Chicago Fanatics Message Board

Post # 7000
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Author:  spmack [ Thu May 14, 2009 9:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Post # 7000

I"m not sure where this is going, so those that are reading, forgive the rambling and bear with me, and I thank you for reading.

For those that don't know, Big Fan created this board because he was pissed when a call screener on the score some 5-6 years ago felt that his call was not deemed good enough to be on air. "Fine", BF said, and created his own board where he could say what the hell he wanted because its his board (but he's not on that board).

I found this board by googling in Larry Horse. I became a member of the first board around the time that Bernstein was in contract limbo and was off of the the air for a few weeks. I can't believe its been 5 years. This board has become a staple in my life, and reading the ramblings of some of my favorite posters has gotten me thru some rough times, especially the past 6 months.

Some of you all know that I will be 30 years old this year, about 2 weeks from now. And once the calender hit 2009, I started realizing that the 20's will soon be in the rearview mirror....and then I started falling into a slight depression, feeling that I'm not very accomplished in my nearly 30 years on this planet, although most friends and family tell me otherwise. I thought I would be married with at least 1 kid, but I'm far from it. I could be doing a lot more in my life but the feeling of failure and disappointment and rejection hinders me quite a bit. I've questioned my mental makeup at times, wondering if I'm ever going to get over the proverbial "hump" in life.

But over the past few weeks, I've got out of the doldrums and I'm looking forward to embracing my 30's and attempting my dreams and facing my fears. I still feel that I have a lot of growing to do, and new challenges that await. I've spent so much of my life putting myself down that I am ready to look forward to the positive things that are ahead. I've told a number of people that this is going to be the best summer of my life, and quite honestly, the first 14 days of May have been great.

I'm thankful that the board was here to get me thru the rough patch. Here's to another 7000 posts...

Author:  RFDC [ Thu May 14, 2009 9:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

:salut: :cheers:

Author:  KDdidit [ Thu May 14, 2009 9:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

Interesting, been on the board for quite some time but don't really know the history of it.

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Thu May 14, 2009 9:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

spmack wrote:
I"m not sure where this is going, so those that are reading, forgive the rambling and bear with me, and I thank you for reading.

For those that don't know, Big Fan created this board because he was pissed when a call screener on the score some 5-6 years ago felt that his call was not deemed good enough to be on air. "Fine", BF said, and created his own board where he could say what the hell he wanted because its his board (but he's not on that board).

I found this board by googling in Larry Horse. I became a member of the first board around the time that Bernstein was in contract limbo and was off of the the air for a few weeks. I can't believe its been 5 years. This board has become a staple in my life, and reading the ramblings of some of my favorite posters has gotten me thru some rough times, especially the past 6 months.

Some of you all know that I will be 30 years old this year, about 2 weeks from now. And once the calender hit 2009, I started realizing that the 20's will soon be in the rearview mirror....and then I started falling into a slight depression, feeling that I'm not very accomplished in my nearly 30 years on this planet, although most friends and family tell me otherwise. I thought I would be married with at least 1 kid, but I'm far from it. I could be doing a lot more in my life but the feeling of failure and disappointment and rejection hinders me quite a bit. I've questioned my mental makeup at times, wondering if I'm ever going to get over the proverbial "hump" in life.

But over the past few weeks, I've got out of the doldrums and I'm looking forward to embracing my 30's and attempting my dreams and facing my fears. I still feel that I have a lot of growing to do, and new challenges that await. I've spent so much of my life putting myself down that I am ready to look forward to the positive things that are ahead. I've told a number of people that this is going to be the best summer of my life, and quite honestly, the first 14 days of May have been great.

I'm thankful that the board was here to get me thru the rough patch. Here's to another 7000 posts...

Thank you for sharing that man. I put part of your post in bold print because it's exactly what I've been going through for several months. I kinda teared up when I read it (fuck you haters - I'm a sensitive guy). Everything minus the "having a kid" part.

