Chicago Fanatics Message Board

Time to return a favor
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Author:  chaspoppcap [ Sat Dec 21, 2019 10:06 am ]
Post subject:  Time to return a favor

If you live in Cook county and own or have owned property in the last 5 years check this site to make sure the treasurer does not owe you money due to you not claiming your exceptions, She is holding close to $1.5 million.Mostly to people not claiming homeowners. That is $500 each year,so if you have not claimed it for the last 5 years that is $2k. I did the search for my mom and some friends. My mom I got her $500 and my one friend 2k.
Just enter your address no pin number needed,do not enter the compass direction,ie n,s,e or w. If you live outside of Cook check you counties site they might have a similar set up

The other thing is "lost" cash. Mostly last paychecks and stuff like that. First time I did it I had my last paycheck from UPS sitting there,$400 in my pocket. They made it even easier. Most claims,under $2000 I think, you do not even have to mail in a notarized form just fill it out online. Most states have same type of system in place as it is a federal law.

Just pop in your name and look away.

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