Chicago Fanatics Message Board

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Author:  Mac [ Tue May 01, 2007 8:41 am ]
Post subject:  Board-A-Versary

As we celebrate a six-pack of MJH years this week, I'm digging into the deep recesses of my brain to come up with a list of the five lowest moments on the board since I began reading it two years ago. Some of the deep-rooted anger that has appeared - most recently, the W-2 pissing match between Score Is Doomed and the now-regretful Nas - comes to mind. Hatred is an emotion that depletes a person of potentially useful energy. I know this. I've been in therapy for more than five years now and I believe, without knowing most of you, there's a few who post who could benefit largely from a little couch time.

The ridiculously immature and disrespectful manner some have posted regarding women, often with posts directed at the anonymous Linda S., comes to mind. I don't know the "mission statement" of the board, but if it wasn't intended to be a homo club exclusively, some posters have worked hard to try to make it one.

I'll think a bit more about the board's lowest moments on my commute today and I'm sure some of you will have contributions.

Now somebody please post that I should take the day off because the Sox won the World Series on Oct. 26, 2005. I'm more tired of hearing that than some of you are hearing Harry or me sing. At least those thoughts expressed in silly, often-times bad songs are original. Out of curiousity Stu-Gotz, you ever have an original thought or are you just basking in the glow of beating me in a drunken wrestling match in November of 1996?

Author:  W_Z [ Tue May 01, 2007 8:47 am ]
Post subject: 

mac, don't be fooled - linda s. is no woman. unlike dana delaney in "tombstone"..."she's no lady all right."

i still don't see why anyone on this board has to worry about pleasing you though. if you have fun on the board, that's great. if not, oh well. the show must go on...right? 8)

then again, perhaps some fun will come out of this thread. i'm rooting for it. just to see you happy mac. :wink:

Author:  good dolphin [ Tue May 01, 2007 8:50 am ]
Post subject: 

I don't know about a low 5 but I have made some jokes on here that have more than bombed...they have been taken as insults and resulted in anger.

Low 5

1. North threatening to sue members for calling sponsors
2. KS cyberstalking Martin
3. mother trying to get government fromage fired for posting scat porn.
4. Nas posting W-2 in an attempt to...well, I just don't know what he was attempting to do
5. Sherri Mc Neil outing me as meatpants.

Author:  OakBrookJoe [ Tue May 01, 2007 8:53 am ]
Post subject: 

Where is the infamous OG thread I've heard so much about? Literally, what section is it in?

Author:  Woodridge Ryan [ Tue May 01, 2007 8:54 am ]
Post subject: 

Hmm...I'll get a list rounded up as well.

Mac, this board has treated any woman on here with as much respect than anyone else. However, we are going to treat Gridiron Assassin dressed in drag as Linda S as already know. As Austin Powers once said,

"She's not a man, man!"

Author:  Brick [ Tue May 01, 2007 8:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Check out OTHER WSCR's and ESPN's.

I'd give yourself at least 3 days to read through it.

Author:  OakBrookJoe [ Tue May 01, 2007 9:03 am ]
Post subject: 

OG thread - wow, after a short look...I think Id rather read "War and Peace".

Author:  Jagr Bomb [ Tue May 01, 2007 9:06 am ]
Post subject: 

don't do it. I got sucked in late last week and am about 1/3 the way through it. Getting no work done. It's addicting.

Author:  hawkeye [ Tue May 01, 2007 9:21 am ]
Post subject: 

Here's a quick few and some are seconded from GD.

1. Keeping Score stalking Martin for some reason and posting his name and address, forcing him to change his screen name and disappear from here for awhile.

2. The OG thread (though I'd also put it in my top 5 list if that makes any sense.

3. The great W-2 Wars of 2007...

4. Me spending time out of my day not only listening to an entire Murph show, but logging and reporting the number and subject of drop ins used during a show.

5. The Turkish Hackers (added and edited after reading Kairo's post below)

Author:  STU-GOTZ [ Tue May 01, 2007 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Board-A-Versary

Mac wrote:
Out of curiousity Stu-Gotz, you ever have an original thought or are you just basking in the glow of beating me in a drunken wrestling match in November of 1996?

Ok , I'll take the bait. First off, I could care less that you took the day off after your boys won it all . That's your problem not mine . The guys who did rip you for it got under your skin and in fun I just pile on to bust your balls. I don't fault a person who is as successful as you to pick and choose when he takes off. I'd be happy to give you some things about me that gets the hair in my ass to stand on end but I think your above that and you could care less as well .

