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H. Tienowitz on "The Week in Review" with Joel Wei
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Author:  Linda S. [ Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:16 am ]
Post subject:  H. Tienowitz on "The Week in Review" with Joel Wei

Wow! H. Tienowitz was in a suit & tie, had received a trim and perhaps was even wearing a new pair of glasses. Lookin' good!!!!

Last Friday, April 13, H. Tienowitz was on a panel with Tracy Dell'Angela - Chicago Tribune; Charles Thomas - ABC 7 News; Ben Calhoun - WBEZ Chicago Public Radio.

H. Tienowitz held his own throughout, however, the best part came when J. Weisman asked him if he knew about the Alderman elections. :lol: :lol: H. Tienowitz said he was more worried about the Bull making a run in the playoffs! :lol:

Did anybody else catch this program on Friday?

Author:  STU-GOTZ [ Mon Apr 16, 2007 9:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: H. Tienowitz on "The Week in Review" with Joel

Linda S. wrote:
Wow! H. Tienowitz was in a suit & tie, had received a trim and perhaps was even wearing a new pair of glasses. Lookin' good!!!!

Last Friday, April 13, H. Tienowitz was on a panel with Tracy Dell'Angela - Chicago Tribune; Charles Thomas - ABC 7 News; Ben Calhoun - WBEZ Chicago Public Radio.

H. Tienowitz held his own throughout, however, the best part came when J. Weisman asked him if he knew about the Alderman elections. :lol: :lol: H. Tienowitz said he was more worried about the Bull making a run in the playoffs! :lol:

Did anybody else catch this program on Friday?

Linda , are you dating "Matt in the Crown" by any chance?

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:06 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't think I've ever understood a single Linda S post.

Author:  Killer V [ Mon Apr 16, 2007 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: H. Tienowitz on "The Week in Review" with Joel

H. Tienowitz said he was more worried about the Bull making a run in the playoffs!

Harry does know that we can send more than just one Bull, right?

Author:  bwfalcon [ Mon Apr 16, 2007 12:25 pm ]
Post subject: 

Harry does know that we can send more than just one Bull, right?

Do we really need to though?


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