Chicago Fanatics Message Board

Ask Rock
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Author:  Beardown [ Thu Nov 20, 2008 5:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Ask Rock

We haven't had one in a while. I'll start.

-What are your thoughts on the failure of

-What are your thoughts on Jen's weird relationship with Pappy?

-Do you talk to Jen? Do you ever laugh at her or is it always fake interest and support? (Oh Jen, that is a great move for you. That's just great.)

-Could you share some of the insults that Score people say about Pappy?

-What are your thoughts on the CSFMB report that Comcast people are already sick of Pappy, Jen and Bebe?

-How are the wife and baby doing? Did you get the baby a tatoo yet?

Author:  Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Thu Nov 20, 2008 6:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Are you hosting another Thanksgiving morning show this year?

Author:  Rock [ Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Beardown wrote:
We haven't had one in a while. I'll start.

-What are your thoughts on the failure of

-What are your thoughts on Jen's weird relationship with Pappy?

-Do you talk to Jen? Do you ever laugh at her or is it always fake interest and support? (Oh Jen, that is a great move for you. That's just great.)

-Could you share some of the insults that Score people say about Pappy?

-What are your thoughts on the CSFMB report that Comcast people are already sick of Pappy, Jen and Bebe?

-How are the wife and baby doing? Did you get the baby a tatoo yet?

Thoughts On The Failure Of

I never understood how people can make money off gambling websites. I just think in the times we're in now....if you're willing to gamble your money're even more of an idiot than you would be if you gambled in prosperous times. think it failed because people are saving more of their money than didn't go to the site much, but 100 bucks for a No thanks.

Jen's weird relationship with Mike

I don't think it's that weird. She's his employee. She enjoys his company, and they welcome hers. I haven't listened to any of the webio, so I wouldn't know what they're relationship is like now compared to how it was at the Score if it was any different.

Do I talk to Jen?
When I see her online sometimes, yeah....I say hello.

Do I laugh at Jen?
No.....she made a decision, and in Jan. she'll be on TV (which is what she wants to do anyways).

Share insults other Score people say about Pappy?

CSFMB report that comcast people are "sick" of Mike/Be/Jen already?
I've heard the same from others.....but who knows. I didn't know it was an exclusive here on the board.

Wife And
The family is great. My wife heads back to work in a week and then the real fun begins. As far as a tat....hoping Santa takes me to Tattoo Factory on Broadway or Jade in Dec. for some initials and DOB.

Hosting on Thanksgiving?
No....Joe Ostrowski and Matt Weber will be on the air in the mornings. Christmas is looking good for me. Maybe new years?

Later to watch Kitchen Nightmares and play with the kid.


Author:  Beardown [ Thu Nov 20, 2008 8:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Jen is Pappy's employee? That's kind of interesting. I thought the Score paid her salary. I assume that Comcast is paying her salary now.

I would say Pappy is her ticket. Pappy is the coat tail that she hangs onto. No doubt about that. I guess he paid her for but that's over now. That couldn't have been much money anyway. She didn't do anything and Pappy didn't have clients.

Was this really Jen's dream? To play the bimbo girl on a sports TV show? To have stupid conversations with a 55-year-old moron? To be objectified. That was the goal? Maybe you're right, Rock. It's TV. You're important if you're on TV. At the end of the day it doesn't matter what you do as long as you do it on TV. Way to go Jen.

Author:  spmack [ Thu Nov 20, 2008 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Very Candid Rock.....very candid :thumleft:

Author:  Pappy's Crappy [ Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Rock wrote:
Jen's weird relationship with Mike

I don't think it's that weird. She enjoys his company.

That alone is weird, but thanks for your candor in answering the questions. Although, I would strongly disagree that dontfademe failed because of the economy. Good luck to you.

Author:  Beardown [ Fri Nov 21, 2008 2:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

She doesn't enjoy Pappy's company. Nobody enjoys Pappy's company except Fritzy and those types.

She hangs with him cuz she thinks she's gonna be a star. Pappy is her ticket to being on the radio and now TV. That's it.

What 25-year-old girl hangs with a 55 year old cuz she "enjoys the company". Especially a dumb ass like Pappy. The answer is nobody. Do you think if Pappy were a janitor and met Jiggles at a bar they would strike up a friendship? You think Jen would say "He's so fun to hang with"? No. She would run.

That's a bullshit answer that Rock has to give. He jokes about it, in private, with his friends, just like we do.

The Jen/Pappy relationship is like one of those bad "straight to cable" movies that we all love.

Author:  FYI [ Fri Nov 21, 2008 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Always thought the Jen and Mike thing was weird. Really liked the way Beardown gave the example if Mike was a Janitor.

Think Jen has some other 55 year old friends? Guessing not

Author:  Darren - Tinley Park [ Fri Nov 21, 2008 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

FYI wrote:
Always thought the Jen and Mike thing was weird. Really liked the way Beardown gave the example if Mike was a Janitor.

