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 Post subject: Vegas issues
PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:41 pm 
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Mac made it out like Harry hated young people. I think Harry's issue in Vegas was crowds. Not age. My Dad has gone to Vegas for the Tourney 12 or 15 times in his life. He went in the 80's when it wasn't that huge of a deal and you can find seats in the book. Well it's gotton bigger MJH. Get used to it. You guys are no more important then any other guy who goes.

My old man woke up at 4:30 am to get a seat at Bilagio. By the way that's the best sports book according to my Dad. One of the few that still gives out free drinks for big sporting days.

Harry was shocked that he couldn't get a seat in the Sports Book and had to stand. Guess what Harry. That shouldn't have been a shock to you. It's gottone huge the last 10 years and it grows every year.

When Vegas puts up new hotels they should build bigger Sports Books. But it will still be full by 7am for big sports days. That's just the way it is.

When you have 16 games going off Thursday and Friday it's gonna be packed. Get their at 4:30am or don't bitch.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:50 pm 
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I agree... it was probably very crazy out there, and WHO would enjoy standing for 12 hours like Jurko said he had to?

I agree with Mac and his disdain for public drunks that are obnoxious.

Just cozy up to a curb with your brown paper bag, and nip a chug every now and again.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 4:53 pm 
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I don't know what they expected. Did they think the Sports Books would clear out a path because MJH arrived? Yeah, you have drunks and crowds. But you have to expect that for opening round of the NCAA tourney.

People in their 20's, 30's and 40's all get drunk and act stupid in Vegas.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:12 pm 
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The one guy called in and talked about Spring breakers using Vegas as their toliet for the week off and they could not be more correct . I was out there two years ago in mid-March and I saw shit that had me shaking my head. Everything from guys puking at Blackjack tables to fights at the pools , people passed out in our elevators and room parties on our floor until 4am .

I'm never one to bitch and moan but I let my Casino host know I would not be coming back anytime soon during Spring break .

"You can't put a bounty on a man's head"!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:14 pm 
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I love when Mac has money on basketball games. Then he comes across with more passion when he talks about it for his show. Mac, bet every Bulls game from here on out then you'll care more and have more informed thoughts.

By the way Harry I had Xavier over Ohio State. You never deserved to win that -8 bet. It worked out for the Xavier bettors. LOL.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 5:17 pm 
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Slap Shot. That Vegas casino will survive without you. Don't think the guy cared when you complained. They'll take 20 puking young guys betting over the one older guy they might lose.

I'm not saying I like it either. But that's the way it is Slap Shot. I've always been a good drinker. But the few who aren't ruin it in Vegas at times. But it's still fun. The guy throwing up never ruins it for me.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:01 pm 
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I started going to MM in Vegas in the mid 70s. Went nearly 25 straight years until it simply got too crowded. Vegas at MM reminds me of the old Yogi Berra line, "Nobody goes there anymore. It's too crowded."

I share Harry's sentiment at Vegas' loss of customer service, but it isn't the fault of young people. I was there for the Super Bowl and stood behind dozens of Bears jersey wearing people in their 30s, 40s, 50s, etc. who took forever at the window. I couldn't understand how long it took until I heard one genius at the window. ""Da Bears for ten bucks". "Oh it costs me 11 dollars to win 10? What do i get for $10? Oh. 9.09? Ok. Make it 11 to win 10 then. No. Wait. I don't have an extra dollar. Make it 10 to win $9.09."I finally ran to my room to put in my halftime bets over the phone.

But I didn't hold the dimwits responsible for the slow service. The problem isn't the clueless customers who don't know how to make a bet, it's the house. They should have many more windows than they do. As I've said before, if any business makes any customer wait more than 10 minutes to do their business, that business has management issues. Any casino that makes its customers wait more than 10 minutes in a line ought to fix the problem immediately.

One way is to have multiple windows....Windows for the small guys, windows for the $100 minimum, windows for the nickel player, the dime player, the $5k player, the $10k player and the $20k player. They do it with the blackjack tables. You don't see the $5 guys playing at the same table as the $500 guys. Caesars and Wynn are the only books that have separate windows for high rollers. They each need more windows though...not just ones for the $20k and up guys.

