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10.31.11 Mulligan: "...and Brian with a rare day off"
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Author:  Harry Seaward [ Mon Oct 31, 2011 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  10.31.11 Mulligan: "...and Brian with a rare day off"

Had to be about 5:30 or so this morning, Mulligan went a segment or two without mentioning who it was he was yelling at, errrr talking to. I honestly didn't know. I at first assumed it was another clueless producer sitting in.

Ends up it is David Haugh. I know this because Mulligan came back from one of the 12 minute commercial breaks and stated "Mully and Hanley, and Brian with a rare day off." He said this was no sarcastic tone, didn't belly laugh or repeat himself (as he usually does with "jokes"), so I am assuming that he was serious.

What the hell? Listen, I know the show can't get any worse when Yelly or Punny take a day off - but good Lord. How lacking must you be in self-awareness if you think that either one of these guys "rarely" takes a day off or is "well deserviing" of their 242nd day off this year?

Mayhem is a real power tool.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 10.31.11 Mulligan: "...and Brian with a rare day off"

I cant remember the last time Hanley was off.

One thing about Hanley's atrocious cant count on it.

Its there every morning

Author:  MattInTheCrown [ Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 10.31.11 Mulligan: "...and Brian with a rare day off"

Oh, ok. That didn't sound like Hanley, yet when Mully went to a break just now, he did his usual "it's Mully, it's Hanley, 670 the Score" bit, so I thought perhaps Hanley's voice had finally changed. I'm kind of disappointed to learn it's Haugh.

On a sidenote, I was reminded of another thing that bothers me about Mully: he always thanks his guests "a ton" for appearing on the show. Stop yelling, and stop quantifying the mass of your appreciation, assbag.

Author:  PaPaea [ Mon Oct 31, 2011 8:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 10.31.11 Mulligan: "...and Brian with a rare day off"

LOL. The worst thing, and I've seen it mentioned here, is his constant 'hey _______, we really appreciate you taking the time and we're gonna let you go ..... but on the way out" Ask your final question, then thank the guest, then say goodbye. Not that hard. My theory is that he must think that his trademark interviewing style, so he sticks with it. LOL

Author:  MattInTheCrown [ Wed Nov 02, 2011 12:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 10.31.11 Mulligan: "...and Brian with a rare day off"

This morning, Mully thanked Zach a ton for his appearance on the show, which was total bullshit, because ZZ's appearance merited -at most- 900 pounds of appreciation; I mean, the guy is employed by the Score, he's not really going out of his way to appear on Score shows.

Author:  Bagels [ Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 10.31.11 Mulligan: "...and Brian with a rare day off"

MattInTheCrown wrote:
This morning, Mully thanked Zach a ton for his appearance on the show, which was total bullshit, because ZZ's appearance merited -at most- 900 pounds of appreciation; I mean, the guy is employed by the Score, he's not really going out of his way to appear on Score shows.

their exchange about the Spice Girls seems to go on forever. Mully + Hanley + ZZ = Kings of Comedy

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Wed Nov 02, 2011 1:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 10.31.11 Mulligan: "...and Brian with a rare day off"

Who chooses their bumper music?

They play the Kid Cudi/Gaga song every day it seems. Eminem, Kanye, etc.

Author:  Harry Seaward [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 10.31.11 Mulligan: "...and Brian with a rare day off"

This morning I tuned in right at the end (where they were plowing through phone calls), and Mulligan once again talked about a well deserved day(s) off for Brian. Apparently Brian is going to be out for a couple of days.

Here's the news that the screaming, giant, pedophile-looking Mulligan tried to tease: the fill-in host will be someone that will surprise, shock, and anger many.

While I know no one cares, who is it? Surely it will be insanely disappointing and "anger" really no one...........but, who? I'm going with Dustin Rhodes. Another option would be David Haugh, as I'm sure the anger that Mulligan is referring to would be from Boers/Bernstein.

Also, OKC's post about humor grim reaper's is so dead on it's not even, they're awful.

Author:  Score is doomed [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 10:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 10.31.11 Mulligan: "...and Brian with a rare day off"

Mike North

Author:  spadaesq1 [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 10.31.11 Mulligan: "...and Brian with a rare day off"

David Spada

Author:  Phil McCracken [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 11:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: 10.31.11 Mulligan: "...and Brian with a rare day off"

spadaesq1 wrote:
David Spada

Has the real spada started trolling himself like the BearlyLegal mult?

Author:  Bagels [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 4:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 10.31.11 Mulligan: "...and Brian with a rare day off"


Author:  Douchebag [ Wed Nov 16, 2011 4:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 10.31.11 Mulligan: "...and Brian with a rare day off"

Herb Lawerance

Author:  Phil In Cicero [ Thu Nov 17, 2011 1:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: 10.31.11 Mulligan: "...and Brian with a rare day off"

Am I the only one who wanted to punch that caller in the face who called about 7:15 and was getting so emotional about the Urlacher being overrated thing? The guy who said Walter Payton told him to have a relationship with his father? He was either doing a "bit" as Bernstein calls it, or that is one of the most annoying MF'ers on the planet.

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