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Obligatory Blago interview
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Author:  Jagr Bomb [ Thu Jan 25, 2007 11:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Obligatory Blago interview

This is a pre emptive rant - I heard Mac say that Blago would be on at 7.44am tomorrow morning.

I will be dreading (but still listening - "IDIOT") the obligatory call from Rod Blagojevich to Mike and Mike which will meander into Cubs talk,(Lou, Alfonso etc etc). Maybe touch on how much the Gov runs and what he reads on the treadmill or listens to while running. Rod hangs up and Greeny proceeds to tell us how great a guy Rod is because of his wonderful sports knowledge.

And if the Gov of Indiana is dragged in on the same call with the crappy bets thrown in, I will drive off the road. Keep it.

Rant done now this is the biz
Love the opening solo

Author:  Killer V [ Fri Jan 26, 2007 10:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Obligatory Blago interview

This is a pre emptive rant - I heard Mac say that Blago would be on at 7.44am tomorrow morning.

I will be dreading (but still listening - "IDIOT") the obligatory call from Rod Blagojevich to Mike and Mike which will meander into Cubs talk,(Lou, Alfonso etc etc). Maybe touch on how much the Gov runs and what he reads on the treadmill or listens to while running. Rod hangs up and Greeny proceeds to tell us how great a guy Rod is because of his wonderful sports knowledge.

And if the Gov of Indiana is dragged in on the same call with the crappy bets thrown in, I will drive off the road. Keep it.

Heard the interview this morning and you were spot-on. The Cubs talk was minimized, but still there.

Well played.

Author:  Jagr Bomb [ Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:14 pm ]
Post subject: 


Now that the Cubs are in the playoffs it can't be far off

They will touch on the Bears and lets have some fun with the Gov'nor of AZ.

Author:  doug - evergreen park [ Mon Oct 01, 2007 3:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Dear Mike and Mike,

Please don't put Blago on. Nobody cares.

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