Also, the comments about seating in the books Harry made are ridiculous. I could not disagreee more. It's been at least ten years since all seats in a book were open first come-first served. It was great while it lasted, but I understand the business realities. Each book now reserves about half the seats or more based on action. The rest are open for the guys who want to call dibs on a chair at 6 am. And that's the way it should be. If a guy is giving the Bellagio $500 a night for a suite, and giving them $50k of action in a weekend, should he have to stand and watch because some other guy staying at the Motel 6 got there and called dibs on a seat at 6 am? I don't think so. And most books do take care of their best customers with reserved seating. They know if they don't take care of their best customers, then their best customers will go somewhere else. Most Vegas books do recognize this. You don't want to stand? Then go sit in a bar. Every freaking bar in the casinos has the games going on. It's not that difficult to find a seat to watch the games. Hell I've watched many a FB or hoops game over the years in Vegas sitting at a video poker machine. If you are sitting and can see the game, what's the bitch?

Last edited by Coast2Coast on Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:27 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:22 pm 
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On one hand I agree that Books should be bigger. But, from their perspective it's only an issue 10 or 15 days out of the year. For those big sports days. Maybe less.

They don't want to take tables and slots away for such limited important sports days.

Maybe for big sports days they should set up more windows through out the casino. Maybe where you collect slots and chips you could bet on Super Sunday and NCAA tourney time. Maybe even Sunday football days. Although those days aren't as bad as opening Tourney day. Just a thought.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:37 pm 
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I can see Harry with his silver spoon in Vegas.

Harry - Hi Vegas. Harry here. Can you find me a lounge chair to sit and watch the games?

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:46 pm 
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Here is a problem with your window break down Coast. Is it per game bet or total bets? What if one guy wants to bet 1000 on all 16 games right away. And one guy wants to bet just 100 on 1 game. What window does each guy have to go to. See what I'm saying?

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 6:59 pm 
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Let me see here--free trip and Harry bitching, what a shock-this putz does two things on the show, bitch and kiss some guests ass. He sucks and is just plain useless. What an a-hole, he's really lucky that he was born with a silver spoon up his ass, because he can't do a damn thing well as shown by his whiney BS on the show daily. His Dad must be paying for this little douche bag having the job. There just isn't any other explanation for him being on the radio.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:08 pm 
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Beardown wrote:
Here is a problem with your window break down Coast. Is it per game bet or total bets? What if one guy wants to bet 1000 on all 16 games right away. And one guy wants to bet just 100 on 1 game. What window does each guy have to go to. See what I'm saying?

Either way is fine with me, Bear. They can decide whatever they like. The issue isn't who is playing at which windows. It's that they need a lot more windows. Hell I wouldn't care if everybody had access to every window. But a place like the Bellagio, for example, needs about 20 windows during MM, not 10.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:13 pm 

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Sorry to pile on Slap...but your business won't be missed come next MM. Unless you're one of those cats Coast talked about dropping $50K for the weekend. Those 7 fratboys in room 8135 are probably losing a LOT more dough during their stay.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:34 pm 
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I agree Coast. More windows for big days. But you suggested a money break down. I don't think that's possible. Some guys go up wanting volume. Some guys want one play.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:51 pm 
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On The Eisenhower wrote:
Sorry to pile on Slap...but your business won't be missed come next MM. Unless you're one of those cats Coast talked about dropping $50K for the weekend. Those 7 fratboys in room 8135 are probably losing a LOT more dough during their stay.

