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 Post subject: things i will miss
PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 12:42 am 
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being a south sider....
some ponderings on my drive home from my cuz' bachelor party.

just a few:
the Autobahn.....ERRR.....the Dan Ryan at 3 in the morning.
driving south on western ave. during Ryan Const.
the smell of Maxwell Street Polish.
the fresh spring Downy scent of La Lavanderia
CTA bus exhaust.
large breasted drunk irish girls.
soft freight trains hoots in the distance at 5 on a tuesday morn.
squirrels having sex on my deck.......(i have pictures)
me having sex on my deck.......(i do not have pictures)
the drive to work past 3 high schools.....(yeah....fine...i'm a dirty old man)
the scent of fresh cut grass...the sound of lawnmowers....and these damn Cicadas or Locusts or Pestilence.....whatever....the noise they make.
the sound of the quiet of the suburbs.
my neighbors...
my deck.....did I mention my deck?

spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 8:03 am 
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Joined: Mon Jun 19, 2006 2:47 pm
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As a northsider, I'll tell you that you would only miss is Maxwell street and train horns.

Driving north on Western Ave is just like the Autobahn at 3am.

You want Lavandrias? Drive through Rogers Park.

Trade "large breasted Irish girls" for large breasted college girls (better than combing the high schools) Depaul, Loyola, Northwestern...

When I lived in Niles, I was jarred awake by some sort of screaming-type noise. It turned out that there was some skunk lovin' goin on in my backyard (no picts).

I have a deck. I've had sex on it (that may explain why my neighbors don't talk to me much anymore).

North vs. South just isn't THAT different.

Juice's Lecture Notes wrote:
I smell a bit....

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 09, 2006 11:03 am 
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Joined: Thu Feb 17, 2005 2:35 pm
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I live north. I have no deck...but the den worked very well last night.

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