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 Post subject: 225 yard 4 iron?
PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 8:50 am 

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I'm messed up and put this in the wrong forum earlier.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 8:54 am 
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One thing you can bank on is people overstating how far they really hit the ball and asphalt assists do not count. Count me as a non-believer, not 225 yards in the air anyway.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 8:58 am 
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i'm happy when i hit 225 with my driver.

spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:08 am 
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I can believe it. My normal range for a 4 iron is 205 and on rare occasions I've caught it flush and airmailed greens. Probably some optimal conditions in there, but still very possible and believable. Something about a 4-iron....

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:10 am 

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I can believe it. My normal range for a 4 iron is 205 and on rare occasions I've caught it flush and airmailed greens. Probably some optimal conditions in there, but still very possible and believable. Something about a 4-iron....

Mac didn't say he hit a four iron 225, he said he hits a four iron 225....meaning on average. My point is if you can hit a golf ball that far you need a decent swing to do so and therefore should be shooting a lot lower unless he putts like Happy Gilmore.

May 1, 2007 - CSFMB Civil War
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Last edited by OakBrookJoe on Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:11 am, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:11 am 
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on the range i've hit a 4-iron about 190. on the course i don't think i've hit one over 170. i like my 5-iron better. love the 5-iron.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:12 am 

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Did he say whether or not he hits it straight? The distance sounds feasible but, if you don't have any directional control, it's worthless much like my driver.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:12 am 
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ahhh ok. Very different thing Joe. I will say that it IS amazing the difference some sticks can make.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:19 am 
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Back in '82, I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:27 am 
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A 4-iron can easily be hit 225 yards.

All you need to do is choke up on it a little and put a 3/4 swing on it. Works for me everytime. 8)

My Maserati does 186.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:33 am 
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Krazy Ivan wrote:
Back in '82, I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile.

if coach would've put me in in the fourth quarter...we'da won state

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:38 am 

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Carl Spackler: He's on his final hole. He's about 455 yards away, he's gonna hit about a 2 iron I think.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:38 am 

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If I couldn't hit a 4-iron that far, Jurk would have called me on it. We play golf together three or four times a year. I don't consistently take a 4-iron to a shot of that distance, but I have before and I have succeeded (WHFY!). My scores usually aren't good, but I hit the ball a long way, proving true the adage "drive for show, putt for dough." This expression should extend to ANY shot that is 100 yards or shorter. Being stout and powerful can produce some breathtaking drives and long irons, but it is not an indicator of one's ability to score well.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:39 am 
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Mac has said this many times.
His source of enjoyment from the game of golf comes from solid ball striking, not scoring.
His short game struggles are pretty consistant.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 9:53 am 

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Mac if you're that good of ball striker, then if you want to improve your game at all put in some time and practice your short game. Everyone can have a decent short game with lots of practice, not everyone can hit a solid driver and long irons.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:14 am 
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Mac wrote:
If I couldn't hit a 4-iron that far, Jurk would have called me on it. We play golf together three or four times a year. I don't consistently take a 4-iron to a shot of that distance, but I have before and I have succeeded (WHFY!). My scores usually aren't good, but I hit the ball a long way, proving true the adage "drive for show, putt for dough." This expression should extend to ANY shot that is 100 yards or shorter. Being stout and powerful can produce some breathtaking drives and long irons, but it is not an indicator of one's ability to score well.

i think i remember reading in your bio that you once shot a 79. are you just more of a casual golfer who doesn't mind shooting a 90 most of the time? i've never come close to breaking 80, but i've had some rounds that have made me want to keep golfing; but not to the point where i want to go out to a range every day and golf twice a week. my dad does this but he's a golf writer. he gets to do things like that and he loves it. i don't love the game enough to devote that kind of time to it.

if you enjoy just going out and hitting the ball, appreciate the good shots and laugh off the bad, why bother wasting precious time practicing?

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:25 am 
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I break out the old 3 wood from 225 with pinpoint accuracy.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:25 am 

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I love practicing my short game more. Wheaton Zack, what does your dad write for? Im jealous.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 10:27 am 
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precious time? as oppossed to playing tony hawk project 8 for 4 hours?

fuck...i'm going to a range today damnit...


spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:11 am 
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Its believable - I'm right around there with a 3 iron, so one stick less is certainly plausible. I'm also in Mac's boat - can't putt well on a mini golf course, much less playing for money.... :(

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:14 am 
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And he hits the driver 380 too right?

How about that world record walleye he caught too?


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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:16 am 
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OakBrookJoe wrote:
I love practicing my short game more. Wheaton Zack, what does your dad write for? Im jealous.

i was half-joking about the practicing thing, i actually like going once in a while, and i agree--i spend more time chipping/putting than hitting on the range.

i don't remember specifically which magazines he writes for, i know that he writes pretty regularly for one down in Florida. he's written for "golf" magazine a few times. don't recall when the last time he was published in it.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 11:37 am 
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i'm happy when i hit 225 with my driver.

I'm happy when I don't hit anyone/anything with my driver.

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PostPosted: Thu Mar 22, 2007 3:42 pm 

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I hit 225 whilst playing an error filled 3rd base.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 6:39 pm 
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I don't get why everyone is acting like you have to be a PGA pro to hit a 4 iron 225. It can be done and it can be done by golfers who's handicaps aren't even that good. Pisses me off when I see those guys hit a ball and then they cant do anything with it....

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 25, 2007 7:06 pm 
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I don't get why everyone is acting like you have to be a PGA pro to hit a 4 iron 225. It can be done and it can be done by golfers who's handicaps aren't even that good. Pisses me off when I see those guys hit a ball and then they cant do anything with it....

Agreed completely...the course I used to work at hosted a long drive competition a couple times, and we used the first hole from the back tees (400 at least, uphill to green) and there were guys rolling balls damn near to the green. If you made those same guys finish out the hole, I doubt many of them would be able to get par.

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