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 Post subject: NFL Replay
PostPosted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 8:29 pm 
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On the NFL Network. I'm currently watching the Buffalo/NE game. They edit out all of the BS. No huddles, no dawdling, just play, right after play, after play. They add a few replays using NFL Films' shots and also insert a few clips from the post-game news conferences.

It's a great way to watch the games I couldn't see on Sunday!

Juice's Lecture Notes wrote:
I smell a bit....

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 9:26 am 
1000 CLUB
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i'm so going dish once i move.....F comcast right in the ear!

spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:49 pm 
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I've got Dish Network right now, but I had Comcast's basic package previously. At the time, it was an additional $5 a month for the slight upgrade that included the NFL Network.

As an added bonus, I actually got my wife to watch the "Making the Squad" NFL cheerleader shows! She like reality shows and I like boobies. It's win/win.

Juice's Lecture Notes wrote:
I smell a bit....

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 1:54 pm 
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I've had that damn song from the NFL replay commercial in my head all day long. NFL replay! NFL replay! On Tuesday. and Wednessday. So annoying

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 4:30 pm 
1000 CLUB
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I have NFL Network on my Comcast. Channel 168. You have to have a digital package and a digital box to get the network...and these replays. It's free, I think...or came with a basic package. What Nas said. :lol:

What we cannot get on Comcast is the NFL Sunday Ticket package of all Sunday games. That is only available on sat tv. I would love to trade in Comcast for satellite too, but can't do it in this village. Be sure you check out the situation where you move, Doug. It may or may not be satellite friendly with restrictions on where you can put your dish, tree removal, etc

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 6:31 pm 
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it's channel 168 but it's not part of my package. i'm not sure what my package is actually....damn ex-wife and her mismanaging of packages!

i don't have premium channels (until Soprano season) but I get MTV2 and the other 100s...

spaulding wrote:
Also if you fuck someone like they are a millionaire they might go try to be one.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 14, 2006 8:09 pm 
1000 CLUB
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FYI, Doug, I have no premium movie channels. I think they call it the gold package or something. I get NFL network and the fox regional sports channels. Besides that, a bunch of stuff in the 100s and 200s and some encore movies in the 500s. if you like the NFL, the NFL Network is great. And if you like college sports, the fox channels are worth the extra 4 bucks a month or whatever they are. sounds like a call to comcast is in order.

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