No , I understand that but I've been a guest at this hotel for the last 10 years in where I've brought clients and spend a good deal of money when I go ..Not $50,000 but I've lost or given back 6 or $7,000 in a weekend . I gamble a lot and have many of the casinos after my business with free comps , stays , shows , ect..I'm not a big shooter or High Roller by any means ..I'm the type of guy who plays a long time and tends to stay at the casino I'm staying in and get rated as an A customer. I get shit everyday from Casinos out in Vegas to come and stay . When I quit drinking I needed another vice so it was either hookers or gambling and my wife made me choose gambling.
:wink: :lol:
My point is as an invited guest of the casino where does it say I have to put up with assholes who do not know how to conduct themselves and feel the need to ruin my time because mom and dad did not teach them how to behave in public. I think Mac was pointing out that it's one thing to get fucked up and have a good time but when people are being assholes and jerkoffs where does the hotel or casino draw the line to protect the people that are going to come back and give you the repeat biz?

Gotta disagree with the 7 Fratboys theory as well. I've seen these morons get light-up AT the pool all day and come back in and sit at the $5 blackjack table and get wasted on the comp drinks and loose no more than $100 bucks ..Their money is blown on hookers, clubs and strip bars.

I've never seen a group of college guys at a $25 or $100 table....

"You can't put a bounty on a man's head"!

Last edited by Slap Shot ED on Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:54 pm 
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Slappy is rated and has a host. No question in my mind his value as a customer is much, much greater than any group of college kids.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 7:57 pm 
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Oh so you're a whale Slap Shot. At least with your clients and your loyalty to the casino you stay at. Still. Big money guys can be ass holes too. Don't underestimate that fact. Vegas hotels want everybody. Small timers and big timers alike. In fact they probraly make more off the volume of small timers. That's got to be the majority of the clients.

Plus alot of Big timers don't have loyalty to a hotel casino. They bounce around. I guess your saying the hotel should make them be loyal by perks. I'm sure they do .

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:14 pm 
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Beardown wrote:
Oh so you're a whale Slap Shot. At least with your clients and your loyalty to the casino you stay at. Still. Big money guys can be ass holes too. Don't underestimate that fact.

Maybe around the waist line BD ... I play a lot back here and once you get a players card your gaming is tracked nationally by all the casinos database. I know Coast plays a lot and I'm sure he gets the same comps and casinos bugging him to come out and stay for free.

I've seen it all in Vegas..I've seen my old boss win $250,000 playing craps and I've seen his partner who owns "The Crazy hORSE" in Vegas loose $1.4 million playing $45,000 hands of blackjack . The fucken guy turned over the table when he left. I stood there trying to comprehend not only playing $45,000 hands (2 at a time) but loosing $1.4 million . Still , to this day the craziest thing I've ever seen .

"You can't put a bounty on a man's head"!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:22 pm 
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Wow. I know that happens but you're the first I've known to see it. 1.4 million. Shit.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:30 pm 

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Slap Shot ED wrote:
I've been a guest at this hotel for the last 10 years in where I've brought clients and spend a good deal of money when I go ..Not $50,000 but I've lost or given back 6 or $7,000 in a weekend . I gamble a lot and have many of the casinos after my business with free comps , stays , shows , ect..I'm not a big shooter or High Roller by any means ..I'm the type of guy who plays a long time and tends to stay at the casino I'm staying in and get rated as an A customer. I get shit everyday from Casinos out in Vegas to come and stay.

I almost went into this angle but didn't...glad you did. If you've built up a rep with your casino of choice, then yeah, they should jump through hoops to keep you coming back. I don't think they're gonna try TOO hard during the MM craziness.

Have you ever tested their customer service loyalty? What would the house say if you called from across the street on your next visit?

When I'm in Vegas, it's off to the golf course almost as soon as the luggage hits the room. and the 7 fratboys have a blast!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:33 pm 
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and so Ike begins another CSFMB thread diversion into another topic. Favorite Vegas golf courses.

Bear's Best.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 8:42 pm 
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please kids, clue me in on Best Vegas Golf.

I won a 2 night hotel/airfare trip...and me and my golfin' homey are goin' full ride on this bizzle.

2 X 18 hole rounds in June, July latest......
~$120/round maxish...

where do i NEEEEEED to play?

keep it here btw...unless a Vegas Golf thread has opened...I haven't bothered to look.

spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:04 pm 

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Paiute Snow Mountain
Paiute Sun Mountain
Badlands Golf Club

Solid desert golf destinations that won't cost a fortune.

