"Cubs Lore"
The “Homer in the Gloamin’
and “The Sandberg Game”.
Yes, Ron Santo should be
in the Hall of Fame.
So many years guilty
of pulling a “June swoon”,
leaving, “Wait ‘til next year”
as their fans perennial tune.
Their crosstown visitors
complain about rats and roaches
who look to still be growing
since the “college of coaches”.
Who could ever forget
Lee Elia’s tirade?
Can the fans ever forgive
the one-sided Brock trade?
Kerry Wood turning
Sosa’s boombox to junk.
Barrett landing a haymaker
on a south side p#nk.
They won their last pennant
back in ‘45
before a “billy goat curse”
that still seems alive.
They’ve come close many times,
being in position to win,
only to succumb to the bizarre
like the sky falling in.
A black cat helped to add
the “collapse of ‘69” to their lore.
A grounder through Durham’s legs
in the fall of ’84.
A near fatal dropped fly ball
at the end of ’98,
winning the final game in ‘04
after it was already too late.
Up three games to two
and returning to Wrigley,
our two best starters slated,
we looked like gold in ’03.
The looming heartbreak came
with only five outs away,
when a fan interfered
with a foul ball in play.
After a century of losing
could ’08 be our year?
We’ll be watching the second half
with our usual fear.
If they can win it all
and stop their losing drought
I’ll have to rewrite this ending
…without a doubt.
© 2008 Michael Manzanotti