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Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.
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Author:  SomeGuy [ Thu May 19, 2011 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

So I was flipping through my presets the other day and thought, against my better judgement, that I would give MHJ a short listen too so I landed on the ESPN1000 just in time to hear "Hey, it's Elmhurst Steve to take about the Bulls" at this point I should have changed it but the Score had Terry Boers rambling about nothing so I gave it a whirl....and out came this gem, paraphrasing of course but it's close,

ES - "Hey guys! Listen I was thinking about something that might be giving the Bulls an 'edge' in this series and it hasn't been talked about...ya know, Carlos Boozer in the beginning of all the big off-season moves was talkin' to Wade and LeBron and tellin' them 'hey you guys need to give me a call and see what we can do together' and it was supposed to be Wade/LeBron/Boozer but Wade and LeBron ended up not calling Boozer and went ahead and got with Bosh so it could be Boozer tryin to say 'hey, you guys ignored me then but I'm doin some good stuff now' and it also could be the Bulls tryin' to show the Wade and LeBron that they are just fine with out em'"

Carmen - after a brief pause "Uh Yeah, could be a sorta revenge factor! Sorta, I could see that!"

How do I remember? Because it was an historically bad sports thought, one for the ages and one doesn't simply forget shit like this. It sears itself onto your brain, permeates your very being and kills the very fibers of your soul.

BAD, Steve in Elmhurst, BAD!

Author:  SomeGuy [ Thu May 19, 2011 9:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Fuck this,

Steve, get your ass on here and answer for your crimes.

Author:  sjboyd0137 [ Thu May 19, 2011 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Elmhurst Steve wrote:
Well, Some Guy...I'd love to hear something better out of you calling in, but in my extimate, you're a coward.

Author:  Elmhurst Steve [ Thu May 19, 2011 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

I thought the premise was good. You have Wade, James and Bosh who were all courted by Rose, Noah and Bulls brass but then all 3 turned their backs on the Bulls because they liked their chances better in Miami. Meanwhile Boozer has stated that he spoke with both Wade and James prior to the end of last season and made a point of telling each to call him, because he was interested in hooking up with each of them on a team. However, neither called him and instead chose to get Bosh in their mix. I figured Boozer might still feel slighted and would be extra motivated to try to outplay Bosh in this series and show they made the wrong choice and the Bulls in general might want to show Wade and James that they might have been better off choosing differently. That said, Boozer was awful in game 2 and if he is showing anything, it's that Wade and James chose wisely. There is still time for Boozer to turn things around and he played fairly well in game 1, but Bosh has clearly outplayed him thus far.

Keep in mind, I was also the guy who said prior to the playoffs that Taj Gibson was playing better overall and deserved to play more minutes than Boozer. But I thought playing against Miami, he was going to kick it up a notch or 3 and play a lot harder to prove he was/is as good or better than Bosh.

Author:  newper [ Thu May 19, 2011 10:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

I am sure he isn't motivated by trying to win a championship in a sport he has devoted his life to. I am sure the motivation from the other two "dissing" him will really put him over the top from a motivation perspective. :roll:

Author:  Elmhurst Steve [ Thu May 19, 2011 10:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

newper wrote:
I am sure he isn't motivated by trying to win a championship in a sport he has devoted his life to. I am sure the motivation from the other two "dissing" him will really put him over the top from a motivation perspective. :roll:

If he is really motivated to win a championship, it sure isn't showing. I thought personal pride might motivate him further. But it appears that isn't the case either.

Author:  newper [ Thu May 19, 2011 10:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Elmhurst Steve wrote:
newper wrote:
I am sure he isn't motivated by trying to win a championship in a sport he has devoted his life to. I am sure the motivation from the other two "dissing" him will really put him over the top from a motivation perspective. :roll:
If he is really motivated to win a championship, it sure isn't showing. I thought personal pride might motivate him further. But it appears that isn't the case either.

I thought personal pride would motivate you to clean up your website, but it appears that isn't the case either.

Seriously though, nothing in life is conquered by motivation alone. What do you want him to do to show you motivation? My guess is that you want results in an actual game. And that's where things like ability and skill get in the way of motivation. People are motivated and show it in different ways, and perhaps those ways are different from yours.