You know, sometimes you think you're alone in your troubles and then you meet other people who are going through the same thing. Then you realize it's not just you versus the world. I'm glad this month has started off well for you and I sincerely hope your good feelings continue.

Author:  Frank Coztansa [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

I hope your summer plans involve learning how to hit a golf ball :wink:



Author:  spmack [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

Hey Kid, the PR parade is about a month away :D

Oh yeah, here' a good myspace story: A longtime friend that I lost contact with found me on myspace a few weeks back. I hadn't spoken to him in about 9 years. After catching up, I find out that he's still a workout fanatic, so I've been at the gym just about everyday for the past week. I've been wanting to get myself in shape for the longest. Now I got a friend along the way to push me.

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

spmack wrote:
Hey Kid, the PR parade is about a month away :D

Hell yeeeah. We're there man.

Author:  bosco [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

You seem like a good guy, spmack. As a new member (i know, that's against Bigfan's rules), you're a huge reason I like this board.

My life is on the same track as yours. I will also be turning 30 in a few months. It's scary, but we'll get through it.

Better things to come... :D

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

Congrats on 7000 spmack! I never knew all the history of the board either. Interesting that you found it through an interest in Larry Horse. :lol:

I'm going through a bit of a mid life crisis myself, but I don't really want to bore anybody with it so I'll keep it short. I'm about to turn 38 and I feel like I've missed out on some things and not accomplished my goals. I don't know if I'm ever gonna have kids either. I do have a loving wife and an OK job, but something is still missing. I guess you just keep on pluggin' along 'til you find what works.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts and I definitely wouldn't ever question your mental makeup.

Author:  Spaulding [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

Anytime you people want to have kids around you are more than welcome to mine.

Author:  The Original Kid Cairo [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

Spaulding wrote:
Anytime you people want to have kids around you are more than welcome to mine.

Since I already have one, I'd prefer to just practice.

Author:  Eaglo Jeff [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

Spaulding wrote:
Anytime you people want to have kids around you are more than welcome to mine.

Well, I could use a third job. :wink:

Author:  bosco [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

The Original Kid Cairo wrote:
Spaulding wrote:
Anytime you people want to have kids around you are more than welcome to mine.

Since I already have one, I'd prefer to just practice.


Author:  crosscheck [ Thu May 14, 2009 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

I don't know much about you spmack, but you probably have the best avatar on this board, every time I see it i'm jealous...good luck with the future endeavors!

Author:  Regular Reader [ Thu May 14, 2009 11:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

spmack wrote:
But over the past few weeks, I've got out of the doldrums and I'm looking forward to embracing my 30's and attempting my dreams and facing my fears. I still feel that I have a lot of growing to do, and new challenges that await.


Damn... Now I'm depressed :wink: :lol:

But back to you...what Kid said, +1.

Author:  DegenerateDave [ Fri May 15, 2009 12:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

SP Mack,

You give me shit sometimes and most often I deserve it but I appreciate that about you because I believe you tend to keep it honest.

I'm going to tell you a story that relates to yours.

I'm 41 - I'm soon to be 42.

30 was extremely hard for me - extremely. I can relate to what you are going through.

I think 30 is harder on guys because as sports fans we are constantly told that a 33 year old baseball player is on the "downside of his career" or that a 38 year old quarterback is a grizzled veteran that is nearing retirement.

Being active in sports, I think this played into my depression at hitting the 30 mark. I was no longer "the kid" on my softball teams. Playing in softball tournaments never used to bother me in my 20's - I could play 5 or 6 games in a day and be fine the next day. The 30's hit and then I could hardly walk after playing two or three games in one day. It sucked - it absolutely sucked.

You get over it though - you do. It takes some time. I am still extremely sensitive about my age and I really don't even like to bring it up. It helps to be married to a woman that is 15 years younger than me because she forces me to act young and think young.

