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Golddust the human Facebook commenter
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Author:  Reared on the Score [ Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Golddust the human Facebook commenter

Not only do I not want Dustin Rhoades talking, him and his opinions shouldn't even be referenced on the show.

Dude is a meatball. It's like when Bernstein references 'twitter replies' by morons as a construct to take down. It's easy and stupid and meaningless to argue against.

So when KC Johnson is on and I'm getting red hot Bulls information (hey, it's somewhat informative), Mully shouldn't bother with 'our guy Dustin wants Rose traded'. Who gives a shit what Dustin thinks about sports?

(all that said, he can keep his job since the Mully/Hanley show seems well-produced, no small feat given the hosts involved)

Author:  bigfan [ Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

Reared on the Score wrote:
Not only do I not want Dustin Rhoades talking, him and his opinions shouldn't even be referenced on the show.

Dude is a meatball. It's like when Bernstein references 'twitter replies' by morons as a construct to take down. It's easy and stupid and meaningless to argue against.

So when KC Johnson is on and I'm getting red hot Bulls information (hey, it's somewhat informative), Mully shouldn't bother with 'our guy Dustin wants Rose traded'. Who gives a shit what Dustin thinks about sports?

(all that said, he can keep his job since the Mully/Hanley show seems well-produced, no small feat given the hosts involved)


Author:  Hatchetman [ Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

the world needs more meatballs and fewer pansy reporters.

Author:  redskingreg [ Tue Nov 12, 2013 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

Dustin is awful. I forgot his exact stance on Urlacher a couple years ago, but that sealed my opinion of him. Keep him off the radio please. He was being a peenus for the sake of peenusery.

Author:  SnarkyHater [ Tue Dec 10, 2013 6:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

That idiot Dustin is NOT a bit? For serious?

Michael and Brian are surely only letting him pipe up, occasionally, to serve as a contrast to their typically below-average product, right? Do they not realize that many people listened to Michael North in this time slot before they came along? Latter day North is more than enough to realize how bad it can be.

Author:  Reared on the Score [ Tue Oct 20, 2015 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

Today during the station's 27th Len Kasper interview of the week, Mully joked about the facemasks, etc. Even saying that fans mentioned Maddon's bundled up look.

"I'm of course not saying what the manager wears matters, well actually Dustin said it 'set a bad tone'..."

:shock: :lol:

Author:  spmack [ Tue Oct 20, 2015 2:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

Reared on the Score wrote:
Today during the station's 27th Len Kasper interview of the week, Mully joked about the facemasks, etc. Even saying that fans mentioned Maddon's bundled up look.

:lol: very true.

Author:  Hatchetman [ Tue Oct 20, 2015 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

is does show a certain degree of pussyness. remember tom coughlin out in -20 without a hat? :lol:

Author:  Rod [ Tue Oct 20, 2015 2:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

Reared on the Score wrote:
"I'm of course not saying what the manager wears matters"

Unless it's a parrot on his shoulder or a boa constrictor around his neck.

Author:  Reared on the Score [ Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

Today Mully mentioned a Dustin crackpot theory (lending me to think this is a bit...just Dustin himself might not know), that just like how Lovie Smith threw the Super Bowl for his mentor Tony Dungy, Maddon is doing the same for Terry Collins here.

Author:  Darkside [ Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

Reared on the Score wrote:
Today Mully mentioned a Dustin crackpot theory (lending me to think this is a bit...just Dustin himself might not know), that just like how Lovie Smith threw the Super Bowl for his mentor Tony Dungy, Maddon is doing the same for Terry Collins here.

That was just awful.

Author:  Matches Malone [ Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

Reared on the Score wrote:
Today Mully mentioned a Dustin crackpot theory (lending me to think this is a bit...just Dustin himself might not know), that just like how Lovie Smith threw the Super Bowl for his mentor Tony Dungy, Maddon is doing the same for Terry Collins here.

I've actually heard more than a few people espouse that theory. Dungy's son's suicide was the factor they all claim.

I don't believe the conspiracy to be true, but in fairness to Dustin, he's not the only one out there who believes that.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Wed Oct 21, 2015 3:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

Matches Malone wrote:
Reared on the Score wrote:
Today Mully mentioned a Dustin crackpot theory (lending me to think this is a bit...just Dustin himself might not know), that just like how Lovie Smith threw the Super Bowl for his mentor Tony Dungy, Maddon is doing the same for Terry Collins here.

I've actually heard more than a few people espouse that theory. Dungy's son's suicide was the factor they all claim.

I don't believe the conspiracy to be true, but in fairness to Dustin, he's not the only one out there who believes that.

Ced Benson was in on it then?

And he was really playing with fore being down 5 in the 4th quarter

Author:  Matches Malone [ Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

rogers park bryan wrote:
Matches Malone wrote:
Reared on the Score wrote:
Today Mully mentioned a Dustin crackpot theory (lending me to think this is a bit...just Dustin himself might not know), that just like how Lovie Smith threw the Super Bowl for his mentor Tony Dungy, Maddon is doing the same for Terry Collins here.

I've actually heard more than a few people espouse that theory. Dungy's son's suicide was the factor they all claim.

I don't believe the conspiracy to be true, but in fairness to Dustin, he's not the only one out there who believes that.

Ced Benson was in on it then?

And he was really playing with fore being down 5 in the 4th quarter

If one wants to believe something, one can easily connect dots even when there are no dots to connect.

