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JD & Hood feud |
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Author: | Beardown [ Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:36 pm ] |
Post subject: | JD & Hood feud |
Mac said those two had a falling out a little while back. He asked Harry to explain it and Harry danced around it. They hinted at JD cutting off Hood on the air or something like that. Anybody out there know the story? |
Author: | Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:38 pm ] |
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Didn't JD say something last year that was deemed to be a racist comment? My apologies if I am wrong on that. I thought that was what they were referring to. |
Author: | OakBrookJoe [ Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:42 pm ] |
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JD and Hood were together on Friday between 9-12 and I didn't notice any rift between them.......of course look at who they were replacing. How and why did this get brought up? |
Author: | Beardown [ Tue Mar 06, 2007 4:45 pm ] |
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Really no reason. Mac just brought it up. |
Author: | Beef Rockmore [ Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:07 pm ] |
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Something about droolin on some burrito's pole I think. |
Author: | Bulldog Scott [ Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:16 pm ] |
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Quote: Dr. Kenneth Noisewater wrote: Didn't JD say something last year that was deemed to be a racist comment? My apologies if I am wrong on that. I thought that was what they were referring to. 2 or 3 years ago, the boys were talking about when LaTroy Hawkins pitches, they should just run his jersey up the flag pole (as opposed to the "L" flag). JD took it a step further and said they should run LaTroy up the pole. The NAACP didn't like that one too much. But I don't think that that is what the feud would be about. |
Author: | Beardown [ Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:19 pm ] |
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Yeah. I don't think that was what Mac was referring to with JD and Hood. I think JD just spoke with out thinking there. I don't think he meant anything by that. Funny that he gets called out when a certain morning man skates on everything. |
Author: | Rico [ Tue Mar 06, 2007 5:43 pm ] |
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I've heard those two work together on numerous occasions. They sound fine to me. I didn't hear Mac say that, but that's a pretty big dick move by McNeil. Nothing like starting shit among your co-workers. I guess Mac is tired of picking on Harry. |
Author: | Harry Timbercrank [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 8:02 am ] |
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and blow saves |
Author: | A7X [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 9:59 am ] |
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Harry Timbercrank wrote: and blow saves
or slaves. ![]() |
Author: | Contempt [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:51 am ] |
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I was just as hard on J Hood than anybody, especially when I use to write for (and yes, he read it back then). But since coming to 'MVP, Hood has been awesome. His pairing with JD always makes a great show, and I enjoyed him two weeks ago when he was on with Carmen. |
Author: | W_Z [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 10:59 am ] |
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Quote: Contempt wrote: I was just as hard on J Hood than anybody, especially when I use to write for (and yes, he read it back then). But since coming to 'MVP, Hood has been awesome. His pairing with JD always makes a great show, and I enjoyed him two weeks ago when he was on with Carmen. "which way did YOU vote, Caarm?" |
Author: | MattInTheCrown [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 11:01 am ] |
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Quote: But since coming to 'MVP, Hood has been awesome. His pairing with JD always makes a great show...
Agreed. Chalk another one up for JD J-Hood fandom. |
Author: | Beardown [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 12:58 pm ] |
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I think Hood likes to dish it but he can't take it really well. Plus he has a short fuse. Last week while sitting in for Harry a caller made an anology to the Violet Palmer situation. Where the anouncer said "Go back in the kitchen Violet." The caller said "how would a black person feel if a white man said go shine my shoes?" It was just an analogy. Hood went off on the guy telling him to "take his white hood off so he could hear him better." I was shocked that Hood had this reaction. Mac had to step in and tell Hood that he misunderstood the caller. Hood said "I don't think so" and they all awkwardly moved on. |
Author: | Brian's Mojito [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:14 pm ] |
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Beardown wrote: I think Hood likes to dish it but he can't take it really well. Plus he has a short fuse.