Author:  FavreFan [ Thu May 19, 2011 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Inknow most people officially and unofficially ignore Steve but am I the only one who genuinely was curious as to his thoughts on this? I honestly stopped reading after he said rose courted the other guys. He very publicly and sincerely did the opposite and in my opinion that's what pushed him to mvp caliber along with obviously his mother and a multitude of other reasons

Author:  Elmhurst Steve [ Thu May 19, 2011 11:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

FavreFan wrote:
Inknow most people officially and unofficially ignore Steve but am I the only one who genuinely was curious as to his thoughts on this? I honestly stopped reading after he said rose courted the other guys. He very publicly and sincerely did the opposite and in my opinion that's what pushed him to mvp caliber along with obviously his mother and a multitude of other reasons

He and Noah met with (had dinner with) James and Wade as well as Bosh. They expressed their interest in having each join the Bulls. I would call that courting them. Noah said he was really impressed by Boozer because unlike Bosh who said he couldn't commit to anything and had to weigh his options, Boozer said right off that Chicago was where he wanted to be. Rose has said very little about all this, but I have to believe he was disappointed. I think time and his dedication and determination has gotten him to where he is. I think it's very smart though, that he has not spoken about any disappointment in not getting Wade or James to play here. It would make the players he does have feel like they are perhaps not the guys Rose would prefer to have on his side. As far as the MVP goes, I'll ask you a question .....if you could have either Rose or Wade/James (take your pick) taking the last shot down by 1 with the time on the clock running down, who would you choose?? I would take Wade myself. James made the big baskets down the stretch in game 2. Still in the clutch I would definitely take Wade.

Author:  FavreFan [ Thu May 19, 2011 11:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

I would take wade. He's the only one of the the three that has earned that over the others. I would take Rose if you asked me who I wanted for a game, season, future, etc I would want Rose, and I like Aaron Rodgers.

Steve I think its obvious I don't care about mincing words with anyone here but the middle of the post you just made is, like the title says, a classic example of why people think you're a moron. Not to mention the people who say you are a moron are usually you're defenders. You suck like Oasis, not like Brian Scalabrine bro

Author:  Elmhurst Steve [ Fri May 20, 2011 12:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Oasis sucks??? Not my favorite group by any means, but still....they put out some decent material. Don't look back in anger, Live Forever, Wonderwall and Slide Away are all pretty solid works. As soon as you produce something better, let me know. It's a lot easier to be a critic than to produce something of substance.

Author:  FavreFan [ Fri May 20, 2011 1:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Like folks say Steve, if you're not on the inside, you're on the outside. A minority, if you will, in the inside joke community

Champagne supernova is cool, Rick is still full of shit, oasis sucks, and Nas likes Princeton professors


Author:  Killer V [ Fri May 20, 2011 6:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Elmhurst Steve wrote:
He and Noah met with (had dinner with) James and Wade as well as Bosh.

Now I'm not claiming to be all-knowing, but I never heard this. Do you have something to back this claim up? Like FF, I heard Rose may have sent a text or left a vm, but nothing about a dinner with all three.

For once, I'm not trying to be sarcastic, I honestly never heard this and wonder if you have a source you can cite to back it up.

Author:  Elmhurst Steve [ Fri May 20, 2011 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Killer V wrote:
Elmhurst Steve wrote:
He and Noah met with (had dinner with) James and Wade as well as Bosh.

Now I'm not claiming to be all-knowing, but I never heard this. Do you have something to back this claim up? Like FF, I heard Rose may have sent a text or left a vm, but nothing about a dinner with all three.

For once, I'm not trying to be sarcastic, I honestly never heard this and wonder if you have a source you can cite to back it up.

It was reported when Wade, James and Bosh were flown in for their respective interviews (separately-NOT all 3 at 1 time) that they were met by Rose and Noah and had spent time with each of them (lunch/dinner) while in town. Wade in fact extended his visit an extra day, as he SEEMED to be seriously considering whether Chicago might be the best option. I'm not writing for the Tribune/SunTimes so I am not going to cite sources as if I need to verify anything. It's what I heard reported on either the Score or ESPN at the time and what was reported in the newspapers. Hell, some of it was covered again a few days ago in the SunTimes in a story Noah was quoted as saying he was really impressed by Boozer when he had dinner with him, because he expressed that Chicago was his first choice and this is where he wanted to be. Bosh apparently on his visit was non-commital and said he needed to see where other guys were going to sign and weigh his options, which turned Noah off to Bosh.

Author:  Douchebag [ Fri May 20, 2011 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Elmhurst Steve wrote:
Killer V wrote:
Elmhurst Steve wrote:
He and Noah met with (had dinner with) James and Wade as well as Bosh.

Now I'm not claiming to be all-knowing, but I never heard this. Do you have something to back this claim up? Like FF, I heard Rose may have sent a text or left a vm, but nothing about a dinner with all three.

For once, I'm not trying to be sarcastic, I honestly never heard this and wonder if you have a source you can cite to back it up.