Now back to the decline of casino hospitality...

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 9:31 pm 
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I stopped going at 'busy times' for just that reason, I have to deal with frat boys all the time, when I'm on vacation I don't want to be around them. So when the wife and I go to vegas, we tend to go at 'off' times. It's great because they treat us really well, we were there last summer for 5 nights (my wife's graduation present to me) and it was great. Oh, and we played at Badlands and I give it a thumbs up.

Krazy Ivan wrote:
Congrats on being better than me, Psycory.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:16 pm 
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quote="doug - evergreen park"]yes...
please kids, clue me in on Best Vegas Golf.

keep it here btw...unless a Vegas Golf thread has opened...I haven't bothered to look.

Rhodes Ranch is a great course out there Doug . I've played Angel Park which is nice , the Legacy which was ok and the Paiute is pretty good as well. I would go to Rhodes Ranch which is a great bang for your buck .The food is really good and the course has a great layout.

If you hit it big out there pay the $1000 bucks to play Shadow Creek .

"You can't put a bounty on a man's head"!

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 19, 2007 10:35 pm 
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Agree with what's been said above. Angel Park is a nice "public" track, but frankly, it didn't wow me in any way at all. It's likely well under $100. But, IMO there are better courses than this all around us. Of course, I also have a bad memory of yanking a six footer on 15 to close out a money match there and then proceeded to gag while dormie on 16, 17 and 18. Worst push of my golfing career. My buddy has reminded me of this classic gag job nearly every single money match we've played since.

Paiute is a stunning desert track, quite comparable to Arizona desert courses. It's a Pete Dye track so expect some brutal carries, a lot of railroad ties with elevated greens and desert rocks instead of punitive rough. Play Paiute for the experience, but also play well. If your handicap is over 20, play the forward tees. I played it about ten years ago, and frankly, couldn't tell you which course I played. I think there was just one then.

I love Bears Best. It's on a mountain overlooking Vegas above Summerlin and contains replicas of 18 holes from other Nicklaus-designed courses. It's not easy, but it's fun with a lot of interesting holes. IMO not as punishing as Paiute can be. And I'm pretty sure you can do it at or under your $120...especially in the summer and especially if you tee off in the afternoon.

I've never played Shadow Creek but of course, it is the Augusta of Vegas. I need to be a friend of Slappy, apparently.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 8:42 am 

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What exactly is Harry suggesting the casinos do? Sure the casinos should throw out the a-holes, but does he expect them to ban younger guys from their casinos because they aren't betting enough to make it worth their while. Vegas is not stupid. They realize that college kids may only be betting 5 bucks now, but some of them will actually turn out to be successful in their careers and will have more to spend later in life. So if they have to put up with college kids for a few weeks of they year, they consider it an investment.

May 1, 2007 - CSFMB Civil War
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 9:11 am 
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I've never played Shadow Creek but of course, it is the Augusta of Vegas. I need to be a friend of Slappy, apparently.

You have to be friends of a friend of Slappy's there Coast . He hangs with guys that have money but he himself does not have a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of . :D

I 'm all for one being a tool and having fun and at one time or another we all acted like assholes. I don't go out of my way to make people uncomfortable but it happens. Let the college kids have fun.. I know Florida and Mexico has taken steps to discourage the kids to come and stay at certain places but Vegas caters to everyone. It promotes the three vices we all love....Gambling , drinking and Sex. Harry wants to complian about a place that pretty much allows you to do all at the same time. Someone ought to slip that silver pacifier back in his mouth .

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 11:45 am 
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I really don't know what the complaint is. Las Vegas is filled with arrogant young pricks 365 days a year. It is built to exploit the arrogant.

It would be like going to disneyland and complaining about all of the kids.

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2007 12:39 pm 
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It would be like going to disneyland and complaining about all of the kids.

I sense another MITC post coming.

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