Last week while sitting in for Harry a caller made an anology to the Violet Palmer situation. Where the anouncer said "Go back in the kitchen Violet." The caller said "how would a black person feel if a white man said go shine my shoes?" It was just an analogy. Hood went off on the guy telling him to "take his white hood off so he could hear him better." I was shocked that Hood had this reaction. Mac had to step in and tell Hood that he misunderstood the caller. Hood said "I don't think so" and they all awkwardly moved on. That's the same beef I have with Lawrence -- Don't call me Larry -- Holmes. |
Author: | Gloopan Kuratz [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:18 pm ] |
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I don't care if Hood is white or black. He's terrible. |
Author: | Brian's Mojito [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:37 pm ] |
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Gloopan Kuratz wrote: I don't care if Hood is white or black. He's terrible.
I still enjoy listening to J Hood. His Cornbread bit was pretty funny. I still feel like The Score screwed him. |
Author: | OakBrookJoe [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 1:58 pm ] |
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Im not that big of fan of Hood. I think his impressions are just poor rip offs and his attempts at trying to read emails (especially when he subs in for MJH at Critics) are terrible. |
Author: | Beardown [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:01 pm ] |
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It's over kill with the impressions. But even when he talks in his normal voice in discussions he rips of Mac's speach pattern and slang words. As well as other media personalities. When he was with the Score he used to do his out cue's in a phony Ron Gleason voice. He's since stopped that fake voice. LOL. I've never liked him on the radio. |
Author: | Gloopan Kuratz [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:08 pm ] |
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His impressions blow, plus he has no knowledge. When have you heard anything from him that is enlightening or interesting? Plus his voice is annoying. |
Author: | Beardown [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:12 pm ] |
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I agree. He talks in circles without saying anything. Or when he's with a partner he'll repeat the partner in a different way. |
Author: | nWo4Life [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 2:59 pm ] |
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Quote: What are you talking about? The only person Hood had an issue with that came over the air was Telander.
Not true Nas, a alot of people didnt like him from what I have been told by MY GUYS at he Score. Telander was just the last straw for Managment and thats when they decided to let him walk after his contract. By the way, Hood and Holmes werent the buddies everyone thinks they were towards the end. |
Author: | Mac [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:25 pm ] |
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Interesting banter on this one. Rico says I was dickish for bringing it up. Fair enough, but it was a real tiff a year or so ago and they are working together again. It wasn't like it came out of nowhere. Plus, I think a lot of listeners enjoy the behind-the-scenes pissing matches. I should go there more often, because you cats wouldn't believe some of the stuff going on here lately. Watershed moments ahead for the Good Ship WMVP. |
Author: | OakBrookJoe [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:26 pm ] |
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Now there's a tease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! |
Author: | Dr. Kenneth Noisewater [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:31 pm ] |
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Great. First teases, next Mac will become a metrosexual. It's a slippery slope. ![]() |
Author: | stoneroses86 [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:33 pm ] |
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Mac wrote: Quote: Watershed moments ahead for the Good Ship WMVP. Please tell me this involves the jettisoning of the failed stand up comedian. |
Author: | Tall Midget [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:42 pm ] |
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stoneroses86 wrote: Mac wrote: Quote: Watershed moments ahead for the Good Ship WMVP. Please tell me this involves the jettisoning of the failed stand up comedian. No, I think it involves the jettisoning of the failed exhibitionist. And hopefully the failed columnist, too. |
Author: | Beardown [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:45 pm ] |
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Grid has hinted at something big happening. So obviously Mac shared it with the Grid after a few beers probrally. But it's not like it's a shock with all of these different people doing different shows. Everybody knows Waddle is gonna get the 9-12 gig. But there is obviously more then that. |
Author: | W_Z [ Wed Mar 07, 2007 3:50 pm ] |
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Quote: Mac wrote: Interesting banter on this one. Rico says I was dickish for bringing it up. Fair enough, but it was a real tiff a year or so ago and they are working together again. It wasn't like it came out of nowhere. Plus, I think a lot of listeners enjoy the behind-the-scenes pissing matches. I should go there more often, because you cats wouldn't believe some of the stuff going on here lately. Watershed moments ahead for the Good Ship WMVP. i was just disappointed that we never really found out *what* the story actually was. what happened between JD & hood? so if you're going to share stories, please do--just tell all! |
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