Think Jen has some other 55 year old friends? Guessing not

Of course she does ... Elliot Harris from the Sun-Times.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock


How come it seems that on certain days M&H seem to never give Zaidman a chance to talk? They interrupt him and make thier points, more or less forcing Zack to agree with them, or give him like 20 seconds to make a counter argument. I don't care if they think he's a Bears apologist or asskisser or whatever. He's the beat guy and if you aren't going to let him talk, don't have him on. It seems very unprofessional. Mully is guilty of this much moreso than Brian.

I'm in the car almost every morning at 7:30, so I hear probably at least 4 of his reports a week. Just something I've noticed..

Author:  Rock [ Fri Nov 21, 2008 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Frank Coztansa wrote:

How come it seems that on certain days M&H seem to never give Zaidman a chance to talk? They interrupt him and make thier points, more or less forcing Zack to agree with them, or give him like 20 seconds to make a counter argument. I don't care if they think he's a Bears apologist or asskisser or whatever. He's the beat guy and if you aren't going to let him talk, don't have him on. It seems very unprofessional. Mully is guilty of this much moreso than Brian.

I'm in the car almost every morning at 7:30, so I hear probably at least 4 of his reports a week. Just something I've noticed..

I think since Mully for the most part sees and listens to the same things as Zach does on a daily's not going to be your normal question/answer type interview. I think we balance it pretty well with Zach, but maybe it could be just the way the question is posed at that certain time. I listen to the segment everyday at 7:30 at the board....I think for the most part it's balanced pretty well.

We don't force anything on Zach, we just try to keep it balanced. But then again if either of the fellas don't agree with what Zach is saying...who I am to tell them to quell their opinions and not speak.

Then's an opinion of yours, and it is well respected. Good thing you only hear 4 of his reports a week....there are only 4. :D Thanks for listening.


Author:  Johnny Chimpo [ Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Hey Rock, do you think it's strange that so many people who professed to hate Pappy and wanted him off the air pay so much attention to what he's doing and even go so far as to inquire about him?

Author:  Pappy's Crappy [ Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Beardown wrote:
What 25-year-old girl hangs with a 55 year old cuz she "enjoys the company". Especially a dumb ass like Pappy. The answer is nobody. Do you think if Pappy were a janitor and met Jiggles at a bar they would strike up a friendship? You think Jen would say "He's so fun to hang with"?

Oh, sure, I think it would be about the same if he were a janitor.

"Ooooh, Pappy, your knowledge of trash bags and cleaning fluids is second to none! Can you mentor me and get me into the custodial services industry? Pretty please? Teach me everything you know, you big mop-wielding brute, you! And, what's that? I can hang with you and meet all the other big-name, important janitors in the field? The guy who cleans Reinsdorf's suite at the United Center! You know him??!! And I can pose for a picture with him and put it on MySpace? What's that?--no, I know--you meant a picture with the janitor--not Reinsdorf. Ooh, I'm all tingly with excitement! And I can hang out at your house all the time where you have that cool basement with an old 13" TV and a little fridge full of Old Style? Oh, take me away from this swanky restaurant I waitress at and make it happen for me!"

Yep, the same. C'mon, Pappy would be just great to hang with for a young girl, no matter what his station in life.

Author:  Bud Dude [ Fri Nov 21, 2008 3:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Congrats on the little one Rock, but the wife is going back to work in a week? Big mistake. This is time she will regret not spending with the little one when she gets older. Thankfully my wife wanted to stay home after our first was born which I totally supported. Hopefully you can talk her out of it over the next week. I do not make a ton of money, but you learn to get by on one salary.

Author:  Beebo [ Fri Nov 21, 2008 6:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

I'm not sure, Rock, but I think they wanted to see if you're going to tat the kid...

Author:  lipidquadcab [ Fri Nov 21, 2008 8:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Bud Dude wrote:
Congrats on the little one Rock, but the wife is going back to work in a week? Big mistake. This is time she will regret not spending with the little one when she gets older. Thankfully my wife wanted to stay home after our first was born which I totally supported. Hopefully you can talk her out of it over the next week. I do not make a ton of money, but you learn to get by on one salary.

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but wasn't the kid born more than a week ago?

Author:  Rock [ Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

lipidquadcab wrote:
Bud Dude wrote:
Congrats on the little one Rock, but the wife is going back to work in a week? Big mistake. This is time she will regret not spending with the little one when she gets older. Thankfully my wife wanted to stay home after our first was born which I totally supported. Hopefully you can talk her out of it over the next week. I do not make a ton of money, but you learn to get by on one salary.

Perhaps I'm mistaken, but wasn't the kid born more than a week ago?

My son was born oct. 11th.....she's been off work now for almost 3 months. She's dying to go back.

The real test will begin's up to me to take care of him from about 11am - 7pm.....good time to bust out and teach Iron Maiden to my kid.