It was reported when Wade, James and Bosh were flown in for their respective interviews (separately-NOT all 3 at 1 time) that they were met by Rose and Noah and had spent time with each of them (lunch/dinner) while in town. Wade in fact extended his visit an extra day, as he SEEMED to be seriously considering whether Chicago might be the best option. I'm not writing for the Tribune/SunTimes so I am not going to cite sources as if I need to verify anything. It's what I heard reported on either the Score or ESPN at the time and what was reported in the newspapers.

James never flew in. Everyone had to go to Cleveland and kiss his feet.

So you're wrong, shocking...

Author:  Elmhurst Steve [ Fri May 20, 2011 8:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Douchebag wrote:
Elmhurst Steve wrote:
Killer V wrote:

It was reported when Wade, James and Bosh were flown in for their respective interviews (separately-NOT all 3 at 1 time) that they were met by Rose and Noah and had spent time with each of them (lunch/dinner) while in town. Wade in fact extended his visit an extra day, as he SEEMED to be seriously considering whether Chicago might be the best option. I'm not writing for the Tribune/SunTimes so I am not going to cite sources as if I need to verify anything. It's what I heard reported on either the Score or ESPN at the time and what was reported in the newspapers.

James never flew in. Everyone had to go to Cleveland and kiss his feet.

So you're wrong, shocking...

Thats true- only wade and Bosh were flown in and they had to travel to Cleveland for that meeting.

Author:  spmack [ Fri May 20, 2011 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

I never heard that Rose met with Wade or Bosh....I'm googling for articles and I'm not finding anything.

edit: And Rose for damn sure didn't go to Cleveland with Gar Pax.

Author:  doug - evergreen park [ Fri May 20, 2011 8:51 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

because it never happened.

Author:  Killer V [ Fri May 20, 2011 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Elmhurst Steve wrote:
I'm not writing for the Tribune/SunTimes so I am not going to cite sources as if I need to verify anything.

See? I was trying to give you the benefit of the doubt, and you come up with this? I thought I might have legitimately missed the information you were suggesting. Instead, I discover that you simply continue to be full of shit.

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Fri May 20, 2011 9:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Elmhurst Steve wrote:
Oasis sucks??? Not my favorite group by any means, but still....they put out some decent material. Don't look back in anger, Live Forever, Wonderwall and Slide Away are all pretty solid works. As soon as you produce something better, let me know. It's a lot easier to be a critic than to produce something of substance.

So the Oasis fans here are

Boilermaker Rick
Frank Coztansa
Elmhurst Steve

You guys wanna go to a concert?

Author:  sjboyd0137 [ Fri May 20, 2011 9:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

I don't hate Oasis, I just think Blur is better.

Author:  WestmontMike [ Fri May 20, 2011 10:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Elmhurst Steve wrote:
Wade in fact extended his visit an extra day, as he SEEMED to be seriously considering whether Chicago might be the best option.

Really?? This was actually reported? Somebody thought that a guy who has a home in Chicago, who's mother lives in Chicago, who has 2 sons in Chicago... he might be staying an extra day because he was seriously considering the Bulls? That's why he's stayed?

Author:  Killer V [ Fri May 20, 2011 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

WestmontMike wrote:
Elmhurst Steve wrote:
Wade in fact extended his visit an extra day, as he SEEMED to be seriously considering whether Chicago might be the best option.

Really?? This was actually reported? Somebody thought that a guy who has a home in Chicago, who's mother lives in Chicago, who has 2 sons in Chicago... he might be staying an extra day because he was seriously considering the Bulls? That's why he's stayed?

He DID take a second meeting with the Bulls that day...

Author:  WestmontMike [ Fri May 20, 2011 10:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Killer V wrote:
WestmontMike wrote:
Elmhurst Steve wrote:
Wade in fact extended his visit an extra day, as he SEEMED to be seriously considering whether Chicago might be the best option.

Really?? This was actually reported? Somebody thought that a guy who has a home in Chicago, who's mother lives in Chicago, who has 2 sons in Chicago... he might be staying an extra day because he was seriously considering the Bulls? That's why he's stayed?

He DID take a second meeting with the Bulls that day...

