Reporter: Can you talk about what happened after the Daniel Sedin goal?
Keith: Which one was that one?
Reporter: Third goal.
Keith: Third one? Um, we scored one goal after that, I think. And then the game ended 3-1.
Reporter: Right after the goal when you were on the ice, right after he scored.
Keith: They scored. I went off the ice and took a minus. I don't know, what are you talking about?
Reporter: Just checking.
This is almost as inept as the "setting up the play" thing with Iginla. For those who don't recall, it basically went like this:
Iginla: Any other questions?
Reporter: Setting up the play.
Iginla: Excuse me, what?
Reporter: Setting up the play.
Iginla: I'm sorry.
Reporter: Set it up. Setting up the play.
Iginla: ...
Reporter: Yeah.
Molly Lambert wrote:
The future holds the possibility to be great or terrible, and since it has not yet occurred it remains simultaneously both.