As I reached 40, I became content and realized that life wasn't over. Sure I couldn't run the mile in 5:36 anymore, but was happy to run a respectable 7:25 for a 40 year old. I worked out and got in better shape. I started eating better and paid more attention to the crap I was putting in my body. I began to take better care of myself to try to preserve some of my youthfulness.

So here I sit at 41 and I feel fortunate to know that life isn't over and that it is truly just beginning. I'm not nearly as fast as I used to be or quick on the draw so to speak. But I am much smarter than I was at 25 and look back at some of the stupid shit I did and wondered what the hell I was thinking. It gives you perspective.

I can truly relate to what you are going through. If you ever need someone to talk to about it, let me know and I will be glad to offer any advice I can that might help.

Hang in there.

Author:  jimmypasta [ Fri May 15, 2009 12:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

7000 posts and your a single that's a shocker!

But seriously,I go through life without thinking deep thoughts.
I try not to think of things to worry about. Worrying can affect
your health. Just stay cool and let life happen!

Author:  W_Z [ Fri May 15, 2009 6:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

congrats, spmack!

just remember, every year you live, you learn. well...for some people. anyhow, i know how you feel and i've definitely been there.

alcohol helps sometimes. but not all the time... :|

Author:  NSJ [ Fri May 15, 2009 6:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

spmack wrote:
my favorite posters

You fall in that camp for most of us. Congrats!

Author:  T-Bone [ Fri May 15, 2009 6:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

Congrats on 7000! Very heartfelt post, I still feel some of the things you
are going through and I am turning 33 this weekend. (Button 48)... Best
of luck with the exercise. I hired a personal trainer about a month ago
but fell off after a few weeks. I am going to try to restart this weekend,
only going to get harder as we get older right? Good luck this summer, I
hope it is as great as you are anticipating.

Author:  Bucky Chris [ Fri May 15, 2009 7:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

Great post buddy. I won't pretend to know what you are going through, but I do know that you are pretty kick ass. You've obviously found a good outlook, so keep that up and enjoy the shit out of this summer.

Congrats on 7000!

Author:  Juggs [ Fri May 15, 2009 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

ooooOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooOOOOOOOOOOO ahhhhhhh ahhhhhh uh huh
:cry: :cry: awww sweetie, you are amazing.
Thank you for everything. :wink: :alien:

Author:  rogers park bryan [ Fri May 15, 2009 8:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

Spmack your one of my top 10 posters. Congrats.

Author:  Spaulding [ Fri May 15, 2009 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

Check your pm. :)

Author:  Krazy Ivan [ Fri May 15, 2009 8:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

spmack wrote:
I've spent so much of my life putting myself down that I am ready to look forward to the positive things that are ahead. I've told a number of people that this is going to be the best summer of my life, and quite honestly, the first 14 days of May have been great.

:salut: :thumleft:

Author:  WestmontMike [ Fri May 15, 2009 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

Congrats on 7000!

Don't worry about the turning 30 thing. I felt the same way and I bet most people do too, so you're not alone. I'm 33 now and just got engaged (outkicked my coverage is an understatement). While it didn't turn out how it thought it would by the time I turned 30 a few years back, I wouldn't trade my future for anything.
...and good luck at the PR parade. Ah the memories.

Author:  Ryno's Wife [ Fri May 15, 2009 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

Congrats on 7,000!

And honestly, the 30's have been the best decade of my life (thus far!) You're young enough to still have fun, smart enough to know better, and secure enough to just be who you are. Enjoy the 30's!

Author:  Douchebag [ Fri May 15, 2009 8:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

Congrats Spmack. Your mult accusations are some of my favorite posts. Keep em coming.

Author:  Brick [ Fri May 15, 2009 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000

Has anyone gotten you your free powerchair yet?

I wonder how Mr. Reason dealt with the same problem 100 years ago.

Author:  Brick [ Fri May 15, 2009 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Post # 7000


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