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PostPosted: Wed Jun 05, 2024 10:52 pm 
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Joined: Sat Dec 17, 2005 12:45 pm
Posts: 545

is this Mike on............
its great to be here on comedy open mike night at The Thisty Whale.
here on River Road and Grand next to Gene n Judes....after my set this new band
of youngsters.....what are they called......ok Metallica, seriously they are called Metallica......ok
Metallica from California will be playing....I guess

ok ok ok

[Verse 2]
O' beautiful, for spacious skies
Now those skies are threatening
They're beating plowshares into swords
For this tired old man that we elected king
Armchair warriors often fail
And we've been poisoned by these fairy tales
The lawyers clean up all details
Since daddy had to lie

Oh, but I know a place where we can go
And wash away this sin
We'll sit and watch the clouds roll by
And tall grass waves in the wind

Just lay your head back on the ground
And let your hair spill all around me
Offer up your best defense
But this is the end
This is the end of the innocence

Confession time

I still am following the White Sox....sabu the younger is into baseball and hey man....dads....gotta dad
hes young enough to believe my bullshit.....he love Robert....Im turning him into a dark angry little person (not a midget)
hes my kid....hes young enough to believe my bullshit.....but heres what I say:

I tell Sabu the younger that we will watch this MLB version of a napalm strike on the orphanage in the musical Oliver!

so that when you watch will apprieciate the good cannot drink the ambrosia until you drink a warm Old Style after a shot
of Malort.

me and the rest of the trash White Sox fans in the office are the losers of the water cooler coffee area over
there where Andrea sits left of the copier.
we are the Outsiders....the cubbie baby girls and chads are the Soshez (the film had Lief Garrent before he did
WAYYYY to many drugs)
we may be The Outsiders, but we dress the part in the modern day cube world.... dudes in khakis, some in ties, some in Polos talking about this dumpster fire in the employee parking lot of Fukushima Daiichi. There used to be like 6 of we are like The 3 stooges talking about this baseball
version of Flight 191 on takeoff roll on 24L at KORD. (and one of the stooges is like Curly Joe).....Curly Joe looks like he's gonna bolt.....
we sit there talking about this Chernobyl of baseball like old confederate rednecks talking of how de saoutthhhh shall rise again.

The thing about this is Jerry has his trophies.......Jerry is almost 90............

so it is maximize profit and COMPLACENCY..........that and INCOMPETENCE

Garpax was incompetence.........this is being complacent.......... I WISH.....I I I I FUCKING YEARN for the baseball version of
incompetence.....Kenny Williams is incompetent....hes not complacent......when he signs John Jay..Grandal...
Eaton...Clevinger....Kichel....Adam Dunn...LaRoche....

Kenny actually really really really thinks those are good signings.....he is, of course, deranged.....but Uncle Jerrys checks clear.....they might not be large
but they clear.......fucking Supreme Court Justice term on that dudes baseball career......

so Im going to watch this and Im F ing going to keep watching this.....its like watching the video tape in that horror film The RIng

actually.....that video in The Ring was more entertaining than watching this loser try to play local TV White Sox play by playy guy as he falls on his
face as Steve Stone drones on and texts Jason Benetti (who is the sports media version of Eddie Diezen if you ask me [Grease])
.... I bet the improv group compatriots of Schiffren at whatever college pumped this Resindorfian lickspittle out of their hemmorhoid ridden anus tell each
other they knew Schiffren when.............when what......

because Schiffren like all Jerry R new hires, at this point in time, is season he will be complacent

have a good of for dem fireworks......Jason Pierre Paul


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