Author:  Rock [ Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Beebo wrote:
I'm not sure, Rock, but I think they wanted to see if you're going to tat the kid...

Not yet.....I think the minimum age in Illinois is 4

Author:  Rock [ Sat Nov 22, 2008 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Johnny Chimpo wrote:
Hey Rock, do you think it's strange that so many people who professed to hate Pappy and wanted him off the air pay so much attention to what he's doing and even go so far as to inquire about him?


If you were so negative about him and what he did.....why give a shit now?

I agree with you Chimpo.


Author:  Beardown [ Sat Nov 22, 2008 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

How did Mully and Hanley do in their first ratings book? How did they do compared to M&M? How did they do compared to North's last book?

We don't have any media writers in town anymore. Feder and Greenstein are gone. We can't get this info anymore.

Author:  Beebo [ Sat Nov 22, 2008 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Beardown wrote:
How did Mully and Hanley do in their first ratings book? How did they do compared to M&M? How did they do compared to North's last book?

We don't have any media writers in town anymore. Feder and Greenstein are gone. We can't get this info anymore.

I heard an ad claiming they were #1. Good for them! I like their show and it's good to see quality represented in good ratings. Unlike those years and spin doctorings of the past...

Author:  Rock [ Mon Nov 24, 2008 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Beardown wrote:
How did Mully and Hanley do in their first ratings book? How did they do compared to M&M? How did they do compared to North's last book?

We don't have any media writers in town anymore. Feder and Greenstein are gone. We can't get this info anymore.

I'll be getting those numbers later tonight....should have some substance for you by tuesday latest.


Author:  Mac [ Tue Nov 25, 2008 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Nicely done, Rock. Congratulations on the arrival of your son and all the best to you. I like you, Timmy. It's Danny, sir.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Rock wrote:
[If you were so negative about him and what he did.....why give a shit now?

Because his videos are hi-fucking-larious. Have you seen that circus trip one? Be sure not to have any drink in your mouth if you do watch it.

Author:  Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Tue Nov 25, 2008 11:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Rock wrote:
If you were so negative about him and what he did.....why give a shit now?

To be fair, we have a section on the WNBA, so it's really hard for us to draw lines of importance.

Author:  Beardown [ Tue Nov 25, 2008 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

C'mon Rock. Even you will laugh at this. It's just weird.

Jen & Pappy Interview

Author:  RodeoVann [ Tue Nov 25, 2008 4:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Rock, how bad has the censorship got on what can go on the air. Last week I texted something and got a text back saying it was funny, but they couldnt say it on the air. I dont care, but it has it got so bad that the station has to be so careful what they say these days?

Also, is there a difference between working with M/H compared to Pappy, positive or negative. By the way, love the M/H show, great show!

Author:  FYI [ Wed Nov 26, 2008 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

Rock, as Mike missed your wedding, for some bullshit excuse, and he has made no contact with you, are you at least aware now that the bullshit he tossed around now? Like "I am trying to get more money for EVERYONE who works here"

Author:  Rock [ Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

RodeoVann wrote:
Rock, how bad has the censorship got on what can go on the air. Last week I texted something and got a text back saying it was funny, but they couldnt say it on the air. I dont care, but it has it got so bad that the station has to be so careful what they say these days?

Also, is there a difference between working with M/H compared to Pappy, positive or negative. By the way, love the M/H show, great show!

As far as censorship, it's up to the producer/host what airs and what doesn't. If they feel it could get us in trouble, then it's their decision. Even the smallest thing that may seem funny some of us, someone could take offense it to and report it. Why even have the threat of all that paperwork and hassle I say.

There is a major difference in working MN vs. Mully and Hanley. There is alot more work involved production wise. I'm more involved in the overall pulse of the show....topics/research/creativity/etc. I run both the myspace page and the daily newsletter (and soon to come facebook page)as well as connecting with our devoted listeners on a daily basis. I'm involved in meetings that I once wasn't allowed into and I feel it helps the show that everyone is involved in every decision.

Mike had his own way of doing things, and I respect that....but the differences are extreme between what I was and am now doing.

I think it shows in the overall product.

Hope your thanksgiving was good RV...and the wrist heals quick.


Author:  Rock [ Sat Nov 29, 2008 8:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ask Rock

FYI wrote:
Rock, as Mike missed your wedding, for some bullshit excuse, and he has made no contact with you, are you at least aware now that the bullshit he tossed around now? Like "I am trying to get more money for EVERYONE who works here"

As far as my wedding, I'll take a man at his word that he had a good reason not to be there. I'd rather not make it a big issue, because him not being there wasn't.

As far as the material I was told during his last year on the stations airwaves......I'm sure he had good intentions for the people who busted their ass for him, but he just couldn't deliever.

I've always said I'm gonna make it on my own terms, maybe not getting that phone call was the best thing for me.


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