good dolphin wrote:
You are the guy who rails about forced vaccinations and then want to be the person who dictates aesthetics of another man's house.
Here are a couple funny zoning stories for you. When I was a partner in a construction company one of my duties was permitting. I dealt with a lot of municipalities and they were all different. Some were impossible (Elmhurst, Northbrook) and some were simple (Algonquin, Schaumburg).
We were building a room addition in Cary and the design took the room a couple feet into the setback. We went through the process, noticed the neighbors, no one objected. But it had to be approved at the village meeting. The guy from the village said, "The meeting was just two days ago, so you'll have to wait until next month." I was like, "Really? You're gonna kill the entire month of June on me? We could have this thing built by then." He was nice, but he said, "I'm sorry that's just the way it has to be done." Okay, I have to give the client the bad news. When I got back to the office I had a message from the village guy on my voicemail. He said, "If you can bring a $700 check for the zoning variance in this afternoon, I can waive the meeting requirement." I had to laugh. Also, I'm pretty sure Cary is the place where the village hall is in a barn.
This one is even better. One of my partners wanted to build a sunroom on his house in Arlington Heights. He designed the room himself and it was not crass or artless. But to pull it off he had to go about ten inches into the setback. Unfortunately, his next door neighbor hated his guts. If you knew this partner of mine that would not surprise you. He could be easy to hate. The neighbor went to the meeting and objected. The board still could have approved it though. We had to go to about three meetings until the board decided. They said they would not approve the project because of the neighbor's objection. But one of the board members asked my partner what he was going to do if they failed to allow him to build ten inches into the setback. He said, "I will still build a sunroom but it will be the biggest and most obnoxious room I can build within the existing code. Well, we built the room. I permitted it and the inspector signed off at every stage. Talk about crass and artless. This hideous thing was almost as big as the existing house. It blocked the neighbor's bedroom window. This guy went to the next town meeting crying about his view. They told him, "We're sorry sir. The project was built to code."