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Can someone clear up this Spurrier thing for me?
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Author:  My_name_1s_MUD [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Can someone clear up this Spurrier thing for me?

What is Spurrier's problem? I know he is pissed off because he extended scholarships, but the kid's didn't get admitted. Now the kids are up the creek for an entire year. Don't you have to apply and get approved first before a scholarship can be extended? If not, shouldn't it be that way? Or is it just about them verballing yes to Spurrier... then they don't get in... and by that time all of the competing schools have given all their scholarships away?


Author:  Hawkeye Vince [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Can someone clear up this Spurrier thing for me?

My_name_1s_MUD wrote:
What is Spurrier's problem? I know he is pissed off because he extended scholarships, but the kid's didn't get admitted. Now the kids are up the creek for an entire year. Don't you have to apply and get approved first before a scholarship can be extended? If not, shouldn't it be that way? Or is it just about them verballing yes to Spurrier... then they don't get in... and by that time all of the competing schools have given all their scholarships away?


You do not have to qualify for the school to get extended a scholarship and give a verbal committment. A lot of times, players will be spending the summer to finish a bridge program and get through the NCAA clearinghouse and then entry into the school. It looks like in this case even after satisfying the requirements of the clearinghouse, So Carolina admissions denied entry which looks bad on the coach with questionable kids in the future.

The problem with this late in the game is that you can't recruit another player because they are all signed. Some lucky walk on probably just got a scholarship for this season because of it.

Author:  My_name_1s_MUD [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 1:49 pm ]
Post subject: 

It seems like this stuff would happen all the time. Why don't we hear other coaches whining about it?

By the way, this story dovetails really nice with the Harbaugh vs. Michigan feud!

Author:  Hawkeye Vince [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:07 pm ]
Post subject: 

Because most school will allow a questionable student through into some remedial program or the coaches will not recruit those type of kids. I'm sure Fitz won't look at a kid that's not top 25% and ACT above a certain number because he knows he wont get into NU. This has happened at Iowa once or twice and typically Kirk will brush it off. Usually these type of kids don't make it through the bridge program and enroll at JC's.

Author:  Coast2Coast [ Fri Aug 10, 2007 2:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

This happens a lot more than we hear about. If you look into the local media that follow colleges, you'll probably find 10-15 of these every year where kids who sign don't qualify and go somewhere else or go to JCs. We don't hear about them only because we don't read the papers in those states and the coaches don't think they are bigger than the schools for which they work and draw national attention to Spurrier has done by calling out his own admissions dept. at a press conference.

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