Didn't he have a meeting with the Nets the same day too

Author:  Killer V [ Fri May 20, 2011 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Look! An actual, legitimate source! wrote:
Wade, Bulls meet for a second time

Posted Jul 2 2010 4:58PM - Updated Jul 2 2010 11:42PM
CHICAGO (AP) -- The sweepstakes for Dwyane Wade has gotten a lot more interesting.
The Miami Heat star on Friday wrapped up his second meeting in as many days with the Chicago Bulls, who are clearly intrigued with the possibility of landing the free agent guard - perhaps as bait in addition to his skills. The meeting came on the eve of the Bulls' pitch to LeBron James, the top free agent in this extraordinary year.
Wade shrugged when asked if the Bulls had made him an offer during the 2 1/2-hour meeting, which he said he agreed to at the team's request.
"Things are getting very interesting," he said.
Wade was asked whether James will have any influence on what he does.
"We're both going to make our own decisions," Wade replied. "Of course, we're real good friends. But you know, we're on two different pages right now. He's in Cleveland. I'm in Chicago. We're doing two different things. I don't know.
"It's going to take the weekend for everyone to think about what they want to do. This is not an easy decision to make and everyone thinks it is."
Wade's morning started with the Knicks, who became the fourth team in two days hoping to lure Wade away from the Heat. The two sides met for 2 hours and 15 minutes.
"It was a good meeting, it was a real good meeting and I will say I'm intrigued," he said, declining further comment before driving away from a downtown hotel. Wade met with the Bulls and then the New Jersey Nets on Thursday, and he heard from the Heat when free agency opened.
As Wade talked with the Knicks, Heat president Pat Riley was spending about three hours in Cleveland with James, who Wade would love to team up with next season.
And given the interest Wade is showing other clubs, it's obviously incumbent upon Riley to deliver a star to Miami.
Despite his ties to Chicago - a home and family, including his mother, and a pastor who has a church that her son purchased for her in the city - Wade has said repeatedly he would like to stay in Miami. But he did structure his last contract for the opportunity to become a free agent for the first time.
Wade is expected to return to Florida next week, and it's believed that's when he and Riley will talk. Wade is scheduled to join Heat executive Alonzo Mourning for a Tuesday news conference about their annual Summer Groove, a fundraising weekend for youth programs and other charitable causes. Wade is expected to play in an all-star game as part of that weekend on July 18.
Fellow free agent superstar Chris Bosh tweeted that he and Wade dined Thursday night in Chicago and posted a picture to prove it. Bosh also said "it feels like someone is missing," an apparent reference to James.
Before free agency began, Wade's camp said he had discussed various options at separate times with both James and Bosh.
Just for a little more intrigue, Bosh was having another meeting late Friday. With the Bulls.
Chicago has nearly $30 million in salary cap room available and has made a series of moves to add as many as two marquee players to go with All-Star point guard Derrick Rose, Joakim Noah, Luol Deng and Taj Gibson. The Bulls are coming off back-to-back, 41-win seasons.
The Bulls also met with Carlos Boozer and David Lee on Friday, raising the possibility that their frontcourt could be in for an overhaul.

Author:  WestmontMike [ Fri May 20, 2011 10:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

right, he met with multiple teams in Chicago.

Author:  FavreFan [ Fri May 20, 2011 10:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Killer V wrote:
WestmontMike wrote:
Elmhurst Steve wrote:
Wade in fact extended his visit an extra day, as he SEEMED to be seriously considering whether Chicago might be the best option.

Really?? This was actually reported? Somebody thought that a guy who has a home in Chicago, who's mother lives in Chicago, who has 2 sons in Chicago... he might be staying an extra day because he was seriously considering the Bulls? That's why he's stayed?

He DID take a second meeting with the Bulls that day...

Can the bulls still trade for him? He's probably still interested but just too shy to say anything.

Not to mention noone here seems to think he's talented so maybe bogans and a protected #1 would do it

Author:  Harry Seaward [ Tue May 24, 2011 3:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Elmhurst Steve wrote:
Oasis sucks??? Not my favorite group by any means, but still....they put out some decent material. Don't look back in anger, Live Forever, Wonderwall and Slide Away are all pretty solid works. As soon as you produce something better, let me know. It's a lot easier to be a critic than to produce something of substance.

You're such a knob.

I seriously think that John Kirk needs to send you monthly "thank you" payments as your continued existence leaves him OUT of the top spot for Pud Of The Year®

Author:  Scorehead [ Tue May 24, 2011 3:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

Harry Seaward wrote:
Elmhurst Steve wrote:
Oasis sucks??? Not my favorite group by any means, but still....they put out some decent material. Don't look back in anger, Live Forever, Wonderwall and Slide Away are all pretty solid works. As soon as you produce something better, let me know. It's a lot easier to be a critic than to produce something of substance.

You're such a knob.

I seriously think that John Kirk needs to send you monthly "thank you" payments as your continued existence leaves him OUT of the top spot for Pud Of The Year®


Your check is in the mail!


Author:  W_Z [ Wed May 25, 2011 7:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Classic Elmhurst Steve Call.

elmhurst steve does put a lot of effort into his calls. it's just that they're kind of bland.

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