvent done it for over a year, got sick of them shutting down the stores for "copyrights infringements"

Author:  Curious Hair [ Thu Oct 30, 2008 10:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR/M&H/B&B and this board?

TreyWingo wrote:
I know Bernstein is just a scrooge about mentioning anything on the air, because he thinks he is giving something to someone for free. Which I guess he is, but if you find something interesting, why not just talk about it, even if it was Nas that started the conversation?

I single him out because I have personally heard him say things about dropping web site names and undertanding 'the power' it can have.

So is Deadspin paying him to lick their sack?

Author:  Count Floyd [ Fri Oct 31, 2008 1:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR/M&H/B&B and this board?

bigfan wrote:
I would say that many of you are right, but if I was them I would abuse the crap out of this site. It's not like I have figured out how to make any real money here. Maybe one day, but as of today. maybe a $50 profit over 6 years.

Radio stations & the media empires who own them are all afraid of having their own message boards due to the fear of lawsuits. So along comes Big Fan, 100% clear & free of the stations coffers - and they ignore him? I don't get it.

Author:  TreyWingo [ Fri Oct 31, 2008 8:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: WSCR/M&H/B&B and this board?

Not sure Ignore is the correct word.

Everyone in this industry reads this message board and if they don't they are just being stubborn idiots. How could you not read the only real unbiased feedback about what you are doing?

It's clear Rock, Drinky, Webby, Rongey and Holmes (even though he hides) reads the board at the Score.

I would think they would be a bit more forthcoming about their usage of what should be an excellent tool for a business that it is in marketing.

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