Chicago Fanatics Message Board

Mac, time to come here and
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Author:  Score is doomed [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Mac, time to come here and

justify the existence of the failed comedian, the village idiot, the consumate suckup, the knowledgeless jerk known as Harry. Is the station paid to put this asswipe on the air? Time for real answers.

Author:  Score is doomed [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:17 pm ]
Post subject: 

I guess even Mac can't justify Harry, other than the station being paid to have him on the air.

Author:  Score is doomed [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

Nas wrote:
No, he just thinks you are retarded. Why don't you go play in the street

Hey the little pussy is acting brave. Are you the "so called" insider or just just the big wannabe? I think the answer is easy for that. How far is that $10 an hour going? One day you will be big time, but for now you are a prime example of life's failures trying to act big time. Over 7000 posts/ YOU ARE A CHILD LIKE LOSER!!!!! Get a life, go meet Spaulding, do something other than post on message boards your whole limited, pathetic life-7000+ posts, you must be kidding.

Author:  The Gridiron Assassin [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm sure 25% of MJH's listeners enjoy Harry's schtick, and he's the 'king of the room' whenever on remotes.

Take away 25% of their listeners and that would be a pretty significant ratings hit.

Plus Harry never agrees with Mac and Jurko. If they all agreed with each other, they might as well call the show "Boers and Bernstein" and employ interns to pretend they're stupid callers from the next room, or from in a car on a cell phone - prior to be hunging up on and called dopes.

Author:  Score is doomed [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Gridiron Assassin wrote:
I'm sure 25% of MJH's listeners enjoy Harry's schtick, and he's the 'king of the room' whenever on remotes.

Take away 25% of their listeners and that would be a pretty significant ratings hit.

Plus Harry never agrees with Mac and Jurko. If they all agreed with each other, they might as well call the show "Boers and Bernstein" and employ interns to pretend they're stupid callers from the next room, or from in a car on a cell phone - prior to be hunging up on and called dopes.

So you are saying that 75% think he sucks? I know I do. That is a far more significant number.

Author:  BD [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

The Gridiron Assassin wrote:
I'm sure 25% of MJH's listeners enjoy Harry's schtick, and he's the 'king of the room' whenever on remotes.

Take away 25% of their listeners and that would be a pretty significant ratings hit.

Plus Harry never agrees with Mac and Jurko. If they all agreed with each other, they might as well call the show "Boers and Bernstein" and employ interns to pretend they're stupid callers from the next room, or from in a car on a cell phone - prior to be hunging up on and called dopes.

I get what you're saying, and I'm fine with Harry on the show, but I don't think they'd lose 25% of their audience if they replaced Harry.

To say ahead of B/B, all this show needs to keep doing is be entertaining. Sounds simple, but when you listen to their compeititon, they can have some really good sports talk at times, but they never disagree, and they usually are fairly negative.

Author:  Spaulding [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

He is a stain Nas, a shit stain in a fat, hairy, pimply assed man's tighty whiteys.

Author:  hawkeye [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 9:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't hate Harry, I'm just pretty indifferent to him. The unique thing about him is that he creates controversy and discussion in a completely different way than anyone else on the radio. Most do it by being negative or mean. Harry gets things going by being a Polyanna, ass kissing homer. Even if you hate it, I think you can admit it is unique.

Author:  The Gridiron Assassin [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 10:02 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't know the actual numbers, but ESPN does gather market information whenever people fill in those forms for contests at remotes.

Hell, I've filled enough of them for 'my favorite ESPN show' to get moved to weekdays 9-noon: Chauncey's Great Outdoors.

Author:  Brick [ Thu Apr 19, 2007 11:19 pm ]
Post subject: 

Harry can be annoying, but that is part of the show. The show calls itself the last neighborhood corner tavern. I have argued about dumb stuff at bars all the time. My friends have said things that have driven me to yell at them and berate them and they have done the same to me. This board is basically the same type of mentality. I don't know why

It is what the show it. If you had all 3 hosts constantly agreeing with eachother and afraid to share their opinion it would be B&B, without Mike From milwaukee.

The show works because of all three of them. This message board works the same way.

Just take it.

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:29 am ]
Post subject: 

Score is Doomed, I have a legit question: Is there any sports radio personality, sports radio show, or anything in general that you do like? I'm asking this in all seriousness, so if your response is to rip me I don't plan on responding to it.

Author:  W_Z [ Fri Apr 20, 2007 8:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Score is doomed wrote:

So you are saying that 75% think he sucks? I know I do.

as do we. far, far too well.

Author:  Score is doomed [ Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:03 am ]
Post subject: 

Kid Cairo wrote:
Score is Doomed, I have a legit question: Is there any sports radio personality, sports radio show, or anything in general that you do like? I'm asking this in all seriousness, so if your response is to rip me I don't plan on responding to it.

Sure. I like Mac with Jurko and anyone else other than Harry. I usually like Kaplan's show. I like the weekend baseball shows on both stations. On the way to work I usually listen to Mike and Mike, not as much as loving the show, but it is far better than the competition. I like XM radio better than any of the mid day shows.

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Fri Apr 20, 2007 10:07 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for the reply Doomed.

Author:  Darkside [ Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:35 pm ]
Post subject: 

This thread=waste of cyberspace

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Fri Apr 20, 2007 12:58 pm ]
Post subject: 

Darkside, I agree.


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