If beating a C list Chicago celebrity in a drunken wrestling match in the fall of 1996 in "basking in the glow" for me , than I really have issues and I should get out and see the world.

As far as having an original thought.. I have a few and can talk sports with the best of them and I like to feel like I bring a little substance and laughter to this board and If I don't , I won't loose any sleep over it .

BTW, Congrats on your winning ratings book . :wink:

Author:  Ozmodiar [ Tue May 01, 2007 9:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Board-A-Versary

The ridiculously immature and disrespectful manner some have posted regarding women, often with posts directed at the anonymous Linda S., comes to mind. I don't know the "mission statement" of the board, but if it wasn't intended to be a homo club exclusively, some posters have worked hard to try to make it one.

So you chastise board members for misogyny. Yet you use a pejorative like "homo" in your next sentence. That seems pretty low. Please don't forget to add your hypocritical musing to the list.

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Tue May 01, 2007 9:26 am ]
Post subject: 

1). Turkish Invaders
2). "Intelligent Design" is debated ad-nauseum in the Douchebag section
3). Nas vs. Score Is Doomed (Who can piss the farthest?)
4). 24/7 Rex Talk (in every section...even movies)

Author:  spmack [ Tue May 01, 2007 9:36 am ]
Post subject: 

No particular order.....

1. Flamers using the N-word in every post.

2. Holmes being chased off of the board. (Although he never told us what his 4 breaking stories were)

3. NWO4life posting JHood's bills

4. London Gentleman and his "boys" making homosexual references, mainly at Big Fan

5a. Hackers attacking the board
5b. KS stalking Martin
5c. Sister Kelly trying to get Govt Fromage fired
5d. OG thread

Author:  STU-GOTZ [ Tue May 01, 2007 9:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Board-A-Versary

The ridiculously immature and disrespectful manner some have posted regarding women, often with posts directed at the anonymous Linda S., comes to mind.

Unless Grid Iron is in High heels and a wig , I don't think any of us has disrepected women on this board..

Aren't you the same guy who did not want women at the Manniversary ? :oops: :P

Author:  hawkeye [ Tue May 01, 2007 9:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Board-A-Versary

The ridiculously immature and disrespectful manner some have posted regarding women, often with posts directed at the anonymous Linda S., comes to mind. I don't know the "mission statement" of the board, but if it wasn't intended to be a homo club exclusively, some posters have worked hard to try to make it one.

Mac, picking out treatment of Linda S is pretty unfair as she is hated here because she sucks, not because she is "female". Look at Spaulding. She posts here all the time and never gets treated bad because she actually has a thought. Has nothing to do with gender. Sundevil recently got more shit than Linda and that was for posting a half naked woman as his avatar.

Author:  Sleuth [ Tue May 01, 2007 9:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Spaulding is absolutely treated with the utmost respect around here. She's the Miss Elizabeth of the CSFMB.

Author:  spmack [ Tue May 01, 2007 9:41 am ]
Post subject: 

Not to mention that "Linda S" has called Spaulding a bitch on more than one occasion.

Author:  MUScholar21 [ Tue May 01, 2007 9:42 am ]
Post subject: 

She's the Miss Elizabeth of the CSFMB.

Without the crack habit (or at least as far as we know)

Author:  Bulldog Scott [ Tue May 01, 2007 9:55 am ]
Post subject: 

4. Nas posting W-2 in an attempt to...well, I just don't know what he was attempting to do

I must have missed something...what was he trying to accomplish??? Where's the thread here?

Author:  OakBrookJoe [ Tue May 01, 2007 9:57 am ]
Post subject: 

Bulldog - the thread was in the show must go on thread. Thankfully, they have been taken down. I'm not sure if both of them posted them or just Nas. I saw it this morning and was shocked.

Author:  hawkeye [ Tue May 01, 2007 9:57 am ]
Post subject: 

I must have missed something...what was he trying to accomplish??? Where's the thread here?

It's in the "The Show Must Go On" thread in MJH section. The W2s have been taken down since but it might provide some entertainment now that the dust has settled.

