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Author:  MattInTheCrown [ Mon Mar 26, 2007 10:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Comcast

WTF? They have been having problems all night. The picture keeps going out and they can't seem to get a replay right.

Yep, had it here too. This isn't the first time. They're the ESPN1000 webcast of television. ;)

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Tue Mar 27, 2007 8:06 am ]
Post subject: 

I gave up in the third quarter after too many "technical difficulties". Glad to read they won the game though.

Author:  Tall Midget [ Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:25 am ]
Post subject: 

The Comcast cameramen need to stop allowing Red Kerr and Tom Dore to appear on screen. They are two freaky looking dudes.

Author:  Mike Mikerson [ Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:27 am ]
Post subject: 

Agreed. They should continue allowing close-ups of Mitch Robinson during his sideline reports as he is by far the most photogenic and best looking of the crew.

Author:  Tall Midget [ Tue Mar 27, 2007 9:37 am ]
Post subject: 

:lol: :lol:

I am serious. Last night I was enjoying a thick, juicy, perfectly grilled ribeye steak with a wonderful, earthy and sweet spinach-red pepper gratin. I was about to have another bite of the ribeye when Red Kerr's sepulchral visage flashed before my eyes. Needless to say, I couldn't continue. Almost as bad, I couldn't even understand what he was trying to say, either. I respect that he's a big part of Bulls' history, but he's gone batty.

Author:  lipidquadcab [ Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:06 am ]
Post subject: 

Almost as bad, I couldn't even understand what he was trying to say, either.

I'm sure "Torch" was the jist of it

Author:  MattInTheCrown [ Tue Mar 27, 2007 10:21 am ]
Post subject: 

I was about to have another bite of the ribeye when Red Kerr's sepulchral visage flashed before my eyes.

Haha. :lol:

Seriously though: can we get an end to shots of the broadcasters, coaches and fans? Enough. I'm sick of missing a steal in the backcourt so I can see a coach scratching his head or a kid wearing a crazy hat.

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