amazing what one good road trip did for the attendance...took 4 months of below average baseball for the attendance to deflate, yet 10 days for it to go back up
this was my were people worried about? it got back up to 37,000 on average last week...still, 33,000 and even 30,000 are good numbers...not too small, yet not too big to where u cant get in the it gives it less of the frat party atmosphere which is ridiculous
look at the Padres, Reds, and Braves, in pennant races and headed to the playoffs but with low attendance...
no need to be at 40,000 every game...its ridiculous and prices fuckheads like me outta the market
Ill gladly take more of the relaxing atmospheres at some other of these contenders' parks...give me a little of what u got, we'll give u a little of what we got...balance is a good thing...why can't people want a good balance? why does everything have to be so goddamn fuckin gaudy?? (as in Chad Gaudin; get it?)...all u ever hear is Ricketts, Ricketts, Ricketts...FUCK Ricketts!!! it's just a fuckin game!!
chicagoans need a reality check...they oughta be ashamed of themselves that the economy hasnt hit them as hard as in other cities, yet they cry about a small dip in attendance when the park is still 85% full
rogers park bryan wrote:
Bully Hendry would have signed Harper for 2.5 Billion over 30 years