I know that a lot of you wouldn't go out of your way to see this but they have a couple of exhibits going on right now that I thought I would at least share
since I know some of you head up this way occasionally and would likely enjoy this exhibit. Downtown Kenosha has really turned a corner with a couple
of local breweries, some good restaurants and museums. You can easily make an afternoon of it.
In a nutshell, they have a really expansive and fun exhibit of 50s, 60s and 70s movie posters from dozens and dozens of old campy movies. They are
very funny and the illustrations are great. Amazing what titillated potential audience members way back then. In the next room was a very cool exhibit
of all kinds of guitars, paintings of the best guitar players of all time and a small exhibit about Les Paul. If you are a guitar player I think you would really
get a kick out of walking around. There were probably 50 guitars or more on display. My wife and I really enjoyed it very much. We browsed around in
there for 45 minutes easily and I believe it is free to the public.
Exhibits are there until February sometime I think.