Chicago Fanatics Message Board

We Want Murko! We Want Murko!!!
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Author:  Linda S. [ Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:37 pm ]
Post subject:  We Want Murko! We Want Murko!!!

Let me be the first to say that I would like to hear M. Jurkovich's report from the bowl.

Anybody else second that ??

And for the love of God, could I PLEASE get a (good) answer about the lack of Malik Allen playing time? I emailed Slapdick and C. DeFalco last week and got a half-ass answer.

How come the Bulls back-up PF position is a revolving door? Last year, M. Allen took over for O. Harrington... Now, it's the rookie Tyrus Thomas dipping into M. Allen's playing time. M. Allen came in last night's ball game and popped a couple 16' jumpers.

Having a 4 in the game who can hit an outside shot, like M. Allen, will extend a defense. To have T. Thomas in the game with B. Wallace does not make sense. Neither can hit a shot outside 3' - thus making it difficult for B. Gordon, K. Hinrich and L. Deng to penetrate.

H. Tienowitz, J. Jurkovich - Your thoughts please?


Author:  MUScholar21 [ Wed Jan 03, 2007 4:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

There are just too many initials in there for me to respond

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

heh heh...s/he said "penetrate"

Author:  Linda S. [ Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:41 pm ]
Post subject: 

An entire Bull segment just went by and NOTHING about M. Allen was addressed.

Instead, we heard this:

* K. Hinrich is or isn't a 'true' point guard.

* B. Wallace does not make free throws.

* D. McNeil feels good about picking the Phoenix Sun to win the West.

What the fuck, studs?!?!

C'mon let's break this team down!!!!

Author:  Baby McNown [ Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

It's like....a tree falls in the forest and... there's....there's no one there to see it.

Author:  Juiced [ Wed Jan 03, 2007 6:28 pm ]
Post subject: 

*thump* was it a tree or M.Allen's free-throw?


did it never happen


Author:  EG Greg [ Wed Jan 03, 2007 10:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

You have to be kidding me? You want discussion on a show that talks little to no basketball to talk about the MF'n backup power forward? I never thought you were dumb Linda, misguided yes, but this takes it right to the edge.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Thu Jan 04, 2007 12:23 am ]
Post subject: 

i dont get why they call him a backup...does he only run backwards on the court?

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