Author:  sinicalypse [ Wed Oct 21, 2015 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

SHARK wrote:
Uh Reared on the Score, Goldust, aka Dustin Runnels, was known for his over-the-top character in the WWE from...

Baby McNown wrote:

Author:  No Clever Moniker [ Thu Oct 22, 2015 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

Rex was in on it too.

Golddust is a badly aligned "third wheel" that is wearing bad.

Author:  lifesucks [ Thu Oct 22, 2015 1:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

Dustin is a bit. The problem is it's a really bad one.

Author:  Harry Seaward [ Sat Apr 23, 2016 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

I have grown to enjoy this show - I think it's really a lesser of evils thing, as the midday show is not something I can even attempt to listen to - the afternoon show makes me crazy - and the evening abortion is simply radio poison. So as a guy who has been listening to the station since day 1, I guess I have settled in that Yelly & Punny are my best shot to listen to the station for more than five minutes without wanting to steer into oncoming traffic.

That said, this freaking idiot Dustin needs to stay away from the mic. I get that a meatball, misinformed idiot guy like this is supposed to be Bernstein-like in his ability to make you hate him so much that you need to listen............BUT, GUYS, IT'S NOT WORKING. He makes me turn off your show. Rarely do I fire up the show when they first come on, as it sounds like a roundtable of dummies gossiping and regurgitating the same thoughts over and over again, but his presence on air during that hour guarantees I'll never listen. Then Mully, it seems, is the guy that needs to awkwardly bring up some stupid theory or thought that Dustin had....which results in him grabbing a mic, ok ok ok ok? Lifelock, due to him reading their f'd out ads, will never get a dime from me no matter how badly my identity is used and abused.

Bit or not, he's awful. It's bad enough Yelly is always screaming and asking one more question on the way out, and that Punny is always chiming in with a stupid jokes or awful play on words, but this moron Dustin on mic is as truly as bad as anything that Leary has ever done near an open mic.

Author:  No Clever Moniker [ Sat Apr 23, 2016 10:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

As a fellow "FDL" it would good for the station's management to get some of us together to help get this station back in a direction we can appreciate. Too much of what it has become today probably never would have gotten our attention 20 years ago. Things that we used to joke about have become the topic of lectures that run on-and-on for hours and into days. What went from talking sports from differing points of view has turned into trashing much in the world of sports with a disingenuous, if not hypocritical point of view. It is not listenable.

M&H may be the top rated show but I don't give it too long of a listen. Yelly is an over-revving diesel sound, Hanley has become almost likeable in comparison. But the presence of Rhodes proves that prolonged listening to him (anything over 40 seconds) will diminish your I.Q.

I just want one show that is willing to take a stand and speak without consideration of the other shows. That, or have management hand down a Disney type edict to de-emphasize certain topics of discussion.

Author:  billypootons [ Sat Apr 23, 2016 10:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

i would guess dustin probably does believe some of the stuff he says... but he amplifies knowing full well how it would be received by the listener.

anyone else notice Mully is the only host who wont thank his producers by name at the end of the show?

Author:  Harry Seaward [ Tue May 24, 2016 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

Seriously, someone from the show must read this board. KEEP THIS GUY OFF THE AIR. I literally PTFB anytime this moron pops on the mic.

I don't know what's worse - his stupid Lifelock reads, his need to jump on the mic, or Yelly actually inviting this dope to share his thoughts.

This show has settled in as a fairly comfortable morning listen (despite the yelling and the punnery), but it's absolutely a dial turner when the resident moron Dustin grabs a mic.

Author:  redskingreg [ Tue May 24, 2016 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

Agreed. The only person I PTFB faster for is Flo.

Author:  Harry Seaward [ Tue May 24, 2016 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

lol, yes, between Flo and this idiot and Scott Ferrall being on the radio (and not as part of some information gathering torture technique) I feel like someone has just gone too far with ridiculously long punk. I know to avoid the show from 5-6, but hot damn if that don't have this dope doing his "ok, ok?" meatball schtick during other parts of the show. Just awful.

And I say this as a guy who has come to terms with Yelly's dumb "thanks a ton, just on the way out" and "MULLY AND HANLEY!!!!" yelling rejoins ... This Dustin guy is just the worst, it's embarrassing that anyone finds him fit to be on air. Then again, this is the station that thinks Larry at night is good radio.

Author:  redskingreg [ Wed Oct 05, 2016 11:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

This fucking troll is an instructor at the Illinois Media School?

Author:  Jaw Breaker [ Wed Oct 19, 2016 2:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

LifeLock. 1-800 LifeLock. LifeLock. Dot Com.

Author:  Tad Queasy [ Thu Oct 27, 2016 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Golddust the human Facebook commenter

redskingreg wrote:
This fucking troll is an instructor at the Illinois Media School?

The list of instructors there reads like a Who's Who of bad sports radio personalities. Abbattacola, Huebner, Hood, Rhodes, etc. I don't doubt that they know how the industry works, but I think they are all bad on-air personalities. I imagine Kap barging into random classes, doing a read for MyPillow, then turning around and walking right out.

Their "I am IMS." commercials are special. Too bad it's not called the Illinois Broadcasting School so they could say "I am My Favorite Poster and Hero." which is what they cause when they're on the air.

Jaw Breaker wrote:
LifeLock. 1-800 LifeLock. LifeLock. Dot Com.

Rhodes also does spots for a timeshare company in which he makes it sound like he has a timeshare. Maybe he and Mulligan split time at Leary's place in AZ when he's not there laying pipe to all the ladies who would "get it."

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