Author:  BD [ Tue May 01, 2007 10:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Board-A-Versary

Mac wrote:
As we celebrate a six-pack of MJH years this week, I'm digging into the deep recesses of my brain to come up with a list of the five lowest moments on the board since I began reading it two years ago. Some of the deep-rooted anger that has appeared - most recently, the W-2 pissing match between Score Is Doomed and the now-regretful Nas - comes to mind. Hatred is an emotion that depletes a person of potentially useful energy. I know this. I've been in therapy for more than five years now and I believe, without knowing most of you, there's a few who post who could benefit largely from a little couch time.

The ridiculously immature and disrespectful manner some have posted regarding women, often with posts directed at the anonymous Linda S., comes to mind. I don't know the "mission statement" of the board, but if it wasn't intended to be a homo club exclusively, some posters have worked hard to try to make it one.

I'll think a bit more about the board's lowest moments on my commute today and I'm sure some of you will have contributions.

Now somebody please post that I should take the day off because the Sox won the World Series on Oct. 26, 2005. I'm more tired of hearing that than some of you are hearing Harry or me sing. At least those thoughts expressed in silly, often-times bad songs are original. Out of curiousity Stu-Gotz, you ever have an original thought or are you just basking in the glow of beating me in a drunken wrestling match in November of 1996?

That is my biggest problem with this board. Lots of great discussion on the shows, and local teams, but too often the name calling and mean spirited hatred seems to ruin a lot of the threads.

Author:  doug - evergreen park [ Tue May 01, 2007 10:04 am ]
Post subject: 

the other women on this board get treated very well.

lowest moments:
1. the turkish hackers. :evil:
2. mr. pickles, poofer, sundevil, ike south. :evil:
3. cooler's disapperance and the subsequent search for cooler was kinda creepy. :?

these things i wasn't around for but i have to add them b/c they are simply ridiculous.
4. NWO4life posting JHood's bills :x
5. Keeping Score stalking Martin :roll:

Author:  Jagr Bomb [ Tue May 01, 2007 10:06 am ]
Post subject: 

1. Posting off topic issues in the MJH thread just to get them read.

2. Loss of the Sports Babe section (come back Cooler - although the previous over the top search probably scared him away for good).

3. Oversized Avatars (Sundevil)

4. Ripping of posters who have thousands of posts. They are the lifeblood of the board and most of them probably have productive and successful lives. I probably spend as much time on here as many others I just don't have as much to say.

5. Turkish hackers (although the forum's working/design improved because of it)

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Tue May 01, 2007 10:09 am ]
Post subject: 

1. Posting off topic issues in the MJH thread just to get them read.

Bunch of attention-whores.

Author:  Mustang Rob [ Tue May 01, 2007 10:11 am ]
Post subject: 

That is my biggest problem with this board. Lots of great discussion on the shows, and local teams, but too often the name calling and mean spirited hatred seems to ruin a lot of the threads.

How ironic is the fact that a Yankee fan (Stoneroses86) and a Red Sox fan (me) can have some fun on this board without taking it in that direction? 8)

Author:  Brick [ Tue May 01, 2007 10:11 am ]
Post subject: 

If the internet wasn't full of gay jokes, pornography, poor grammar, gambling and people arguing with each other anonymously(mostly) than the internet would simply be a way for the government and universities to share information and research for the greater good. That wouldn't be good for anyone.

This board makes this man cry:
(For the non-nerds here: That is Vincert Cerf, one of the founding fathers of the internet)

Author:  NotInTheBiz [ Tue May 01, 2007 10:14 am ]
Post subject: 

Funny, he doesn't look at all like Al Gore

Author:  Houston Homer [ Tue May 01, 2007 10:14 am ]
Post subject: 

As a new female poster, I can say that I have not been treated dis-respectfully in any way. Well, unless you count the cracks about my beloved Houston sports teams, which after 37 years of fandom, I have come to accept. :cry:

Mac, love your show! Guys & Spaulding, love the board!


Author:  good dolphin [ Tue May 01, 2007 10:28 am ]
Post subject: 

I hate to say this as a member of the MJH Ass Licking Society, but the original post is a low point. We have provided you with programming as well as listener feedback at no cost. People come here to shoot the bull a few times each work day. No one is required to research or plan in advance. This site is no more than a casual conversation with a few friends...and now you want to hold us to a higher standard. You better go to the doctor and ask him if you have elephantitis of the scrotum, because that takes some big balls.

I enjoy your participation on the board. I think the interaction with the show is great. I would love for it to last. However, I do not care if this board has the affection of any on air talent in this city. It does not exist for your entertainment as a broadcaster. It exists for your, and all of our, entertainment as private individuals.

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