dolphin, the remote is this Saturday (Aug 4).
Ozzie's Sports Bar & Grill in Niles
7305 N. Waukegan
very close to the Milwaukee & Touhy intersection.
Make sure you come say hello if you stop in. Good place to watch a game.
Beardown, I don't think the producers want to answer 711 phone calls.
"Hi, you're caller number six hundred forty-six. Thanks for calling."
"Hi, you're caller number six hundred forty-seven. Thanks for calling."
"Hi, you're caller number six hundred fort...uh, forty...uh...forty-seven? No wait, forty-six. No, forty-eight??? S***."
You should call 7-11 with that. They might go for it. I'm sure the prize insurance policy on giving away a store wouldn't be too high.